Scientific answer I see. I wondered if you would go by science or the categorical imperative based on human senses. A human wouldn't notice three molecular chains, but a human would notice two crumb, and a small piece of meat. But would a human value that? I guess your answer is satisfactory as is, I'll let someone else ask the next question.
In all history and from every miniature ever created, which is your definitively definitive favorite?
@Lustrian Giant If GW allowed you to decide what new army they were going to produce; based on the caveats listed below, what army would you have them make? the army can't be an extension or re-design of a current or discontinued army the army can't be based on anything that already exists in Warhammer fluff the army must be designed for either AoS, 40k or WFB (your choice) the army can't be based on another company's direct intellectual property
@NIGHTBRINGER I absolutely love this question, thank you for asking. So one thing that I really like are the tyranid designs. How they look so, alien. But we dont have anything like that in AOS. What I would create in their place, is an insectoid army. This would be able to run as either horde, or elite. Styled after ant colonies and various species of arachnids. But that's just me. Might not be a perfect answer, but it's what I would do.
For me, its whatever I can see. I have total colorblindness, so finding colours that would work well together is quite hard.