I love what you did with the shoulderpads on the champion! I wish i had come up with that! Totally gonna borrow that for something sometime!
Borrow away! Just remember to add the green stuff straps underneath, saurus don't come with natural Velcro...... I got the idea from the old Lilith Helsperax model and her gladiator style armour.
It would make for a more unique Champion for me since i made my first models 10 years or so ago when i was 10 and thought everyone of them should have better protection! but i'm not sure i'll use it for a champion, mebbe i'll try testing greenstuffing it and making a Skink chief! :O anyways, it's awesome made it look good too
It's about time that Axolotyl dude did some painting or something, the lazy bugger! Oh wait, I did! I give you skinks with javelins! I also have a new box of skinks, which means more chameleon skinks in the works! Cheers for looking as always guys, comments and critique welcome
So a few WIP shots of the rosette nosed chameleon, the question is, how are we ever gonna get him down from there? I know he's rough and dosent have the eyes yet, but give him time
Before you can wonder whose heads are hanging from that tree branch your own is added to the collection! The great thing about the saurus kit is the number of feathers you can scavenge from the extra banners, mayhaps add a few to your champion? Or to his sword and shield?
Yeah, I am gonna do that, but not for this guy, im gonna be running five small clouds of skinks so i will need to make all the braves look a little different! Plus I want the feathers for when I do my cold one cavalry May even get a chance to finish that guy off later today so check back for an update
A quick update, includes two other WIP chameleons a Mellors (single horn) and a Taita (double horn) they are a fair ways off as i need to significantly re sculpt the heads of the horned ones!
Why is it that when I try and post it always goes slow? Ah well! Here's the blade horn chameleon, he just needs a file down And the really angry knob nosed chameleon, I would be with a name like that! C&c always welcome
looking good! though if i were to make one suggestion, you are putting so much work into the conversions that its worth it to scrape the mold lines. Takes a little extra time but adds so much to the quality! Keep it up, looking forward to seeing them painted
Well I had some spare time, and decided to give a Neveroddnoreven paint tutorial a try! I returned to a neglected model to try it on, remember this little guy? I also have an outstanding sculpt that I've been working on, here's a Melors chameleon. And from the rear If any of you have read my fluffy stories, here's a WIP of Maunto! And here is a a continuation of my death chicken project! Heh, sorry its a photobomb, but I must get it out of my system! Cheers guys!
Well that WiP has progressed some, I need to make lore of beastly castery, it also needs arms! Suggestions on what he could be doing, holding, wearing are welcome!
So I went ahead and progressed it further, just exscuse the pointing hand, its not done, it still needs two extra fingers, a thumb, detail and a claw filed down! It's the staff I'd like your thoughts on! Thanks in advance.
Awesome! Your sculpts are great!. I'd suggest making the shield "whole" - currently it looks a lot like if you took a skink shield and glued it on (wonder why? ) if you filled the gap in the top, and shaped it with cracks you could get a full shell - i think that would look awesome!
Good shout, leave it with me and I will get back to you on that one! This is why I love C&C from objective folks! Should be a nice and easy fix, just need to go watch my tortoise for a bit to get a feel for the shell! I fully intend to,paint this guy up like the dilophosaurus from Jurassic Park!
Dear god, I now need an ogre With a bad Hawain shirt and rain coat, that has inexplicably lost his glasses! Nice to see you Buffo, I feared yo had gone AWOL!
Looks a lot more like a shell now! Most importantly do you like it? I think it's an improvement, much less "took a shield and glued it on" and more "took a shield, glued it on, and now it's facking badass because i made it so" :3