So, big things afoot: Attempted Zenithal priming for the first time. I think it came out rather well. I've got 3 printed stormcast lookalikes, including a Dragonrider to paint as well. No photo of these yet. I've also got my stock orders of harvesters and landskneckt ogres arriving tomorrow, so will definitely be building some of the ogres I added onto my stock order as a birthday present for myself this past November. I think they'll go good with the big guy
I very much like the look of these models. The sculpts are great. The red and yellow give a nice colorscheme. Only commentary would be that there is missing a darker color. Perhaps I would change the brown on the leathers to a darker one. Grrr, !mrahil
To be honest they don't look right for KoW, especially as you're going for a Landsknecht aesthetic with those WA Ogre models. I personally think you'd have been better off modelling Conquistadors with arquebuses to be your missile infantry if you're so desperate to keep using WA models.
Awesome stuff. Even the small ones are bigger than human size. That make the Giant pretty big. I love him!!! Grrr, !mrahil
He's on a 75mm x 75mm square The small ones are ogre sized. Wait till I have a couple of the human regiments finished. Next couple of things on the docket: the WIP stormcast An ogre standard bearer and a captain with sculpted details. The remainder of the goldswords ogres. Another 6 halberdier ogres And 3 more ogres with guns
The Guild Myrmidian's mercenary ogre battalion, the Fist Myrmidian, has received a captain, battle standard bearer, and the goldswords have received their second set of 3 members. I am biased as I sell these in my retail store. That being said, they are a phenomenal kit. I've only used 3 pieces from another kit in this entire force, which are the components making up the cross bar on the standard bearer and the hammer head on the warrior priest. Everything else is stock per the plastic kit, with a little sculpting to make some extra details. The plastics are molded fabulously. There are no mild lines, or very very few. Some of the bits are exquisite, like the bearded head on the captain. Making the soft caps a separate bit was genius, as it allows for more unit variation. As always, Greg the Giant is from The peculiar companions line of miniatures and is just hanging out because he fits the theme. I would love to hear your commentary and hear your thoughts on the army thus far.
In today's conversion inspiration corner: Mantic goblin bodies, Wargames Atlantic boxer rebellion and Aztec arms, and Reptilian Overlords / Wargames Atlantic spacenam heads. The archers will be receiving quivers from the bitz box shortly. I reckon these are beardless dwarven warrior monks or halflings who went east and stayed for a time. I'm going to be paint them red and yellow for the guild, of course. I'll have a few units of these, to soak up some of the bits box. If you want to recreate this conversion I have Wargames Atlantic products available on my webstore and mantic items by special order, both similarly discounted from retail.