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8th Ed. Mazdamundis Command Revealed *SPOILER ALERT*

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Mr Phat, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. serbianwolf
    Cold One

    serbianwolf Active Member

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    where can i find the fluff which contains the story about the city witch contains the supposed space ship??? im itrigued :D
  2. Geth

    Geth New Member

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    You can't guess how much i hope you are right. :D

    In an german forum, the rumors tend to go a different, rather unfortunate way. The next book seems to be focused on chaos, the third one about skaven. I really hope these are rumors or that the mentioned factions are rather the main antagonist of their books while a force of order takes the role of main protagonist. When the focus is only on the bad guys, it will get quite boring.
  3. LawGnome
    Chameleon Skink

    LawGnome Active Member

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    Very true. I get that they like the Chaos armies, and that is fine. But so far every book has been "Chaos is attacking, and everyone else is just barely holding on." That gets a little boring. The forces of order are just barely holding on because of reasons, while it does not matter how many you kill, the Warriors of Chaos are always there in large enough numbers to be a threat.

    Daemons, sure, I get that they would get stronger, but everyone else should be dying at roughly the same rate.

    Plus, what is the end of the story if they have Chaos win? Everyone fought and died and now the world is over! Yay! Now we don't have to make any more fantasy stuff and can focus all of our efforts on making yet another Space Marine army!
  4. chimaira2s

    chimaira2s New Member

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    As far as I know at least on page 23 of our book, the part about Xlanhuapec...

    Yes, I've heard similar in the local GW, at least about the Chaos part. I think however the Lizardmen will not be forgotten, I presume they play a rather large role with Mazdamuni talking and stuff (I mean come on, MAZDAMUNDI himself deserves more than one paragraph fluff)

    Haha, probably more true than we think
  5. Geth

    Geth New Member

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    A victory of chaos would be as boring as a victory of Nagash (Everyone is more or less crazy and corrupted versus everyone is an undead servant...the material for storytelling this provides is rather.... meh). Taking Endtimes to literally would mean the end of WHF and since there are rumors concerning ninth edition, i guess it won't be this bad.

    Another marine chapter? Was Forgeworld not founded to take care of this? :D
  6. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Seriously, there is enough shoulderpad variants allready. :rolleyes:
  7. IronJaw
    Cold One

    IronJaw Member

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    Hmm.... I can see them merging a lot of factions:

    VC and TK

    Empire and Bretonnia

    Wood Elves and High Elves

    Maybe Skaven and Beastmen

    WoC with DoC

    That would leave:

    Dark Elves
    Ogre Kingdoms
    Orcs and Goblins

    I can see O&G staying separate... They have enough unique units to rival any two factions...

    I don't see Dwarves working with any single faction other than Empire... Maybe teaming up with Empire? I could see some alternate teams:

    Bretonnia & Wood Elves (Closest Fluff)

    High Elves & LM (Closest Fluff)

    Empire & Dwarves (Closest Fluff)

    Anyway, I guess we've been hearing about book merges for a few years now, and I can see how using some drastic "world event" would allow GW to move the story along, as-well-as making the "new" books seem optional*.

    (*As in the rules in the "new" books make a particular set of armies so strong that everyone has to use the "new" faction to stay competitive)
  8. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    They do?!
  9. chimaira2s

    chimaira2s New Member

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    Check out page 74/75, next to the troglodon, the saurus
    page 82/83 yellow-headed skinks + kroxigor
  10. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    oh those.....GW commented that was just a vivid painting scheme...
    translates to "We had plans for it but decided not to implement it"
    Translates to "well kanoodle you too GW..."

    Hope this is it though!
  11. chimaira2s

    chimaira2s New Member

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    "vivid painting scheme" sure GW
    how to disappoint your customers 101
  12. Eubrontes

    Eubrontes New Member

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    Hi guys, long time lizzie fan/player and I have looked at the forums before for tactical advice and such. Decided to look to see if there was any news of our beloved army and lo and behold!
    Here is my 2 cents:
    I don't think that this will be the end of whfb, its still a big source of income for GW. and I do not think the Lizardmen will be set up to be removed, it is still a popular army and it does get updates (especially considering our book came out last year). mayhaps GW has realized it might need to progress its storylines for the worlds it has created to help give an incentive for people to buy new models and take an interest in the game. idk I am not part of their executive committee.

    I am interested, how will the entire lizardmen race make an exodus? Even if we consider that spaceship it in no way has enough room for all of them. It leaves a few options:
    1. The slann make a portal. The new edition has hinted that the Slann has opened portals to allow our armies to strech out across the world and bring the will of the old ones. Maybe a big part of this will involve the Slann opening up a portal (or attempting to) that goes to another world, this may also bring the attention of a number of baddies, or may even get the attention of the forces of order.
    2. They go the way the old ones came, The old ones had a way besides their starships to go from world to world, the Polar Warpgates. From what we know the southern one is to unstable even for chaos to really manifest, leaving one alternative. Mazdamundi wants us to march into the warp, and come out elsewhere. This option means that they must go north, and that means facing nagash and chaos head on.
    That's my hope, To have Nagash come into direct contact with Mazdamundi and the collected slann. The horned rat and its vile spawn rise up to take the world to see our prophet of sotek and his brethren to chase them through their tunnels and cleanse skavenblight itself. Archaeon with the 4 chaos gods behind him butchering left and right, only to be stoped in his tracks by the original BAMF. The Last Defender of Xhotl, Ancient Scar Leader Kroq-Gar on Grymloq. He has been smiting chaos for millennia before this or any ever chosen were even a glint in their fathers eyes.

    Even if this is to be the end of our army, They better let us go down swinging, besides in the WD revealing nagash I believe it was hinted that we may soon get a lvl 5 of our own.
    It appears to me that this will be a campaign, and we are not the only ones on the ropes. The twilight comes ever closer for both the elves both in ulthaun and in the glades of the old world. The Dwarves are besetted in their halls by all side. The realms of man falter, The ogres are divided, even the greenskins are not in an ideal situation.
    And its still flawless in the other camps as well, Chaos is always fickle and the four or their minions could turn on each other, the Skaven can only stand united so long before they gnaw at eachother. Even Nagash himself is not immune to treachery, Mannfred and Nefy might not be wholly devoted to his cause from what we can gather. Combine this with the fact they must fight each other and the forces of order, we have a chance.
    It is the end times, Doesn't mean it has to be our end.
  13. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    It doesn't need to. Only the Slann are truly important, this is implicit knowledge for all Lizardmen. You see how even Krog-Gar is an acceptable casualty.
    Mazdamundi is merciles :p, don't go and think he will gambit their entire purpose by going out and saving other cities (unless it would be necessary for the collective survival)

    Seems like a bad plan and semi bad writting :D as the polar gates where the cause of the entire problem to begin with. Had they not collapsed the plan would still be on track and the Old Ones Still here, so I doubt that the Slann would try to stabilize it, especially now when so much corrupting energy flows through the world.
    You might end up being right though, they could pull out some deux ex machina that fixes it....I would hate that

    I think you see it with to thick lizard glasses mate: We are not the protagonist in this story. We will have serious impact im sure, but I wouldn't get my hopes up considering who gets to save the day.
    I actually think Nagash gets to stay around this time, as despite what people thinks: he is not the main villain. He just happen to get the first book. The real menace is Archaon's invasion, which is why Nagash was resurrected to begin with: counter balance.
    The Empire is teaming up with him to defend their borders, and since Mazdamundi has a burning desire to kill of any race that doesn't belong in the plan (pretty much anyone but elves) a truce doesn't seem stretched.
    (I bet Kroak and Nagash could actually hit it of...both being dead and all)

    It is, and we are among those the LEAST on the ropes :) focus lies...as always...in the old world and Ulthuan.

    There are SO many possibilities for what is going to happen, and nothing we say can be more than guesses. Every theory ive heard so far is actually backed up fluffwise, but can co-exist. Which is true, if any, cant be said before the next books.

    I am "dying" to know.

    Edit: Reading through my post I realize I may come of a little rude. Know its not meant as such.
  14. Rhavin

    Rhavin New Member

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    I have been really up in the air thinking about this three book campaign series. Now, I personally cannot recall another time EVER that WHFB has had a THREE book campaign series. Its unprecedented. Not only that, but it is focused on the End Times.

    The End.
    Game over.
    So Long and Thanks for All the Fish.

    Now, if at the end of the End Times THREE BOOK campaign, the world does not end: I will be very very disappointed. There is no reason to have such an unprecedented scenario that is about ending the world, unless they were really ending the world.

    What does that mean? For starters since Nagash has a BIG OL' awesome model he is going to be the hero. I mean villain. He is going to rally the forces of Death and march to end the threat of Chaos. And then he will defeat them and seal the gates. And then he will look upon the smoking ruins of the world and decided: This is good.

    THE END.

    So what does that mean for everyone else? How could we keep the story going from here?

    Maybe a new planet without Tomes of army books contradicting each other. A fresh slate where each of the armies is new, and all the old grudges are going to be found anew. Perhaps the Slann go all Noah's Ark on the situation, and rescue the forces of order to another world. Beam them all over with a spell that Mazdamundi sacrifices himself in order to cast.

    GW would have the option to either pick up the pieces of the world in 9th edition, or maybe even jump ahead a hundred or even a thousands of years (they seem to like that) and have the next round of army books hash over what has gone down, and how everyone is coping uprooted and living in a brave new world.
  15. JamJar
    Temple Guard

    JamJar Well-Known Member

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    I was talking with my Empire friend today and we were discussing Nagash and what would happen.

    This is what we thought:

    Seeing as Nagash is one of the most powerful beings, he would have to be destroyed relatively quickly before he destroys the world, by another powerful character...

    ...Lord Mazdamundi? Valten the Hero of the Empire (if he's not dead)?

    Could Mazdamundi strip Nagash of his powers and kill him or someone else kill Nagash?


    We then talked about the warhammer armies corresponding to countries of the world.

    Now, high elves represent the city of Atlantis --> but I thought it sunk in the real world...


    What if Nagash and Mazdamundi had a powerful battle at or near the high elves, with the power of the Vortex. Could this battle be so powerful to destroy the land of the high elves?

    What if Ulthuan sunk?

    Were lizardmen supposed to evacuate Ulthuan?

    Could Lord Mazdamundi in fact be weakened or even killed?

    Just then we found this...


    At about 32 seconds in, is a very peculiar picture... High elves... water...

    Or we could be wrong
  16. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    A standard slann can easily shut down Nagash in terms of crunch. I see no reason why Mazdamundi shouldn't be able to do the same, especially in terms of fluff.

    Also, am I the only one wondering why Nagash' profile makes such a big deal of him being a level 5 wizard, as if that's completely unheard of? Tomb Kings have had access to level 5 for YEARS. Sure, it is another special character, but still - They act as though it is completely unprecedented. The quote from his entry reads "Designers note: Normally, Wizards cannot be above level 4, but Nagash is so powerful he is an exception to this rule."

    I mean, really? Even worse considering level 5 isn't all that much better than level 4.
  17. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Everybody can get a lvl 5, hell Wood Elfs can have both book of ashur + the +1 To Cast bonus when in wood (effectively making them lvl 6 at casting and lvl 5 at dispelling).

    Soo.. yeah.. not really that impressive.

    In terms of Special Characters? Well I suppose there aren't really that many lvl 5 characters, but it would've been truly special if he was an actual lvl 6 mage.
  18. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    Most can only increase the bonus to cast, and not actually increase the level.

    Though in effect, level 4 with +1 to cast and loremaster > level 5

    Not disputing that Nagash is powerful though, but honestly, anyone would be with that setup of special rules and magic gear would be. Arc-Necromancer is "First Generation Spawning"-lite, and his black armour is pretty much just shield of the old ones. Crunchwise, he really isn't all that impressive, especially for that point cost. He relies too much on good WoM, which you just can't rely on.

    And Loremaster High Magic is almost better than his 9 books. 9 spells isn't that impressve, considering we get 8, but can can roll up spells from ANY BRB lore we want, not just a select few.
  19. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    All have access to the Book of Ashur. It's an arcane item available for everyone. Well everyone except maybe Demons of Chaos that is.
  20. Eubrontes

    Eubrontes New Member

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    True by all accounts. I just fear (and there is a good chance the fear is unfounded) that this may give us a slannless lizards in the next edition. it could work or not, it would be a big departure. Though I have a feeling Kroq-gar won't just be sacrificed at the get go, he well be recalled to help with the exodus.

    I wasn't Implying that they wold try to fix it. If the warp is how they can access other worlds they would have to go through it, and the norhtern gate is stable enough to do that (Stable being a relative term, because it is still the realm of chaos). Is a bad plan? yup, might be the best available option though (seeing as though they just tossed out their "Great plan" :D ) Bad writing? Oh it definitely could be that, on the principle that it would force all the action to the old world, which is lazy.

    Oh I am, no doubt I am viewing us as the protagonist in our own story. From what I have gathered Teclis, deliberatly ensured the everchild (who was secretly his niece) was killed to bring nagash back, cursing him with the blood of Aenarion, weakening him. This would force Nagash to ally with the mortal races. So your idea of a truce with them does not seem out of left field. Besides maybe when the next book or two comes out the other races try to bring the lizardmen into the alliance.
    I just think it would be badass to watch Kroq-gar smack Archaon down, or any other special char that we all know, The siege of hexoatl fluff is great, but at least give him a go against another named char. just a dream of mine

    Yea, we are really just floating around until GW gives us more, coming up with guesses and nothing more.
    And don't worry, I did not perceive it as rude you brought up valid points.

    I am kind of pumped because the bit of fluff we were given does reveal a bit about some of the inner workings of Lizardmen Politics:
    We see that Hexoatl has a sacred council, with a speaker and several other prominent Skinks. The prophet of sotek is among them. This is pretty cool when you consider he is the essentially one of the biggest names in all of lustria. There is a position of High Scale chief, Inqala, who reports on Kroq-gar's situation, a military liaison more or less. Perhaps Tetto'eko is also on the council, it may have representatives from all of surviving cities. Kroq-gar requested reinforcements from another city. This implies that the council has the power to override the authority of the individual cities and that there is a separation of powers, even for someone high up the chain of command as Kroq-gar.

    And on top of that, he specifically requested the Thunderscale cohort. Saurus and Skink chiefs do not have telepathic connections, and It seems they have retconned (or forgotten) the hand of the gods allowing Mazdamundi and Kroq-gar to communicate. So Kroq-gar had to directly tell his liaison what he was requesting verbally. I have always been of the opinion that as Saurus grow through the ranks, not only does their tactical and strategic ability increase but so does their vocabulary. They must communicate with their skinks, tell them where to go, who to cover. An Oldblood could decide to split his army in three, giving two of his scar veterans command of the other parts, therefore they must rely on skink messengers to relay information between them, which involves a certain level of articulation. So This bit of fluff makes me feel somewhat validated!

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