one problem taht did come up, apparnetly realisitc water breaks up citadel washes. which is wierd and looking for advice how should I do that vine I am adding to the head? was thinking just dry brushing a lighter green over the orkhide shade that it currently is
I personally would add the vine pointing towards the slann model. Just so the eye naturally drifts toward the model and not just the base. The easy fix to keeping your washes from running is seal them with vallejo gloss/satin/flat varnish. Once it dries, just continue doing what you do. Attaching it would be simple if it starts at the edge. Put a dab of glue there and maybe a few well placed drops spread over the entirety of the vine and not the leaves. I would think you'd want the leaves to be free floating. Leaves look natural when they are reaching to the sun. Good luck and I want to see this thing done, now!
I have made a test waterfall, this one came out abit short for my liking I think it needs to have a bit more excess on the top and bottom to properly glue it down and hide the seams.