The third round comes to a close, with only two competitors remaining. Eternity_Warden vs. Xlcontiqu Sorekh-Ra looked out at the shiny Grandmaster, the bright armour hurting his withered eyes. Sir Quinn charged, his hammer flashing once and the light deteriorating the Tomb King, and the hammer striking deep. As the Grandmaster struggled to remove the hammer, Sorekh-Ra swept his blade up, clipping Sir Quinn's shoulder and causing him to fail. As the Grandmaster turned his head to get up, his helm lit up, the bright light searing through the Tomb King and slaying him. (The Grandmaster inflicted two wounds and received one back in the first round. In the second round, the Tomb King failed his Helm of Discord test and then failed three of the four toughness checks.) Victor: Xlcontiqu Sir Zantos vs. ryan88 The Wardancer moved first his blades quickly spinning, dancing a deadly dance. The Oldblood could not keep up with the movements and a blade slipped past his guard, severing his neck. The Wardancer looked up, prepared to finish the last competitor. (This was quick, as the Wardancer scored a killing blow and killed the Saurus in the first round.) Victor: ryan88 The end of the tournament nears! How will be crowned the second victor?
Excellent round, i make money and won my part. and seemingly both rounds were easily won! *High fives Xlcontiqu* Congrats to my lizardmen opponent on making it to the semi finals. This next round is gonna be rough, addmitidly as a first timer to this and the forum as a whole i'm a touch glad i made it this far. That said, I'm gonna have a rough fight if I'm gonna go all the way. Dances are going to probably be killing blow (big surprise) followed by the 4+ ward as my magic item will not be helping me this round as it didn't in the last. Here's hoping for the best... Good luck to my opponent.
hmm if you look at our rise to the top we moved in the exact same pattern on our respective tree side...
Uh oh! I sense a conspiracy brewing! By the same pattern it would stand to reason Ryan will win this final match.
So what ever happened to that final match up? I'm interested to see how the fight turns out (though I'd suspect Ryan will win if the pattern continues).
Yeah, I will post it this week. Sorry, school is hitting me a little hard, so I have not been able to get this up yet.
I fully understand buddy! I'm going back to school for masters on top of work and a 17 week old baby so I know what it's like to have to shelve things on occasion.
Hey congrats on the baby. I think we all know how hard school can get. i'm in art univesity right now and i have to make so many paintings its ridiculous, and profs are always brutal about it. Whatever time you need, take it, i can be empathetivally patient.
By the black power of Nagash, I breathe unholy life into this thread... live! Live! LIVE! LIIIIIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!