AoS New ‘unofficial’ seraphon army

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Deed525, Sep 27, 2018.


Would you enjoy fielding and playing this army?

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  1. Deed525

    Deed525 Well-Known Member

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    Hi all - I have been influenced by a few members of this forum (you know who you are) and so I have brainstormed a few potential ideas and this is what I liked best.

    Note that this lot is purely ‘basic’ fluff n gubbins to gauge the responses of people on the forum - I’m very happy to adapt/crop/add anything that I’m about to post - all C&C welcome as it will be needed to fine line and balance some of the units + potentially make them look more astetically pleasing as I intend and am already beginning to sculpt the models from scratch.

    I will also be using the warscroll creator to draw up unofficial warscrolls for each unit, I have also began drawing basic artwork for them and as above began making potential models for these guys.

    (I also suck at coming up with names - so any help there would be grand!)

    Anyway I here it is...a whole lot more of it, enjoy.

    (P.s I have no idea where to plop this - so just made its home here - but I will be adding conversions and sculpts etc into the thread)
  2. Deed525

    Deed525 Well-Known Member

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    The abandoned
    (Lizards of the dunes)

    The abandoned are a sect of seraphon who disregarded the ways of the old ones - seeing only an endless cycle of death, destruction and inevitably the end of the Lizardmen race, these wayward souls left their birth lands in an attempt to keep themselves (and thus their race) hidden away and safe through the course of the end times, the great slaan could not bare to destroy beings of their own lineage and so a gateway to another mortal plane was opened.
    A suitable land - unoccupied by any civilised race and free from potential threats was left to the pilgrims to start anew, however as time went on the stable climate began to disintegrate, a once perfect place became Home to increasing heat, lethal storms and severe droughts.
    The lush vegetation began to die off, vast areas becoming nothing more than dusty dunes and barren plains, and so the instinctual need to survive kicked in, the Lizardmen of Itazla-Za (the new land) and its other habitants were forced to adapt with the lands or wither and die.
    Though the abandoned resemble their former kin, they have evolved to suit their habitat - their bodies tend to be stouter and less streamlined, their tails shorter for storing fat reserves and fins/thrills are larger to vent body heat, scales are thinner and less combersome - replaced by thick potter leather, their colouring also tends to be faded, allowing them to blend in with their surroundings as not to attract the eyes of other resident predatory creatures.
    Many of the Lizardmen broke off from the main body and left in search of new lands within their domain, but the majority stayed and eventually reached a balance in which they could thrive, but survival was not the only thing the lizards of the dunes planned on, they also understood that chaos and destruction knew no limits with their insatiable need to consume all thus would one day find them, the abandoned stock pile warriors and train endlessly in preparation for war.
    There are no slaan who accompanied the abandoned and so many of the secrets of the Devine where lost many years ago and over time many of the old teachings and praise to old gods have been lost or reconstructed, the sun god Rai and the merciless god of creatures, Taqui are but two of the most prominent deity’s prayed to by the lizardmen - for their all to present nature cannot be ignored for long.
    In place of heavenly guidance and celestial wraith, the abandoned lean towards a more primitive magic, praying to the sun god Rai for heat and light or on the savagery of the wild, the abandoned still hold considerable control over the elements of magic while retaining many of the crafting skills of their kin and have lost none of their fighting prowess.

    -Saurus rageborn;
    These thick skinned brutes are the natural leaders of war parties, tending to be larger and tougher than their kin these Lizardmen rely on brute strength to outmatch their foe, the Rageborn are far from dim witted creatures but tend to suffer from bouts of blind rage, their bloodthirsty spouts are infectious to those around them - driving near by warriors into a similar frenzy.
    These leaders tend to be where the fighting is thickest to sate their lust for aggression, often seen riding giant predatory birds known as Shredactyls who can unleash devastation on their enemies alone, the Rageborn can observe the battle field from high up, determining where best to unleash his and his dangerous mounts attacks or reinforce failing troops.
    -A Shredactyl is a huge predatory bird that haunts the vast desert dunes, it’s four limbed wingspan allows it to use minimal energy whilst it glides over endless miles of landscape, but as soon as it catches a glimpse of movement it can propel itself at to incredible soundless speed - divebombing into its intended prey with a hammer like bill that’s designed to break the back of its victim before it can tear into the often tough hide to get to the precious nutrients inside.
    Fact file:
    Size- large humanoid - reptilian
    Colouring- dark tanned/brown/yellow, mount- bright/various colours and patterns.
    Distinct features- thick leather hides, flat face, thick stunted tails. Shredactyl; large 4 winged bird/reptile, hammerlike bill, large talons.
    Weaponry- jaw, war axe, spear, hammerbill, razor talons.
    Armour- plated armour and hide
    Type- Leader - melee
    Mount- Shredactyl or on foot
    In game abilities- Battle frenzy: +1 attacks to predatory abandoned units (CA)
    Aerial assault; the Rageborn holds his mount high in the sky observing the battlefield - until combat this unit is not able to be the target or attacks or spells.

    Skyborn terror; the Shredactyl attacks its prey with a high powered impact before tearing into the victim with its razor talons - of this model makes a successful charge it deals d3 mortal wounds to the intended target before attacks are made.

    -Skink callers;
    These wizened skink are the glue that bonds a war band together, these reclusive creatures tend to hide at the sides of a fight preferring not to get into the fray themselves - however they can easily turn the course of battle in their favour, these magic casters call upon the grace of their new found gods, either in the form of restorative or blinding light or the force of nature’s fury.
    Fact file:
    Size- small humanoid - reptilian
    Colouring- pale yellow/brown/white
    Distinct features- bone and feather trinkets, old-flat/drooping skin thrills/ruffles.
    Weaponry- Totemic staff (carved wooden staff+trinkets)
    Armour- no beneficial - feathers/bones etc.
    Type- Leader - caster
    Mount- none
    In game abilities- enabling totems.

    The abandoned bring with them totems of war, these oddly carved poles seem like nothing more than decoration to an unobservant opponent - but when they become the focus of a skink callers prayers, the totems inert energies are awoken and dependant on the totems depiction a relevant gift is granted to those who’s prayers are answered.
    The abandoned can bring 3x totems to war and place them on the field at their discretion, further totems are available but at a cost. each totem has a different form of magic placed upon it for a 1x use before extinguishing the resident magic.

    Totem of light - rays of bright light emit from the totem, blinding those who happen to look upon it.
    -reduce hits by -1 in area.

    Totem of rage - the totem resonates an unseen vibration that triggers the primal ferocity of nearby warriors.
    -Increase attacks by +1 for friendly predator units within 12”

    Totem of reckoning - the totem begins to pulse, sending waves of burning fire at those around it.
    -Deal d3 mortal wounds to enemy units within 6”

    Totem of life - (purchas for 80 points) this totem creates restorative energies that heal those surrounding it.
    -regenerate d6 wounds to each friendly unit within 12”

    Totem of the wilds- (purchase for 80points) this totem calls to the wilds and lured forth the force of nature (from a d6 table of monsters)
    -Roll d6 results=
    1 - a swarm of stinging insects get the call and attack those around the totem - deal d3 mortal wounds to enemy units within 9”
    2 - a tide of desert vipers floods the land around it causing d6 mortal wounds to enemy units within 9”
    3 - 5x Giladons are called from the wilds, place within 6” of boundary and 9” away from enemy.
    4 - 5x Ptera swarmers answer the call, place 6” of boundary and 9” from enemy.
    5 - An enraged Sunder lizard hears the call and enters the fray, place 6” from boundary and 9” from enemy.
    6 - A gigantic Gatorsaur is lured by the prospect of bloodshed and enters the field, place 6” from boundary and 9” from enemy.

    -Saurus Rawhide brute;
    These overgrown saurus more resemble
    There larger kroxigor kin, their scales are all but gone - replaced with thick a leather hide and toughened limbs - they tend to fight with brawn, often seen wielding heavy maces or hammers over blades.
    More often than not these saurus ride into battle upon a heavily armoured mount known as an Armourdon, these heavily plated creatures spend their first stages of life feeding until they have enough reserves to hibernate for the majority of those adulthood, once awakened these normally mild tempered beasts go into a rage of hunger and mating - stomping and goring anything in their path until their lust is sated - the Rawhides exploit this behaviour by starving the creature before battle and unleashing them into the front ranks of the enemy to cause utter disorder and carnage, the Armourdon itself is extraordinarily tough to begin with, when coupled with a blind rage, will simply ignore anything but the most lethal wounds.
    Fact file:
    Size- extra large humanoid - reptilian.
    Colouring- deep reds/browns
    Distinct features- muscular/stocky, flat faced.
    Weaponry- jaw, Mail/hammer, axe, blade. Goring horns, bludgeoning tail, stomps.
    Armour- none - thick hide
    Type- leader - melee
    Mount- Armourdon or on foot
    In game abilities- either neutral or can choose to be blessed by either the sun or the wilds.
    Rai- adorns a mirrored helm, light armour and a war blade,
    Wilds - can regenerate lost wounds 1x per round and carries a great hammer.
    Abilities- shock and awe; reduce battle shock tests while in a bubble around this model, increase hit rates for friendly kroxigor of his blessing around him.

    Living tank; an Armourdon is as tough as they come, it’s muscles like stone and skin like iron - to represent this abnormal toughness any wound or mortal wound against an Armourdon is ignored on a d6 roll of 5+ after saves.

    -Skink tamer;
    These rare skink are born blind and often bleached in complexion, but what they lack in martial prowess they make up for with magical ability, the tamer can in a sense hear or feel the emotions of those around it and with a simple thought can sate an enraged creatures bloodlust, soothing it to peace, or make the most timid of creatures scream in frenzy and act without thought of self - and so these skink are often brought to war to either spur on their own monstrous allies or manipulate those of the enemy.
    Fact file:
    Size- small humanoid - reptilian
    Colouring- very pale/bleached/white
    Distinct features- no eyes, large fins/ruffles, spindly frame.
    Weaponry- crook/staff adorned with skulls.
    Armour- none, thin hide.
    Type- leader - caster.
    Mount- none.
    In game abilities- can cast and dispel 1x. Spell as below.
    Instinctual defiance; when the tamer senses danger he releases a pheromone that call all surrounding defenders to his side, units of saurus and skink find this extremely hard to resist, compelled to aid the tamer a unit within 12” of him may make a retreat and charge move towards the tamer, if the tamer is in combat and the moving unit ends it’s move within range they can immediately make their own attacks against that unit in a bid to protect the tamer.

    -spells; Instincts of survival
    7+ then choose an instinct to manipulate.

    Fight - the monster ignores any results on its damage/attack table as if it had full wounds until next hero phase.

    Flight - the monster goes into panic and wants nothing but to get as far away from threats as possible, roll d6+5 and move directly away from the nearest other unit (friend of foe) - must end its move at least 1” away from other units or terrain (if it not possible the monster has fled further)
    Any unit that has been moved over or is within 1” away at the end of movement immidiatky suffers d3 mortal wounds as the terrified creature bulldozes its way past to safety.

    Freeze- the creature becomes paralysed by fear and stubbornly holds its ground - the monster cannot move or attack this phase unless directly attacked (as the creature will then attempt to defend itself)

    -Skink battle chief
    Skink battle chiefs are natural leaders to their kin, these skink co-ordinate their brethren when hunting beasts to assimilate into their armies, in battle the chief uses his skills to manoeuvre his team of Raptyrs or dune wyrms into flanking positions and for quick hit and run style attacks.
    Fact file:
    Size- small humanoid - reptilian
    Colouring- varied - often brighter
    Distinct features- brighter colour skin (patterned) wears feathers/bones etc, maybe larger than regular skink.
    Weaponry- blowpipe, javelin, spear or axe.
    Armour- none - hide - small pads/beavers/helm etc.
    Type- leader - melee
    Mount- Raptyr, Dune wyrm or none.
    In game abilities- Calculated assault; the chief uses his logical mind to create an ambush - one unit of skink, Raptyrs or Dune wyrms can remain out of play until the second round where they must enter the battlefield - anywhere on the board at least 9” from an enemy.

    Command: charge or retreat the skink chief calls for greater haste or a tactical retreat - Add 2” to a charge or retreat manoeuvre for a friendly skink, Raptyr or Dune wyrm unit within 6”

    The skink of the abandoned Lizardmen have learnt that in times of need to cross vast desert lands - cold blooded mounts often succumb to the heat and begin to slow all too quick, instead the skink have tamed and breed large bird creatures that can make travel faster and more efficient, these birds have also been adapted for war as a use as fast moving support, the Raptyrs themselves have an in built short tempered and aggressive nature, they will claw, kick and peck at anything that gets close enough, while the skink rider assaults the target with toxic blowpipes or javelins.
    Fact file:
    Size- large mount - Bird
    Colouring- varied (bright colours)
    Distinct features- beaks, razor talons/claws, large legs, feathered(flightless) markings.
    Weaponry- beaks/talons - blow pipes, javelins.
    Armour- none - hides, shields
    Type- fast cavalry - ranged/melee
    Mount- Raptyr 5x minimum
    In game abilities- territorial rage; Raptyr’s are known for their aggressive outbursts knowing full well that in Their habitat - to run means to be chased, instead they opt to fight off potential predators that get too close - any enemy unit with charging range of a unit of Raptyr’s must be charged in the relevant phase, Raptyr’s gain +1 to wounding with their beaks and talons after charging.

    -Dune wyrms;
    Dune Wryms are large blind snakelike creatures that spend their lives predominantly underground away from the heat of the desert sun, they can travel vast stretches underground at great speeds with no tell tail signs of their passing, however like all creatures they need sustenance and when hunting for potential prey they sense the movements of those above ground from a good distance away, they slither beneath the target and burst to the surface - their barbed teeth filled maw open wide to latch on tight, suitably brave and slightly mad skink ride these beast to war - they strap armoured plates to the side of the wyrm that shield the skink should they need to travel underground for short periods of time.
    Fact file:
    Size- large Reptilian (snake)
    Colouring- varied (red/blue/purple)
    Distinct features- slim wormlike body, large elongated maw filled with teeth, eyeless, small propulsion ‘feet’ along length of body.
    Weaponry- large maw - javelin, blowpipe, spear/axe
    Armour- armoured sides/head
    Type- heavy cavalry - ranged/melee
    Mount- Dune Wyrm
    In game abilities- tunnellers; can be set off the field upon deployment, to appear anywhere 3” away from enemy/terrain on following round, can then submerge in hero phase to reappear elsewhere as above in movement phase.

    Ground assault; upon bursting from an enemy unit the wyrms cause shock as they appear unexpectedly without warning, they can immediately make a charge move towards the nearest enemy unit, when they attack with their large maws they latch on and hold fast attempting to devour their prey whole- any model attacked in this way with a wound characteristic of 1 - roll a d6 before making attacks for each model in the Dune wyrm unit, on a roll of 5+ an enemy model has been swallowed whole and suffers 1 mortal wound - complete regular attacks as part of normal combat.

    -Sun blessed / blessed of the wilds;
    These former kroxigor have adapted to their habitat in drastic ways, their armoured hides have been replaced with thick drooping leather and a stunted jaw, these hulking Lizardmen fighters still retain their usual characteristics of strength and toughness but apply themselves slightly differently amongst the abandoned armies.
    The sun blessed go to war equipped with reflective mirrors attached to their headpieces - in so they glare their foes with dazzling sunlight before swinging their razor sharp Ktani blades, they also wear plates of metal to further protect their bodies.
    The blessed of the wilds enter the fray differently, they wear no armour or trickery, instead they rely completely on their large stone hammers, further to this they are blessed with nature’s frenzy - fed by a bloodlust they attack foes with the ferocity of a raging carnosaur and have been blessed with the ability to heal lethal wounds, dying just isn’t part of their survival plan.
    Fact file:
    Size- large humanoid - reptilian
    Colouring- sun; light/pale/yellow wild; darker/brown/red etc.
    Distinct features- flat faced, muscular, short tailed, thick hide, neck thrills and fins. Sun; mirrored headpiece.
    Weaponry- ktanti blades / Stone hammers, jaws.
    Armour- sun; light metal plate/headpiece.
    Type- Elite - ogre sized - melee
    Mount- none
    In game abilities- sun; reflective mirrors dazzle the opponents moments before being slashed with a heavy blade +1 to hit in with Ktani blades.
    Wild; at the start of hero phase recover d3 wounds per model additionally when they charge +1 to all wound rolls.

    -Guardians of Rai;
    The once proud saurus guard that left with the abandoned at the command of the great slaan went unwillingly but did so obediently as per their masters command, but without their soul purpose to fuel their existence they quickly began to despise their kin and hid themselves away in desperate hope that they would be called back to serve their masters again. Their time never came, driving them to a sort of madness the guardians left to the deserts to find peace, instead the saurus found deeper madness and blindness, after not being seen for many thousands of years the guardians returned to their kin, expected to have died soon after leaving - somehow these cursed creatures had survived in a sense, their bodies remained where their minds and sight had not, they refuse to communicate with the other Lizardmen preferring to sit in silence until their presence is needed in war - acting purely on instinct these seemingly wasted warriors work in perfect unison to carve their way through opponents.
    Fact file:
    Size- medium humanoid - reptilian
    Colouring- pale/sandy/bleached
    Distinct features- blind, frail looking, full war gear, serpent like
    Weaponry- halberds, jaws.
    Armour- full plate, shields, hides.
    Type- Elite - melee
    Mount- none
    In game abilities- the guardians of Rai have long lost the gift of sight, instead they rely completely on their other senses and instincts, on first appearance they look frail and slow but when they enter a fight they move like vipers, dodging and ducking even the most perfect strikes while hitting back with lightning fast counters, to represent this in combat they receive a -1 to hit when being attacked.

    -Bone breaker chariots;
    With the access to land the abandoned have learnt to improvise and expand on their previous ways of war - the bone breaker chariot is one such way they have done this, pulled by a Craniodon, a herbivore creature that has a thick skull bone designed to take powerful impacts, great for proving ones dominance or fending off a potential predator - also great when directed into a cluster of enemy warriors as a shock troop, whilst the skink riders toss javelins into the mix.
    Fact file:
    Size- large - chariot
    Colouring- varied
    Distinct features- pulled by a pachycephalosaurus, manned by a saurus and two skink,
    Spiked wheels, adorned with skulls.
    Weaponry- strong headbutt, blowpipes, whip.
    Armour- armoured chariot.
    Type- large chariot - reptilian
    Mount- Chariot
    In game abilities- the impact of a body crusher chariot at full speed is truely devastating, the blow is shatter a larger creatures bones or completely obliterate a man regardless of armour or strength, a body crusher chariot deals d3 mortal wounds on the turn it charges or d3+1 against a monster and each unit within 1” suffers d3 mortal wounds on a 4+.

    -Giant Gatorsaur;
    In Itazla-za there is but one key water source that runs for many miles, this water source breeds life to a land in desperate need of it, but in an eat or be eaten world where each creature attempts to assert its dominance over this prized treasure - only one comes out on top and even then only the strongest earn the right to live.
    These humongous crocodiles have evolved to be the top most predator on the food chain, by simply being the largest and most ferocious of all, they grown to extreme sizes and boast a bite more powerful than any other, their thick hides are near impenetrable and their ferocity is unmatched, not only have these impressive beasts been known to shrug off wounds that be lethal to most others, they will continue fighting through loss of limb until they simply cannot fight any more, they have even been known to regenerate damage caused to them, there is but one driving force that powers these creatures and that is only the strongest survive, to lose is to die and they don’t intend to do that anytime soon.
    Fact file:
    Size- gigantic
    Colouring- dark/green/brown
    Distinct features- large snapping jaw, thick armoured scales, long low lying body.
    Weaponry- huge teeth filled jaws/sharp front limbs/thrashing tail.
    Armour- non - thick scales/hide
    Type- Monster / behemoth - melee
    Mount- none
    In game abilities- live or die; this model can regenerate d3 wounds at the start of each hero phase.

    Deathroll; the jaws of a Gatorsaur are extremely powerful and deal horrendous damage to those they slam shut on, not only that but once closed the gigantic beast thrashes and rolls dealing even more carnage.
    Wound rolls of a 6 from its jaw attacks deal d3 additional damage.

    Rivalry; Gatordon’s do not tolerate competition, targeting them and snuffing out potential rivals as soon as they arise, Gatordon’s gain a +1 to wound against monsters and deal d3+1 additional damage instead of d3 as per their deathroll ability.

    Instinctual fear; the sight of a Gatordon tearing apart its prey strikes in built fear in all but the most steadfast of warriors, enemy units within 12” of a Gatorsaur must re-take passes battle shock tests.

    These gargantuan creatures live predominantly alone wondering the wastes in search of food, fortunately they are also very tough and can house a number of skink, so ride to battle amongst the abandoned armies as a walking tank, skinks atop hurl javelins from the relative safety on the giants back while others crank the gears of the great howdah bow.
    Fact file:
    Size- gigantic - monster - behemoth
    Colouring- varied brown/red/white
    Distinct features- long neck, howdah bow, platform on back, crewed by skink.
    Weaponry- lumbering stomps, powerful swing neck or tail, skink javelins, howdah.
    Armour- thick hide, platform.
    Type- monster - behemoth - melee/ranged.
    Mount- none
    In game abilities- earth pounding stomps - if a hit roll for a Giaton’s stomp attack is a 6, the very ground shakes with the impact, any unit within 3” is momentarily stunned, any unit attacking melee or ranged against those units the following phase gets +1 to hit, as they pick themselves up from the floor.

    -Comets of Rai;
    The native skink utilise any creature available to them, mostly due to the slow process of spawning in their own race, the creatures around them breed at normal rates and so make renewable allies in war.
    The Pachiosaur are no different, these large tough prey animals are hardy desert survivors, they store fat in their bodies which allows them to travel great distances out in the searing heat of the desert, their four strong limbs can carry them at a good pace allowing great stamina, not only that, but their backs are large and strong allowing a small crew of skink to sit comfortably upon a small apparatus mounted on the creatures back.
    Some such devices used in this way are the the comet bows - a smaller version of the howdah this bow has been adapted with magic to fire strands of sparkling hot light at the enemy that cause searing burns to any struck, these bolts hold armour in little regard as they burn straight through without pause - often into others behind the intended targets.
    Fact file:
    Size- large mount/war machine
    Colouring- varied/red/brown
    Distinct features- single horned head, large string back legs, smaller stabiliser arms, war bow attached to backpiece - crewed by skink.
    Weaponry- comet of Rai bow, javelins
    Armour- none - hide
    Type- war machine - ranged
    Mount- none
    In game abilities- comet of Rai; the bolts fired from this powerful bow are blessed with the magic of Rai, when fired they sparkle and crack with fiery energy that burns through armour and bone with ease, wound scores of a 6 cause d3 mortal wounds instead of its regular damage.

    Bullheaded charge; the solid skull and horned head of this creature charging causes serious damage on impact, this model receives +1 to wound with its headbutt attack after charging.

    -Greater bloat toads;
    These oversized toads are found in the rare desert oasis’ scattered across the lands of Itazla-za, at first glance apart from their size, the roads are slow moving and appear to be of no real threat, but as the Lizardmen and often many other of their fellow inhabitants have found to their own cost, this just isn’t so.
    The toads vomit up masses of sticky ichor that clings to all that it touches, in doing so any unfortunate soul trapped in such bile will slowly become rendered completely bound to it, the greedy toads will then simply try to gorge themselves on whatever that may be - their extra large mouths gaping wide to allow them to swallow whole anything that they can fit inside, being of very simpleminded intel whence the toad will completely ignore rivals and other threats whilst they try to consume their prey, there has been stories of these nightmarish creatures blundering accidentally into Lizardmen camps in a bid to satisfy its hunger - it devoured half a score of sleeping skink before its head was separated from its body and stopped, these creatures are goaded into war where they are used to hold fast hard hitting units so that more efficient killers can surround and destroy them.
    Fact file:
    Size- medium - amphibious
    Colouring- varied - flamboyant/patterns
    Distinct features- large throat gland, rough back, large back legs, long tongue.
    Weaponry- expandable mouth, adhesive vomit.
    Armour- none - hide
    Type- medium - specialist
    Mount- none
    In game abilities- ‘ain’t going no where’; the vomit from a giant Bloat toad is designed to hold prey in place, as it dries it gets thicker until the victim can’t move an inch, the more they struggle the faster it sets, not only that but the enzymes in the vomit begin to make the prey a little easier to swallow, slowly corroding even the thickest of armoured hides- if a unit is hit by this attack then their movement is cut in half, on a hit roll of a 6+ the units movement characteristic is reduced to 0, additionally the units to hit is reduced by -1 as they struggle to bring their weapons to bare.

    Force of will; a bloat toad has but one thing on its mind when confronted by anything that moves ‘to eat’ they will blindly ignore even mortal wounds once the feeding frenzy has begun - it has even been known for a deceased toad to continue swallowing its prey after expiring. To represent this - any wound or mortal wound suffered by a bloat toad will be ignored on a d6 roll of 5+

    -Ptera swarmers;
    Not much occupies the air space of Itazla-za, mostly due to the sky horrors known as Shredactyl’s, but there are some smaller scavengers that pick at the leavings of the larger predators.
    These man size reptilians roam in packs to bully competition from potential feeding areas, they claw and peck in relentless hit and run attacks but rarely take down anything without a significant flock backing them - the abandoned have learnt to utilise their scavenging nature, for when released into battle they immediately swarm wherever there is fresh blood, a shaman will command the release of these creatures when combat has begun, the Ptera will then head directly to the carnage picking at the wounded and dying, not only this, but the canny lizardfolk also attach a small payload to each creature, as soon as the Ptera attack the contents of the cargo are released dousing anyone beneath with scores of venomous snakes and insects that bite and sting.
    Fact file:
    Size- small - reptilian
    Colouring- varied - vibrant
    Distinct features- large head frill, sharp beaks, small dactyl body.
    Weaponry- sharp beaks, talons and venomous payload.
    Armour- none - thin hide
    Type- flyer
    Mount- none
    In game abilities- venomous payload; each Ptera swarmer heads into battle with a small parcel that it drops as soon as it makes contact with an enemy unit, when burst these payloads unleash a swarm of biting and stinging insects and snakes, in the first round of combat a unit of Ptera swarmers enter when calculating damage add 1 mortal wound per model in the unit against any enemy unit within 1”

    Released; any unit of Ptera swarmers May be held in reserve before setup, this unit then enters the game on the controlling players first turn from any board edge at least 9” away from enemy models and 3” from terrain - they immediately make a run move towards the nearest enemy unit.

    These medium sized reptilians are the jackals of the desert, they roam in packs that run down and mob anything caught out on the dunes alone, the only giveaway that these fast moving creatures are nearby is a low hiss just before their powerful jaws snap shut, once attached they thrash and tear flesh, each member of the pack targeting a different limb in an effort to bring down their prey quickly, once debilitated they eat fast and leave nothing before heading off in search of the next source of food.
    Fact file:
    Size- medium - reptilian
    Colouring- varied / dark/ brown/Black
    Distinct features- dropping leather hides, strong jaws, long forked tongues.
    Weaponry- jaws, claws.
    Armour- thick hides
    Type- fast flankers
    Mount- none
    In game abilities- silent stalkers; if a unit of Giladons make a successful charge move from the rear or sides of an enemy unit they have managed to do so unseen and add +1 to wounding as each member of the pack latches onto a limb before tearing into their prey.

    -Sunder lizard;
    The Lizardmen rejoiced upon first discovering the Sunder lizards, for at first glance they appeared to resemble the salamanders they raised in their homelands, unfortunately upon later inspection of these fire benching creatures the abandoned found that doing the same here was going to be a lot harder to achieve, the Sunder beasts are an extremely territorial and fowl tempered creature and so do not tolerate anything being close to them, they spend time building (or burning) their nests - destroying any and all vegetation for miles around before digging out an underground hide, finding them wasn’t an issue, for the tell tale signs of a nest is clear to see, though coaxing an adult from its brood in order to snatch the eggs is much harder - luring them out not so much an issue as getting far enough away from the grisly reptile that emerges, for as soon as it spots movement it will spray its highly corrosive bile in large arcs while guarding its precious eggs, even when successful the young Sunder beasts grow fast and have a very high metabolism that drives their need for hunger to extremes, they don’t imprint easily and tend to be hostile to anything around them including their broodmates, so specialist treatment is needed, a tough crew of skink handlers and a touch of a tamers magic. Needless to say that if successful in this endeavour the Sunder beast makes a potent ally in war.
    Fact file:
    Size- large - reptilian
    Colouring- varied / red/orange/purple
    Distinct features- large thrills/ruffles and fins down head and back, long fanned tail, throat sack containing corrosive and flammable bile.
    Weaponry- jaws, claws and corrosive flames.
    Armour- thick hide
    Type- artillery - ranged
    Mount- none
    In game abilities- spitfire; a Sunderbeast is capable to dealing extensive damage with its highly flammable and corrosive bile, it uses this in two different ways; choose either one target unit within 10” to take the full force of the devastating liquid - if successfully hit it deals d6+2 mortal wounds or each unit (friend or foe) within 8” infront of this model takes d3+1 mortal wounds as everything in front of the enraged beast is doused in its nasty spray.

    Highly territorial; a sunderbeast will not allow anything to come close to it, to represent this - if an enemy unit attempts to charge this model it will automatically make a direct spray attack with its corrosive flames attack (d6+2 wounds) before combat begins.

    Artefacts of power;

    1- totemic staff of the wilds - this staff lends its power to the totem of the wilds, the bearer can either add or subtract 1 from the d6 roll to determine what is summoned.

    2- Gatordon tooth blade - this blade fashioned from an ancient gigantic Gatordon is as keen as any razor, it lends its power to the bearers strength, increase the damage of one melee attack by +1
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2018
  3. Deed525

    Deed525 Well-Known Member

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    Some of the first stages of work.

    1F111BFB-F00E-4EC4-B2AE-E33105CAE09F.jpeg 794EE838-DD2F-4E4C-8D31-787346DCB0A6.jpeg
  4. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Love it! This is perfect for narrative. Do you run any narrative campaigns? If not you should consider doing so.
  5. Deed525

    Deed525 Well-Known Member

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    Hello and thank you :)

    You know what, I’ve never played them! In fact I don’t really play a whole lot at the moment (never have time) and/or not a big fan of going to my local GW - mostly younger kids and over zealous salesmen behind the counter, also new to the area so no friends here ;S

    Is there anything you would like to see added/removed or adapted at all?
  6. Koriialstraz
    Temple Guard

    Koriialstraz Well-Known Member

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    That's incredible !! I love it. I have to read it again several time to analyse it more :D
  7. Deed525

    Deed525 Well-Known Member

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    Haha, read as much as you like - anything you see that isn’t quite right or could use some spice etc let me know :)
  8. Koriialstraz
    Temple Guard

    Koriialstraz Well-Known Member

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    Of course ! But I'll wait to be home for that ! ;)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  9. Deed525

    Deed525 Well-Known Member

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    Lol fair enough :D I’m open to any and all comments.
  10. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    This will take sometime time to absorb and appreciate. Additional thoughts coming soon!
    Koriialstraz and Deed525 like this.
  11. Deed525

    Deed525 Well-Known Member

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  12. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    That's interesting. A lot of work put into it.
    I will give later some suggestion ;)
  13. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I probably won't have the time to read through it today. But I will read it and give an opinion.
  14. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    So this is an AoS army then? I’m liking it so far!
  15. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Sorry mate I’ve been very busy recently, but I’m certainly interested in this idea - a bit like my Gloomforest Spawn being a dark version of Sylvaneth, your ‘Abandoned’ are a dark version of Seraphon. I’m guessing your army will be of Destruction allegiance? I mean, it doesn’t look as though they would be good allies for Order, yet I imagine they would still hate Chaos as is part of the Seraphon gene pool, and indeed they couldn’t be Death unless they worshipped or followed Nagash somehow like my Gloomforest Spawn do (which, according to your lore, they don’t). Certainly I’m looking forward to seeing what rules and conversions you come up with - a possible idea I suggest is to perhaps use Savage Orc weapons on these Seraphon to represent their more rugged yet still tribal nature.
  16. Deed525

    Deed525 Well-Known Member

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    @Killer Angel and @Aginor i look forward to hearing it :)

    @ravagekitteh yeah aos was my plan.

    @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl no problem, I did begin with an undead themed seraphon detachment (which I quite like actually) but wanted to go with something a bit more ‘angry’ so yes to destructive, there’s enough dead things kicking around for now as it is :)
    As for weaponry I was in two mind - either full on savage (much like you suggested) or a mix - some branches off units with more defined akin to tomb kings but yeah mostly ‘ug club and axe’ works best kind of thing, would you prefer them to be properly savage - stick, string, flint or a little more refined?
  17. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I think either Savage Orc-type weapons would look good or, to continue with the Aztec theme of the original Lizardmen, perhaps give them wooden clubs with stone spikes, like the original Aztec maquahuitls but more primitive, so that it looks as if while they have largely devolved into vicious savages, they still have remnants of a culture similar to that of their Order compatriots.
  18. Deed525

    Deed525 Well-Known Member

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    Sounds good to me, I wanted them to resemble ‘Lizardmen’ As in first glance that’s what you think - but to have those subtle differences that set them apart - it shall be done.
  19. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    How do you think they’d interact with the normal Seraphon then? One thing that might be cool is if they were cross-factional allies, so you could have a mixed Order-Destruction army, but only with the two of them and the limitations of ‘allyhood’
  20. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Love what is done so far, love the ideas of the other monsters. That's how I feel when I look at Lizardmen, they need more beasts. This has a nice range going on. Being 'wild' Seraphon I would have my guess they would have access to a variety
    Deed525 likes this.

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