So I was meant to be painting skinks today, I didn't, i got side tracked I find that it didnt really come out how I wanted it to, something about it disappoints me but I can't quite put my finger on it, any suggestions? And thank you zwuppie, when you get your model inspiration model on give me a message, I'd love to see it!
He looks great! but I see what your saying. After putting on my thinkin' cap one of my first thoughts was some war paint! That wouldn't work well with blending in so then I thought maybe try a more complex camouflage pattern. Use what you have as a basecoat and start to work in the colors from his environment into a striped or spotted pattern.
"Mmmm! Chilli burger is better than ixti grubs!" "These flowers are playing havoc with my allergies! Look at my puffy eyes...Atchoo!" Your models speak to me, Axolotl. Got time for more fluff yet? SoB
Haha Bob always finding a way to entertain all of us with your witty remarks/comments. Love it! As for the models themselves they look very nice and the WIP one is coming along nicely. If I may...perhaps the tail of this chameleon skink is too fat for the rest of the model's size? Maybe that is what's throwing you off a bit. Just my two cents but however take it with a grain of salt because I have never done sculpting before and therefore lack any experience. In any case, I still think you're doing a great job /
Still experimenting with chameleon skinks, i have two more being built at the moment, here is a Wip of Blue!
It seems nobody is critiquing the paint jobs so i can only assume they are ok! Got a new Cham skink made up, who really dosent need an extra hand! He is holding a frog in his right hand and a dart in the left hand, it is inspired from T'hink'er's chameleon skinks. Sorry that the images aren't great, light is naff in the dining room and its getting dark fast in the uk!
Oh I thought I said something already... I meant to say that I rather liked the blue one, the stripes are quite nice, the green one is a bit plain though. The new chameleon sculpt is pretty good, nice touch having him hold the blowpipe with his tail. Ps. I think it's either, really humid or your lens is really dirty.
Thanks guys! Im in that dangerous zone where I want to buy more models but i have a whole box of skinks still to paint! Im also deciding whether i go for scar vet bsb or a cowboy for my 1k points list
Ok so its been a while, I got a little side tracked, and little things like work, girlfriend and flu have slowed me down! I finished Blue the chameleon skink, unfortunately lighting isnt great but im happy! I also finished my saurus bar a 3 shields! At long last! Happy days etc! It means i can run put to a games workshop more saurus And a slight aside, I've been doing some work on the great enemy.... Sir chompy The white glare was some super glue which ran onto his cheek, didnt realise til I took photo but its gone now Lord death chicken He does need the blue lightening but its going well so far Chicken legs! Hope you like it all!
Have you received an E-mail from GW begging your permission to finecast your chameleon skinks? Because you should have by now, check your junk folder! I'm about to attempt my own conversions and keep checking this topic for inspiration!
Excellent! The whole saurus unit together looks great and like others have said I love your sculpting work on the chameleons. Those demon models, where did you get them? They are awesome looking.
Wow. The dedication you put into your chameleons makes me shed man tears. There is hope for this world! *looks back down at my models* oh wait. There isn't.
Thank you all do the kin words, its appreciated an it has given me drive to actually complete my projects, which is a first or me! The demons are Forgeworld demons, i made a few minor changes, but not many, they really are a joy to paint and i picked them up cheap so I was happy! I m going away for a week, so you won get any posts from me for a short while, when I get back i will hopefully have more saurus, and some bases to make my own jungle swarms with! I may even start my empire project in time for Christmas! It's gonna be Lustrian themed so it will get its own plog here hopefully
Ah ok that's what I figured they were from. Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff when you return.
Ok guys, im on a train heading back home, I have a new box of skinks (20 with darts 3 chameleons and 1 lore of beasts priest) a box of saurus (4 to finish my hand weapon unit, 1 for a scar vet, 1 for bsb and 10 to start a unit of spear lizards) i also got me a troglodon kit, so that tim gonna get me a cowboy, and an old blood on foot from it, AND im gonna convert the spare carnasaur head into something bigger and meaner for when I get th next carnasaur kit! In addition i have acquired the bases i need to start sculpting my jungle swarms too! I also picked up a whole mess of tools, green stuff and grey stuff, I can see scratch sculpts in the future! In addition I got my first box of Empire State troops to try and start my estelian army, do you guys think I should start a separate project log for these guys?
Well I decided to do some work on the new saurus unit,its spear and I disliked how similar they looked to the hand weapon wielding unit. The unit as it stands: I have a close up of the standard and champion I have tried to make them a little different but quite frankly I'm disappointed, they don't jump out at me that much, but with a lick of paint it might help. I intend to add a few snakes to the base edge on one side weaving between the legs of the saurus, as I intend to field them along side jungle swarms.