I’m unclear whether we could use Mystical Unforging on named characters? The Core Rulebook defines named characters as having ‘their own artefacts of power’ (page 242), but the warscrolls don’t define where (even obviously item-linked) abilities count as ‘artefacts’. Is there an accepted ruling?
Interesting question. I don't think their equipment (and the abilities granted by it) would be affected, but i don't recall any specific ruling
Pretty sure it wont have any impact beside the MW output. As you mentioned, nowhere on the warscroll does it indicate if said ability is an artefact or not. As such, I would guess the whole part of Named Characters having their own artefacts is purely fluff.
I suspect the items wouldn’t be affected and wouldn’t argue it more strongly! I did wonder though, because it specifically was allowed for the WHFB equivalent in ‘High Magic’. I think more interestingly, it’s not clear if we can even target them. It’s a requirement of the spell that the hero carries an artefact. For the sake of another D3 MW snipe, that core book sentence is quite interesting.
I don't see how you have interpreted that spell to make carrying an item a requirement of being targeted by it.
I never really thought about it until now but the spell reads "... pick 1 enemy Hero that bears an artefact of power within 12" ...". That does feel like a condition for the spell - Not only must it be a Hero, but also one that bears an artefact? Never seen a rule like that before though.
I don't have my book on me at work, if that's the case the spell is definitely conditional for casting
Don't think you can target named heroes as they can't carry artifacts and artifacts in this context are purely a matter of gameplay to indicate if they have a special item not on their warscoll. Stuff that's on your warscroll doesn't count as artifacts for the purposes of gameplay even if in universe it might be a thousand year old artifact grafted by the gods. Also @NIGHTBRINGER: 2