Tnx for opinion P.S. I'm writing a story about this skink and stegadon, so that will be out soon. I have to write the ending and then translate it to English, I'm from Croatia.
Small daily update with 4 of 5 skinks in place. 5th will be on war drum if I would be able to make it.
Really like your stegadon conversion! I agree with @Jorgik , I like the scales! They must have taken forever to put on... Also I really like your feathered skink with all the extra feathers! Very curious to see your paint scheme when he and the rest of the crew are finished. I like the use of the old metal skinks in the howdah.
Ok, so I had to study a lot last 3 weeks so I didn't haw as much time as I wanted for my stegadon. But he needs to be finished in less then 48 hours (building) so I want put any pictures of whole thing until then, but here are some teazers. Sorry for waiting with story hes not forgotten it's just wanting me to hawe mor time. Four color scheme I was thinking something like white, with purple scales, and pink details...
Looking good, but hay you do you there is no rush for you to post here don't feel forced. Always happy to.see what your working on but don't feel.pressured
Don't worry, posting here is fun and it takes las than five minutes, always happy to see that people like my work. whoal energy on this forum is positive, and if people dont have something nice to say they do not say anything.
Yep, I don´t understand why people go around saying how shitty they think stuff is. If you don´t like something, it´s fine to say it but politely.
The only acceptable reason to point out flaws in things is to help people improve it because you care about the end result for them - there are ways to go about this nicely that people just don't get. and people forget that sometimes their opinion isn't law and that if someone is happy with their own creation then that's ultimately all that matters. I love criticism when its given well and feedback lifes about growing and learning
So Stegadon wasn't finished until Topor Team Turnament, that I was participating in... Stegadon will be finished soon, so I started a new project. This is base for Slann.