I've decided: They shall be clan Queso. Which has more significance to me because the household I am in for my medieval group has "Con Queso" as our battle cry. Its a long story/explanation, but suffice it to say the head of the household likes cheese.
5 more clanrats built from the skaventide box. Terrible design philosophy. The models look good, but the way they are built causes problems with painting the bottom center of the figures.
I generally tend to pait stuff in bits or partly assembled bits. Having to push a paintbrush through and arm or up into odd spaces os just too annoying.
More has been built. Taking a short break from sprue cleaning to prep some models for an upcoming painting class, but then I'll be back to clearing more plastic.
My last painted model for 2024, a custom miniature based on the description my girlfriend gave me of a character in the book she is writing.