Not bad at all. It looks like you're struggling with mold lines, though. I recommend scraping them off with your hobby knife or one of the itty-bitty GW files. You're supposed to clip off the "blades" of their li'l daggers and stick the piece of the handle that is left over between the prongs on the back of the shield. That's what it says on the box, anyways.
The new washes are awesome. All I did for the blue skin is undercoat it with the white spray and put a couple of heavy coats of asurman blue on top. Its really easy. Thanks for all the tips.
I've just cut off the club. There is the new skink brave: The photo is a bit better but the main thing is the shield. Does it look better?
That looks amazing! The painting is very neat and clean and the effects on the shield stand out really well! Only comment I have is regarding the gold part on the top of the crest. It looks unfinished. Other than that if you keep up this level for the rest of the models you will have an army that will make many people jealous
I've almost finished my first skink chief: There is only the shield left to do then I've got to stick it on... then he is done! I've also had my first attempt at the Prophet of Sotek. Here he is: I'm now going to strip the paint off him because I don't think I did a very good job. Could you please comment on him... no-matter how small the complaint is and I'll try and apply you're comments to my next attempt. Now I've only got 1 more skink chief... 1 more skink priest and Tehenhauin. Shouldn't take that long. By the way.. I know that the picture of Tehenhauin has got flash on but without it i couldn't get a very good detail shot.
It looks like the gold on the crest of the chief could use another layer or two of wash, and a bit of a darker one. There doesn't seem much detail on it. The rest of the gold areas look good though. They look good so far.
I've just got my Stegadon and I'm hoping to get the Lizardmen battalion soon. Anyway... here is some pictures of my skink chief from the Stegadon set, they're not very good quality I'll post pictures of my other skinks once I've got 10 of them painted.
My only comment is to add a bit more depth to the skull on his staff, I can't see the other bone areas well enough to judge them though. Maybe it is just the camera but it looks a bit scarce of detail and shadow. A simple layer of wash will add a lot to it, probably go for a dark brown rather than a straight black. Rest of him looks pretty cool.
Quick query, does the PoSotek not come with a scenic base? If so, why are you opting for your bog standard base? -Eagle-
it does and i am going to use it but i haven't started painting it yet so i didn't show it in the pic.
That is an interesting question actually.. Would it be easy to make it so the model could switch between bases? If you are using him as a priest or chief I am fairly sure he would need to be on a 20mm base since that is what they use, WHFB is rather strict in base sizes. Something to keep in mind. Of course in friendly games you should be ok, I would have absolutely no problem with it.
I know this was a few posts back, but I agree that the skull could use some more detailing. Something that I have seen that works very well is to use the Sepia wash for a lighter look, and for a dirtier, older look, use the Devlan Mud wash. i personally prefer the Sepia look, but the Mud is okay, too. Hope that helps, KP