I had read about these discoveries before, specifically the giant fortress found in the Maya region, but I had never seen the picture! Apparently the fortress is known as Aguada Fénix
Found another article on Aguada Fénix! This one is a little weird. The article states the site and grand ritual-center was built between 1000-800 BC, which would place this structure's construction in the Maya preclassic period. That itself makes sense to me, as some of the largest known Mayan periods (such as El Mirador) were also built during this time frame. More gigantic structures build in the Pre-Classic era also make sense, what is amazing is this structure was not rediscovered sooner! In total the large square structure was the size of four American football fields (400 meters plus)! I don't know if I buy in to this quote from the article though. No sculptures of Mayan rulers have been discovered so far, but I doubt a bunch of people just got together at some point in Mayan history and decided to build a structure this big. This would set this location apart from every other known Mayan site. Considering this site is a relatively new discovery, specifically a new discovery of this scale, I would pause before making an assumption this big and running with it too fast.
The Maya Stela from Copan are some of my favorites. I already posted some of the artwork my wife got for me in my game room, but here is the link to the artwork over at Uncovered History. Stela H (Uaxaclajuun Ub’aah K’awiil "18 Rabbit"): Stela D ("18 Rabbit"): Altar in from of Stela D, the Living Serpent: and the back, the Dead Serpent: Stela M (K’ak’ Yipyaj Chan K’awil "Smoke Shell") in front of the Hieroglyphic Stairway:
So the label for this one was "Tonatiuh Omecuetzpalin" due to the person who posted it. Not sure where this is from, it looks like Yaxchilan? Maybe Bonampak?
A few more old-timey pics I missed last time I posted here. Most of them are by Maudsley, and of Copan. Spoiler
Random find, some blue-Mayan-looking peoples. Reminds me of the Kulkukani range from the game Dark Age.
The various versions of Chaac (also Chac) the Rain God. Most Mayan gods had multiple versions to correspond with the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west).