O yeah, it could be way worse and all things considered isn't too terrible. Unfortunatly my girlfriend has OCD, so trying that in a small appartment is just begging for issues..
My wife does too, in a mild mild form. She has 4 64qt plastic totes worth of papers she has to go through because "some of it may be business/tax related"
I'm going to say about 50 by now however I haven't really counted except on my list at home which I'm not able to access right at this moment. He keeps buying more cuz he wants to expand things so I'm happy to keep taking his money in return for painting
Actually it's not so much that he likes the stormcast eternals because they are stormcast eternals. He likes the knightly aspect of them. He's using them aa two Knightly orders one of which broke off and rebelled from the original but they are fighting together to take on a another Power or a common enemy. Both have distinctive paint schemes and special characters and commanders. Using them as part of his role playing groups 3D representation of their Adventures I guess. At least that's what he explained to me. He has a whole bunch of other stuff to go with it including some tyranid genestealers and khorne bloodletters
My painting desk: The skellies from my other thread Then 5 tomb guard 12 dwarf legionnaires This should bring me up to 145 painted model equivalency for the year to date. Less than where I want to be. As such I will spend the rest of this week, including the weekend, building and prepping as much as I can. This will provide me with a slew of miniatures to boost my total next week.