Skink chiefs to have better armor so i can put them in as cheap leaders for my sauris. Cheap cav like the horned ones from older books. Also a good shooting unit. Of course we have skinks and stuff but the stegadon with blowpipes has too many negative modifiers the giant bow cant move. And the engine got nerfed. So a good shooter for like anti bloodthirster or anti stank would get love
I think we need like Axolotyl said, Jurassic park style dilophosaurus hunting packs. Maybe 'Venomdons'? We already have Razordons and Ripperdactyls... Stats for normal skink handlers, Venomdons with a mix of Cold One and Razordon/Salamander stats and 'Spit Venom' and maybe like devastating charge because they are small enough to leap on to you, or maybe a low strength impact hit
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