The thing with whiskers/ barbels is that they are meant to orient in the direction of the animals food source. So for instance, catfish have theirs in the lower arc of the mouth if they are a bottom dweller, if they are predatory it's usually along the side allowing them to sense more or less all around the head. Therefore, by that logic, the trogolodon hunts things that are directly above and behind its head, presumably tacking it out by doing an old western style trick shot by spitting at the wall, ricocheting of three surfaces before hitting said target, I wonder why it's not BS 9!
The troglodon have whiskers both above and below it's mouth though Besides, it states it hunts by smell mostly... the whiskers are probably an alternative, as well as a neat way of noticing the ceiling when you're a friggin monster
You could argue that, but razordons and sallies have sight,and their ranged attack affects an area, not a single bit of spit..... Also cave Eco systems do not support a lot of food, keeping such a huge creature fed and healthy would be a challenge let alone a breeding population....
From what I've read of the fluff, all the cave systems under Lustria seem to be full of tasty Dark Elves and Skaven...
I was just suggesting that the Troglodon eats the Skink Oracle that is directly behind its head, much like the Salamander and Razondons eat their Skink handlers.
Ah good point, skinks do taste good! Anyway I shall try and do more sculpting tomorrow, see what damage I can do
I agree with both sides on the Troglodon thing. I agree that the cave system would be hard to support a large predator (wonder why Spinosaurus didn't live underground ), and with the tusks/whiskers/barbels/antennae I do think it looks (and sounds) kind of silly, but it does mainly use its sense of smell. I wonder what would happen of a Skaven gun crew were underground with a Troglodon ( )
While I think on it guys, I'm thinking of a huge army with models i just like, I'm thinking of the following conversions and models for a mega sized army and display..... T. Rex carnosaur with old blood rider (part done) Allosaurus carnosaur with scar veteran Dilophosaurus carnasaur with scar veteran bsb Female Amaxodon troglodon with oracle, (part done) Male Amaxodon trogolodon wih aquatic oracle Snapping Turtle bastilodon with ark of Sotek (idea is it looks like a giant rocky outcrop with plants and snakes) Second of the above but different pose Stegosaurus bastilodon with solar engine Toujangosaurus bastilodon with solar engine Coldones cavalry with Deinonychus mounts Mixed species of pterosaurs for terradon riders and rippers Nine scratch built kroxigors Razordons based off thorney devil lizards Salamanders based off diplocaulus A slann for each school of magic.... Not sure what I want to do for stegadons, I need to think on that! If any of you have suggestions, on either how to pose, what they would like to see, or even just to wish me luck on my mad scheme, let me know!
Well since I almost got a 1k army painted and done, I need a bsb! Here's my bsb on foot! I maybe should of done the top the other way around, but I like the dynamics of the carnosaur scar vet pose, and I could see this kind of pose occurring naturally!
Its true, he hides on the edge of units! He fits in the cornors of saurus blocks, I've checked that much When I do get round to doing a temple guard unit I will make sure they rank around him N810, any thoughts on the above list of conversions? You like fluffy things and have good suggestions Back to painting skinks
So I got down to the grim, pain staking business of painting skinks today, another five down 25 to go...... On the plus side, I did a little work on my skink Oracle, sadly his divining rod snapped and dosent seem to want to fix! I just wanted something a little different to paint while I was doing skinks! You will have to wait for pics of the Amaxodon, as I still need parts from the second carnosaur kit, but I'm not gonna get that until I finish the head I'm sculpting!
For the stegadon i think you should make it like either a Pachyrhinosaurus or another ceratopsian (horned dinosaur) like Triceratops or Styracosaurus. If I wasn't lazy I was gonna make my skirmishers like Dilophosaurus, but you know, stuff. My Dread Saurian is going to be a Sarchosuchus (can't remember what company) and maybe another carnosaur but like a proper dinosaur.
Hi guys! So Asa we know I've been sat in a skink painting huff! Sick and tired of painting the little buggers! Fortunately I've been working on the carnosaur! Got his head FINISHED! But his legs are now to short, so I need to make him some longer hind legs and shorter front arms...... I have also been steadily converting some Estalian conquistador halberdiers, here is the first painted chap, just needs a bit of basing doing to him! I wanted another Lustrian themed army, that wasn't lizardmen which offered a lot of scope to paint and Model. As always, thoughts, comments and criticisms welcome!
Hi guys, it's been a while! So I need some help, I've been a little stuck with my Amaxodon (aquatic trog) project, I have the following scheme so far: I like how it's turning out, but I can't figure out fin colour, harness colour and I worry that a golden harness will be too much on this somewhat dark mini. I'm entertaining orange spots on the red scales and a sickly green pair of venom sacks, possibly yellow eyes, but as I'm in uncharted end colour scheme territory, and I don't often use lots of black I'm worried it won't turn out very crisp? Thoughts and suggestions are welcome as always.