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My Fantasy RPG World, Feedback and Ideas appreciated

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Scalenex, May 17, 2019.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I have much art in the pipeline.

    Diana Rathfoth is working on a grootslang illustration right now.

    Harper James is working on elemental themed trolls.

    Zeta Gardner is working on some gnomes when she gets done with her vacation.

    I just need to get over some indecision with the trolls and gnomes. I'm going for an air troll with flying squirrel-like arms, a firebreathing fire troll, a thick skinned earth troll and an amphibious water troll but I need to make up my mind on facial features.

    All I got so far is big, ugly, pointy teeth, clawed hands.

    Tusks, yes or no? Big ears or little ears? What shape of ears? What style of noses? How hairy should they be? How scaly should they be?

    The grootslang, I have a pretty good idea what I want, and I already got some preliminary sketches. Scaly snake body patterned off of zebra cobra. Elephant head with tusk/fang hybrids.

    I am probably going with the general snake pose in sketch 8 and the people position in sketch 7

    Last edited: Jan 31, 2025
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  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    According to the ranking I'm in 8th place by Word Count but this hasn't been updated in 2 days. I'm 4000 words above this

    Based on previous Worldember, 7th through 10th place is usually where I hover, so nothing new there.

    My daily viewership is up from previous years but not by a crazy amount.

    I'm trying to have more visuals and tighter editing than previous years.

    Anyway, here is the main Worldember 2024 page

    Here is my personal Worldember 2024 page.

    And here is the cornerstone of my Worldember 2024, my overview article for comparing Medieval Earth to Scarterra, which currently has six new satellite articles: hats, privacy, attitudes towards strangers, banking and usury, effects of magic on crop yields.

    And two old articles I wrote long ago and added to the index in, messengers and farmers.

    I guess I can't not make indexes...
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  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    They finally updated the leader board, I guess I slipped down a bit ranking wise.


    Here are some links to articles I have recently written for Worldember include but are not limited to. You check out all my Worldember 2024 entries here.

    Why humans are the dominant race in Scarterra

    It took me a lot of retries and rephrasing to get a good AI image of an ice sculpture of a duck. For some reason, most pictures had an icy body but an orange living bill.

    Blueduck Ice Garden

    It also took me a while to approximate what Scarterran ice cream would look like. Note is a very large serving of "Fumayan Apple Snow"

    I invented a concept for Scarterra called "Blue Rain Houses" which are sort of like medieval fantasy Air BNBs. For the moment I have given up on on getting Midjourney to create a medieval peasants house with a blue door or a blue rainbow.

    Thinking Medieval Series, things that are very similar between Scarterra and Medieval Europe

    Scarterrans and privacy

    Market days

    Market fairs

    Scarterrans' love/hate relationship with strangers

    Expectations for rich people to stay "respectable"
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  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I didn't go as crazy as I usually do for Worldember. My final word count was 84,040 and I ended up in 11th place by word count.

    Number ten had 99,406 words and number twelve had 80,040 words.

    Most of my efforts was comparing and contrasting real Earth medieval history and cultural versus Scarterra's fictional history and culture. I wouldn't be Scalenex without a grand index of links that is still ongoing and here it is.

    Overview of Scarterra versus Medieval Earth

    It's possible that I have bots on scarterra.com. It's scary how many bots Lustria-Online has. Bot cleaning was the main reason wise and mighty Red Devil moved the server recently. But let's assume that World Anvil and Scarterra are not bot-ridden.

    My website is steadily increasing in daily views. I'm over 1000 views/day now.

    I have three artists I provide business too now.

    I got some commissioned troll art recently, I just haven't updated all my troll articles to incorporate them. I have a really awesome grootslang commission in the pipeline that should be ready in a week or two.

    I got some gnome portraits in the pipeline as well.

    I am commissioning the art because I guess my mom liked to patronize artists and that rubbed off on me, but I figure I might as well as get art customized to my specifications, but most of the art is something I can hypothetically use in an RPG book of some sort.

    At the start of 2025, my goal is to have my ducks in a row in order to peddle Scarterra in early 2026.

    Progress is slow, there aren't a lot of intellectual property lawyers in "flyover country" where I live, and they are slow to get back to me.
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Here is a commissioned sketch of a Scarterran grootslang.


    I got to figure out if I want any last minute changes before finalize it.

    I maybe give it a more striking colorization since Scarterran grootslangs are a merging between elephants and African spitting cobras. Nature has provided a lot of badass snake coloration and scale pattern option but maybe earthy is the key because burrow in and out of the ground like the monsters from Tremors.




    Scarterran gnome sketches are in the pipeline. I have some Scarterran trolls done done as well, I'm just not done with thier related articles yet.
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  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    First competed gnome portrait. Valdix, an elderly farmer.

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  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I'm entering the 2025 World Anvil Awards. I don't expect to win anything but I might get some exposure. The articles I've submitted are here.

    I have started the legal process to get a formal copyright for Scarterra.

    I must be on a list because I had three artists cold call me on Discord soliciting their illustration services. I am rolling it with for now because they are offering quality work at reasonable process. Potentially three new artists into the Scarterra family. One of them is working on character portraits for me and if that works out well, I'll have her do a short Scarterra comic for me.

    I'm working on a written example of game play and the idea to present a narrative description of what the players and saying and rolling side-by-side with a comic of what their character are doing.

    And some artists I've worked with before are working on new stuff right now. Zeta Gardner is working on gnomes and Diana Rathfoth is finishing up a grootslang.

    I'm in contact with a guy who designs character sheets professionally. Hopefully I'll get a top tier character fairly soon
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  9. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    And now we have Fumaya's high priestess of Mera, Beslyfle

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  10. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    EDIT: For some reason, I'm having trouble hosting images on Lustria-Online. Follow the links and you can see a pretty picture.

    I have a veritable swarm of artists I've never met contacting me out of the blue on Discord. I never advertised, but I'm a giving a shot to the artists who offer reasonable prices and work in an artistic medium I can use.

    I'm offering a test piece to them, and if I like working with them, I'll keep working with them. A new guy did this portrait and I'm planning to work with him again. This is Luvon, a satyr holy warrior for Mera. Luvon is not a particularly exciting character as is, but my plan is to use Luvon the satyr, Selmara the gnome, and Cobmak the tengku as a sample adventuring party and use their adventures as a teaching tool for my RPG system.

    Luvon the Satyr

    This next one is from Diana Rafoth, an artist I worked with before. She's probably the best artist who ever made art for Scarterra...she's also the most expensive I've hired, but I don't mind it if I get what I pay for. I can't afford to have Diana do everything, but grootslangs are probably my favorite monster. You can see the finalized version of the grootslang via either of the two links.

    Here's my grootslang centered story

    And here is the general lore article on grootslangs
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  11. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I have tried three new artists this month. Results are mixed.

    I do like one of them. Here a composite of three illustrations he has done for me. Cobmak the tengku, Luvon the satyr, and Selmara the gnome are three sample PCs I have made for demonstrating the rules of my game system.


    Zeta Gardner is not a new artist. She is an artist I worked with many times before and I hope to continue working with her for years to come. Here latest completed a portrait for Carcelli, arcane priestess of Greymoria.

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