It states that it includes but is not limited to (I learnt this lesson at work) Vampiric powers etc. However I would see kindreds as exempt. Ss they are not magical. Maybe the boss could clarify this. RFI RoA Lloyd
Okay cool, well I know what to look for pics now at least Only one more entry needed till I get my nice picture done
Last and hopefully not least! Character name: Azog and Snuk the Boar Character type: Orc Warboss Army: Orcs and Goblins
Nice stuff! Good assortment of characters this time... In fact I don't think theres any double-ups! Interested to see what combo's are done...
Okay everyone! The characters are all in and the brackets have been drawn up! And now, the characters will be revealed! Lord Orus Hammerhand (Craken) Dwarf Lord with Shieldbearers, Gromgril Armour with Rune of Resistance and Rune of Preservation, and Hammer with two Runes of Cleaving. Sorekh-Ra II (Eterntiy_Warden) Tomb King with Destroyer of Eternities and light armour. En-A'ten (n810) Skink Chief with Terradon, Gold Sigil Sword, Gambler's Armour, and a Shield. Rah Rah the Angry Panda (Sao) Vampire with Avatar of Death and Armour of Fortune. Wihtwara the White (strewart) Wight King with Heavy Armour, Sword of Kings, Shield, Seeds of Rebirth, and Skeletal Steed. Azog and Snuk the Boar (JohnMavrick) Orc Warboss with Boar, Shield, Gold Sigil Sword, Glittering Scales, and Guzzla's Battle Brew. Sir Quinn Lavarte (Xlcontiqu) Grandmaster with Hammer of Judgement, Helm of Discord, and Holy Relic. Gratha (hellbreaker) Branchwraith with Annoyance of Netlings Lord Bittlesworth (novatomato) Bretonnian Lord with Grail Vow, Barded Bretonnian Warhorse, Mantle of Damsel Elena, and Morning Star of Fraccase. Lust (Yzan) Herald of Slaanesh with Etherblade and Steed of Slaanesh. Slog the Slann Eater (Chahlie) Ogre Tyrant with Armour of Fortune and Cathayan Longsword. Huitzilopochtil (Sir Zantos) Saurus Oldblood with Blade of Revered Tzunki, Bane Head, Shield, and Cold One. Billy the Bull (Juhaaha) Gorebull with Gnarled Hide, Gouge-Tusks, Heavy Armour, and Gold Sigil Sword. Mr. T (Dreadgrass) Beastlord with Great Weapon, Talisman of Preservation, and Trickster's Helm. Alariel (ryan88) Highborn with Annoyance of Netlings, Amaranthine Brooch, and Wardancer Kindred. Guluk the Grim (rammramm) Chaos Lord with Barded Steed and Bronze Armour of Zhrakk. And so the first Round of the second Arena of Death begins. So put forth your predictions for this round or the tournament in general. Additionally, feel free to PM me if you think any one of the characters should not have been approved.
Round 1 predictions: Craken vs. Eternity_Warden Much as I love TK's, I think the dwarfies got this one. PREDICTION: CRAKEN n810 vs. Sao Battle of the heroes! I think the vamps got the edge (though what weapon setup with Avatar of Death?) PREDICTION: SAO strewart vs. JohnMavrick I'm gonna back the Wight King here, though it'll depend if he can get any attacks through the scales... PREDICTION: STREWART Xlcontiqu vs. hellbreaker Not familiar enough with Empire items (gotta dust off the old book when I get home now!) but Im gonna take a stab at supporting the Grand Marshall PREDICTION: XLCONTIQU novatomato vs. Yzan No idea about Bret items, but Im gonna back the Knight anyway! PREDICTION: NOVATOMATO Chahlie vs. Sir Zantos Another tough one, Im gonna back the Old Blood... PREDICTION: SIR ZANTOS Juhaaha vs. Dreadgrass I'm gonna back myself here, though Im completely biased! PREDICTION: DREADGRASS ryan88 vs. rammramm Again, gotta pull out my old Woodelf book, but my guess here is the Wardancer. PREDICTION: RYAN88 A few tight matches, but looking at the field I think theres going to be some stiff competition for the top spot, should be a good show! Again thanks and kudo's to Xlcontiqu for setting up and running this, looking forward to Craken's standings tree, and Goodluck to all!
Hmm there are a couple of characters with mundane weapons around which wouldn't touch me, but not as many as I was hoping. I will have to see if I can KB the orc first. Looks like a great mixture of fighters!
Oh? You've lost me there, I was pretty certain there was no way to make a Wight King Ethereal...? Wait, Skeleton Steed gives you ethereal movement is that what you mean? Cause that doesn't help in combat... Sorry, VC's are my other army, being using them since they were just "Undead." So if theres a way to make my Wight King Ethereal I want to find out what it is! lol
Hmmm I'm just going to shrink back into my little hole now. I got wight kings mixed up with wraiths, since back when I played VC a lot they were hero choices not rares. I immediately thought non-vampire hero, that was ethereal. My mistake. I took the steed for the +1 armour save it gives. And of course, for when the 5+ KB fails, we all know the most important law of warhammer, the steed deals more damage than the rider.