they haven't chipped much yet, but they are mostly for home use. whenever they do chip, its easy to touch up. little black paint, and drybrush with grey. the soaking in water/glue solution sounds good, but haven't tried it yet. this bark is really dry when you buy it and i fear it may fall apart when you soak it. you have any experience with this scarloc? would like to know so i can try it too.
haven't been posting much lately as i've been painting like a madman. finished 1 unit of saurus warriors last week (i hate painting core troops, i just can't get motivated painting heaps of the same models), unit of skink skirmishers with blowpipes. assembled 20 temple guard (tonight is the night for basecoats) and i'm currently finishing my ancient stegadon. pictures will follow when i get home. and all this just to have everything painted before next saturday when i have a tourney. 1999pts, something to play with considering it just excludes a lord. but it will be fun. i'll try to post battle reports on sunday.
Heh I think the "local" games workshop (about 200 Kilometers)have an old Salamander, if you still need it I can buy it and ship it. Then a question about your slann-mage: how did you make the stone, else the colour is awesome.
thanks guys for the compliments. i found an old salamander, going to pick it up at the tournement next saturday for the grass i use static grass, not the gw (way to expensive) but a generic brand. the plants are terrarium/aquarium plants picked up at the petstore (one that specializes in reptiles and such)