15 more random infantry models fill out the horde of militia. And the first wargames Atlantic Renaissance heavy cavalry off the sprue. Because yep, they're out now. And added to the achievement list of my resume.
That knight has been painted, 4 more are in progress, mounted upon painting steeds while their correct warhorses are painted separately. Also, I've turned 32 as of 1:17 AM 11/20/2024.
Belated congratulations on the completion of your 32nd cycle around the sun! May there be many more in your future! Grrr, !mrahil
The pistoliers are primed and in progress. 5 horses 90% of the way there. Only strapping /reins to finish. Then on to the riders.
I've built a ton of landsknecht swordsmen with extra bits from the cavalry sets. I also now have a DnD game to potentially prep models for. I've got enough for the initial sessions, but more will be needed. I'm just glad I've finally had the game get off the ground.
So I picked up skaven tide for my Christmas present to myself. Got it for roughly 213 USD with shipping. I'm not sure what to paint first.
I decided on the Lord-terminos, which is now primed in sub assemblies. Also started on some new antioch experiments.
20 more pikemen built tonight. Trying to clear up my assembly pile. I also finished the lord-terminos last night.
Mmm... proper pikes instead of paltry spears. I mean, I get why pikes are a bit of a risk in 28mm scale models, they're long and liable to snap, when they aren't getting in the way of your formations unless you go for the vanilla, being held vertical stance... but dang, a proper pike formation looks so much better than spears. Yes, I am a sucker for the pike-and-shot era of warfare. Far too often it gets looked over in favour of 11th Century medieval warfare. At least in my experience, it is.
Pike and shotte also birthed the flashy sword and elan of Three musketeers, even if that technically came a little bit later. That's why I love the period.
Finish my entry for an upcoming art competition. This is a miniaturized version of my friend and his coat of arms. Sir Fernando Miguel "the Spaniard" De Valencia. 54mm roughly