Hello guys, A really kind fellow lizard, has at one point shared his wisdom on magnetising. I have the feeling it was @Aginor while making his Stegadon (?) or something like that but I really cannot remember. I am planning to start magnetising in order to have more options etc and here is my proposal for our forum : Can 1 of the experienced ones make a guide on magnetizing - sizes for hands, bases, or whatever else we might need - and pinpoint it either at Painting and Coverting area ( I guess that's where it makes more sense for it to be ) or here so all of us new to magnetizing can have a guide ? I know it is probably too much to ask but I do believe that many generations of lizards to come will be thankfull for it !
Yeah I remember a few guys (including me) have talked a bit about it here and there in threads but we don't have one condensed guide thread on it.... There are several ways to achieve good results, but I think if we make a tutorial thread about it we can get some guidelines together for the most common tools and techniques.
That one is pretty good! EDIT: The only thing to critizise about it: The video shows it on pretty large models. For tiny ones like Skinks you have to do it a bit differently.
If you follow the 40k one and just adapt and the video shows you, not much more to it really but as we may be getting a tutorial sub section a dedicated tut might be in order.
Ah you used the same magnets as I did. Here's all the parts I magnetized on mine: Source: http://lustria-online.com/threads/aginors-painting-blog.19114/page-7
https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B007JTKMA8/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I used these magnets and they work great.
I made a Magnetizing the olde Stegadon WIP awhile back... http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/rare-earth-magnets.951/
I remwber magnetizing my stagadon a while back! It was my first magnetization and I really loved how it turned out. My last magnetization was a verminlord! I was able to magnetize him so that I can choose any of the 5 different option it brings without having to sacrifice any bits! The result was awesome but the work was a pain in the but! I believe I used over 40 magnets in just that model.