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Lost kingdom minis launches Kickstarter

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Scorbol, Jul 1, 2018.

  1. Krissey
    Cold One

    Krissey Active Member

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    So here's the deal. I used to play Seraphon but then I sold them. I'm considering getting back into them, but I for sure won't if I have to get GW's terrible models that are like 20 years old. I super badly want these mega high quality sculpts.

    How and/or when can we get these or even can we if we didn't do the Kickstarter? Is the process like May 2nd the kickstarter officially ended, then in 3 weeks 3D Printing Files will be released from then, and then some few weeks afterward they'll be available on the store?

    Is there anyway to get the files post Kickstarter? Should I invest in a 3D Printer if I want these models?

    I guess like the ultimate question is what do I have to do to get these epic models because I cannot settle for anything less. It's either these or I guess I don't play Seraphon until GW updates the range. Instead they'd rather create new armies though...

    If I missed these kickstarters am I just out of luck? :( The idea of having to buy a metal slan from GW makes me blanch, yet the epic slan posted in this thread makes me want to buy a 3D printer literally today, lol.
    Last edited: May 19, 2020
    Nazqua likes this.
  2. Croco Guard
    Cold One

    Croco Guard Well-Known Member

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    Hello Krissey, from my following Lost Kingdom's stuff I think there are two ways to get these miniatures currently.

    They have a patreon where they provide different 3d printable files every month, so you can become a patron for them when their lizardmen line is the one being offered. Currently if you become a patron in this month, May, you will receive a selection of miniature 3d printer files.

    Option 2 would be to find one of the officially licensed sellers of the miniatures. During their most recent kickstarter, and on their patreon Lost Kingdoms had a purchasable tier where people could officially sell their own printed versions of these miniatures. I'd do research to make sure sellers are legitimate or not, but from a simple search here is a 3d printer who is selling a selection of the minis https://www.etsy.com/shop/3DPrintingSource?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=796782748

    I can't remember if anyone here on Lustria Online will be a dealer and where they are located for shipping prices.

    3d printers start around $250 US for a cheap plastic printer, but the more expensive and slightly hazardous resin printers are typically better for small detail work. I haven't done any printing so I can't say much on that.
    Nazqua and Krissey like this.
  3. Krissey
    Cold One

    Krissey Active Member

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    Hey man! I really appreciate the reply! I started doing some research into 3D printers. I became a Patreon essentially just for the Seraphon/Lizardmen models. I did happen to download the 3 Kroxigors, Hero and the Chameleon Skinks. I then got Cura and Blender to open the STL files. I’m looking to get a AnyCubic Photon S essentially for these miniatures that’s how badly I want them.

    The sculpts and quality are so good they’ve become a must have for me. I’ve decided to sell my entire 10,000 points Blades of Khorne army to fund this project. Not to mention I’ll be able to print cool basing materials like plants and rocks and things of that nature to spruce up my basing game and take it to the next level. I also order from HeroForge a lot so it seems worth it.

    If at this exact moment literally only Patreon and being patient is the way then I’ll wait for Saurus Warriors and Knights and the Skinks and all the other models they’ve made even the Temple Guard. They’re just simply 10,000,000x better than the GW stuff and I can’t abide anything else. I did a lot of research into alternate Seraphon models and these are unequivocally the best miniatures for Seraphon in existence. I will do whatever it takes to get them. So for now it seems that only Kroxigor and Chameleon Skinks are available but that’s ok because I love these models! I think chameleon skinks and cute and I love huge hard hitting melee hammers! I’m an Ironjawz player! So might makes right :D
    Nazqua and Croco Guard like this.
  4. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Agreed. They really are beautiful models.

    This is exactly what I said to myself upon seeing their first Kickstarter, Ever since that I have been following them very closely so immediately jumped on any chance to get some of their models. Trust me, one way or another you will be able to get the models you want so just take it slow and don't get overwhelmed
    Krissey likes this.
  5. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    Hello, everybody!

    As we told you, the files of the first batch (the base files) are already available. The rest (Stretch Goals and exclusives) will be available next Friday. We are also preparing some assembly instructions for the more complex models. We'll keep you posted ;)

    We have sent you a message to your Kickstarter email with your link and password. The files are in compressed and uncompressed format. You can download them as you prefer.

    If you have any problem or doubt, please contact us and we will correct it as soon as possible :)


    Hola a todos!

    Como os dijimos, ya están disponibles los archivos de la primera tanda (los archivos de base). El resto (Stretch Goals y exclusivos) estarán disponibles el viernes de la semana que viene. También estamos preparando algunas instrucciones de montaje para los modelos más complejos. Os iremos avisando ;)

    Os hemos mandado a vuestro correo de Kickstarter un mensaje con vuestro link y contraseña. Los archivos están en formato comprimido y sin comprimir. Podéis descargarlo como prefiráis.

    Cualquier problema que os surja o duda, contactadnos y lo corregiremos lo antes posible :)
  6. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    Hello, everybody! We've already seen that you're very busy and your printers are about to catch fire and we're delighted with your work! Keep sharing your wonders with us :)
    Today we bring you the second batch of files. These include all the Stretch goals except three models that we found faulty at the last minute:
    - Magmhôrin Ballista (Just the chassis files left)
    - Kuakuauitl with ballista
    - Ancient Kuakuauitl with Vortex
    The link and passwords are the same, we have simply added a new folder. They're still uploading to Sync, so be patient. The archive with all the folders will be uploaded first, and then the individual files.

    The third and last batch will be uploaded on Wednesday June 3rd and will include the Exclusive Models and these three missing models. For the Exclusive Models we will make special folders for each one ;)

    We will also upload images of each model to their respective folders and we are working on some instructions for the more complicated models.

    Thank you very much for your support and happy printing!


    Hola a todos! Ya hemos visto que estáis muy ocupados y vuestras impresoras están a punto de pegarse fuego y estamos encantados con vuestro trabajo! Seguid compartiendo vuestras maravillas con nosotros :)
    Hoy os traemos la segunda tanda de archivos. Estos incluyen todos los Stretch goals excepto tres modelos a los que les hemos encontrado fallos en el último momento:
    - Magmhôrin Balista (Just the chassis files left)
    - Kuakuauitl with balista
    - Ancient Kuakuauitl with Vortex
    El link y las contraseñas son las mismas, simplemente hemos añadido una carpeta nueva. Aún se están subiendo a Sync, tened un poco de paciencia. Se subirán primero el archivo comprimido con todas las carpetas y luego los archivos sueltos.

    La tercera y última tanda será subida el Miércoles día 3 de Junio e incluirá los Modelos Exclusivos y estos tres modelos que faltan. Para los Modelos Exclusivos si que haremos carpetas especiales para cada uno ;)

    También subiremos imágenes de cada modelo a sus respectivas carpetas y estamos trabajando en algunas instrucciones para los modelos más complicados.

    Muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo y feliz impresión!
    Nazqua and Krissey like this.
  7. Krissey
    Cold One

    Krissey Active Member

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    I was watching some videos on unboxing and assembling the Lost Kingdom miniatures, and I like the size of some of them, but some of them are overly massive on 50mm bases, whereas the heroes I would want to proxy them for (Astrolith Bearer with some conversion work, Saurus Sunblood for instance) are on 32mm or 40mm bases.

    Is it possible using 3D software to take the whole model and then just sort of shrink it? Might need a few test prints to not squish detail too bad but be more inline with fitting on a 32mm base and such, but that's a thing right? You can just grab the whole model and resize it up or down?
    Ge32 likes this.
  8. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    Hello, everybody! The missing files of the Kuakuaitl and the Magmhorin Ballista are already uploaded.

    Also, we have sent a message through Kickstarter to all of you who had included Exclusive Models with a link and a password ;)

    If you have added any Add-on after the campaign has finished and you have not received any message please contact us :)

    Soon we will upload the images, instructions and fixed files. Thank you very much for your support!

    Happy printing!


    Hola a todos! Los archivos que faltaban de los Kuakuaitl y la Balista Magmhorin ya están subidos.

    Además, os hemos enviado un mensaje a través de Kickstarter a todos aquellos que teníais incluidos Modelos Exclusivos con un link y una contraseña ;)

    Si habéis añadido algún Add-on una vez terminada la campaña y no habéis recibido ningún mensaje por favor, poneros en contacto con nosotros :)

    Pronto subiremos las imágenes, las instrucciones y los archivos corregidos. Muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo!

    Feliz impresión!
    Krissey likes this.
  9. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    Yes, you can rescale the Lost Kingdom miniatures files to the size and scale you want.
    An ideal program for that, which I normally use, is Rhinoceros.
    Krissey likes this.
  10. Krissey
    Cold One

    Krissey Active Member

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    Thanks man! I'm grateful to Lost Kingdoms because they're the ones who have inspired me to dive head first into Seraphon again (I had played them previously but sold them due to bad models and a clash in playstyle, but the new rules support what I like more and these alternate sculpts solve bad models.)

    So I'm really excited :D
    Ge32 likes this.
  11. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    Hello, everybody!This is our June release updated and ready for download!

    The files are uploaded with and without media, without the need to increase your tier, so in five minutes you can be printing these incredible models ;) For the Welcome box models we are still working to support them.

    The June models are:

    - 5x Bul-thaurs
    - Bul-thaur Hero
    - Magmhorin Standardbearer
    - 5x Magmhorin Warrior body (different models)
    - 5x arm with lance (different models)
    - 5x axe arm (different models)
    - 5x arm with shield (different models)
    - 10 heads with Big Hats (different models)

    And as OBJECTIVE OF THE MONTH: As many of you have asked, if we reached 700 patrons), I would add some extra model for the saurians ;) (REACHED) The Ayotls are also up!

    Thank you very much for your comments and support!


    Hola a todos! Este es nuestro lanzamiento de Junio actualizado y listo para descargar!

    Los archivos están subido con y sin soportes, sin necesidad de aumentar vuestra participacion, por lo que en cinco minutos podéis estar imprimiendoos estós increíbles modelos ;) Para los modelos de la Welcome box seguimos trabajando para soportarlos.

    Los modelos de junio son:

    - 5x Bul-thaurs
    - Héroe de Bul-thaur
    - Portaestandarte Magmhorin
    - 5x cuerpo de Guerrero Magmhorin (diferentes modelos)
    - 5x brazo con lanza (diferentes modelos)
    - 5x brazo con Hacha (diferentes modelos)
    - 5x brazo con escudo (diferentes modelos)
    - 10 cabezas con Big Hats (diferentes modelos)

    Y como OBJETIVO DEL MES: Como muchos de vosotros habéis pedido, si llegábamos a los 700 patrones, añadiría algún modelo extra para los saurios ;) (ALCANZADO) Los Ayotl están también subidos!

    ¡Muchas gracias por tus comentarios y apoyo!

    Krissey likes this.
  12. Krissey
    Cold One

    Krissey Active Member

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    After I realized the download links expire I went ahead and downloaded everything I can just in case I change my mind in the future and do infact want that one thing. I had been toying with starting chaos dwarves for a long time, so even though I have no plans atm, you never know.

    I missed the April release and the the hero on the feathery reptile bird thing, so at this point I've made it a point to download everything every month just incase ;-;

    Can't wait til more Saurians (Seraphon) releases though. So excited. I love these models this company is amazing.
    Ge32 likes this.
  13. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    This General Ezocamtl is a "little bit" bigger than our Knights Ezocamtl, so he is perfect to lead his charge and intimidate the enemy with such a mount. The Dilophosaurus has the option of printing it with or without crests in JP style.
    The files are in both versions: pre-supported and unsupported, and are included in all tiers without paying any extra.

    By popular request, on Monday, July 6th, we will extend the commercial license tier by 10. Many of you have asked us, so stay tuned!

    Join our Patreon and start printing these incredible models!



    Este General Ezocamtl es un "poquito" más grande que nuestros Caballeros Ezocamtl, así que es perfecto para liderar su carga e intimidar al enemigo con semejante montura. El Dilophosaurus tiene la opción de imprimirlo con o sin crestas al más puro estilo JP.
    Los archivos están en ambas versiones: pre-soportados y sin soportes, y están incluídos en todos los tiers sin pagar ningún extra.

    Por petición popular, el lunes día 6 de Julio, ampliaremos en 10 el tier de las licencias comerciales. Sois muchos los que nos habéis preguntado, así que estad atentos!

    Únete a nuestro Patreon y empieza a imprimir estos increíbles modelos!
    Lium, details, Krissey and 2 others like this.
  14. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    Hello, everybody! July files are already uploaded, with and without supports. In this case it is the whole Ezocamtl division, with and without mounts.The arms are interchangeable between all of them so you can put them as you like ;)
    What are you waiting for to get these incredible models?


    On the other hand, the extension of commercial licenses is already done, so hurry up there are only 10 more!

    See you soon and happy printing!


    Hola a todos! Los archivos del mes de Julio ya están subidos, con y sin soportes. En este caso se trata de toda la división Ezocamtl, con y sin montura. Los brazos son intercambiables entre todos ellos así que podéis ponerlos como más os guste ;)
    ¿A que esperas a hacerte con estos increíbles modelos?


    Por otro lado, la ampliación de licencias comerciales ya está hecha, así que daros prisa que solo hay 10 más!

    Nos vemos pronto y feliz impresión!

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    Imrahil and Croco Guard like this.
  15. Paverko

    Paverko Member

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    I signed up this month for those models, though cant find where I can but the old models seperatly though :(
  16. resbarbada
    Jungle Swarm

    resbarbada New Member

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    Hi everybody. I've bought some LK miniatures from a local dealer who has license for that, they are truly beautiful, but pretty big. I would like to have some Cuetzpal infantry, but I would like them to be the size of the GW models. Does anybody know for sure what scale should I ask for different units?
    Kilvakar likes this.
  17. Croco Guard
    Cold One

    Croco Guard Well-Known Member

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    For default Saurus infantry from Cuetzpal I don’t think you need to scale them any. Their hero and lord units are huge and I don’t have skink equivalents printed up, but Saurus are pretty moderate. Here is a pic side by side.


    There are also the cuetzpal temple guard variant who use two handed weapons who have large headdresses so I don’t know how they scale. Bare in mind these are the files through their Patreon that I printed out so I assume the scale from dealers is the same.
    ILKAIN and Kilvakar like this.
  18. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    IMPORTANT UPDATE: The online store will finally be operational tomorrow at 12 noon Spanish time. As we have had to fight against all kinds of setbacks, first we are going to release the files of the last kickstarter to check that the whole download system works correctly for you. If everything works fine, we will upload the files of the previous months of Patreon in a few days. Thank you very much for your patience in this matter.

    Today we bring you what will be the release of September on Patreon! A month of well specialized reptiles: flying and fire throwing. With their combined attacks few units will be able to tackle them.


    In addition, if we reach 950 patrons during this month of September, we will add a third Tlemiahuatl with a different pose so that you can complete the unit without repeating a pose. So let's share it!

    On the other hand, comment that the hero of the Second Dynasty mounted in Ammit and that will be included in the Welcome Box is in process and I will show it during the week ;)

    Thank you very much for your support!


    ACTUALIZACIÓN IMPORTANTE: La tienda online finalmente estará operativa mañana a las 12 del mediodía hora española. Como hemos tenido que pelear contra todo tipo de contratiempos, primero vamos a poner los archivos del último kickstarter para chequear que os funciona todo el sistema de descargas correctamente. Si todo funciona bien, subiremos los archivos de los meses anteriores de Patreon en unos días. Mil gracias por vuestra paciencia en este asunto.

    Hoy os traemos el que será el lanzamiento de este mes de Septiembre en Patreon! Un mes de reptiles bien especializados: voladores y lanzafuegos. Con sus ataques combinados pocas unidades podrán hacerles frente.


    Además, si llegamos a los 950 patrons durante este mes de Septiembre, añadiremos un tercer Tlemiahuatl con una pose distinta para que podáis completar la unidad sin repetir pose. Así que a compartir se ha dicho!

    Por otro lado, comentar que el héroe de la Segunda Dinastia montado en Ammit y que será incluído en la Welcome Box está en proceso y lo enseñaré durante la semana ;)

    Muchas gracias a todos por vuestro apoyo!

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    ILKAIN and Imrahil like this.
  19. Croco Guard
    Cold One

    Croco Guard Well-Known Member

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