Are you finished the design? Also when or if you sell them how much will they be because they look epic and I would be interested to buy some.
Those look awesome. I like how you opted for the TW design but put your own twist on them. Really good stuff.
The quality of the cast looks very good, care to mention what products you used? I.e. the brand of silicon mould and fastcast resin.
Hi, hopefully I'll finish the variant parts over the weekend (as otherwise a unit would have to all be the same design). I'm certainly willing to sell them if there's interest. I'd have to work out how much resin a full cast takes- maybe something like £15?
Hi, I used miniatures fastcast resin from dwr plastics. The silicone came from the same company, and I made sure to cast it very soft to capture the detail and allow me to get the casts out easily.
I was going to say for one, but until I work out the resin costs I'm just pissing in the dark. I'm sure I could match gw's prices for a unit of 3 at least.
Thanks so much man, I've nearly finished the new parts, so they should be ready to mould and cast any day now. I'm going to be putting some updated photos up soon.
Working on different weapons as well, so I was interested to see what people thought. I was quite taken with the idea of giving the krox weapons that are more pseudo tools, such as pickaxes, axes and hammers. Being as they are manual labourers first and foremost, I thought that might suit them better. There's also the more traditional saurus-esque weaponry (big clubs with lots of spiky bits).
Well the moon stone club has to be in there but beyond that I love the idea of a workforce Melissa look it's a sham that lizardmen don't use agriculture could you imagine a crock coming at you with a threshing syth or a plow
This could be a cool weapon for them (maybe as the special weapon)