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8th Ed. New Lizardman army book and info

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Rikard, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. Draxynnic
    Jungle Swarm

    Draxynnic New Member

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    By my understanding of the fluff, Saurus intelligence is highly specialised - they know everything they need to know about war and anything else is the job of other subraces. A saurus mage might be plausible, but it'd be one that was literally spawned to serve as a battlemage and would probably have a lore to suit (possibly Fire, automatically changing to Beasts if mounted).

    (On the topic of sauruses, here's hoping that a) any replacement of Temple Guard doesn't continue the trend of making their skull-helmets even smaller, and b) they get something like the Black Orc Armed to da Teef rule that allows them to choose between using halberd or hand weapon and shield rather than being stuck to using the former as they've been under 8ed.)
  2. Spiney Norman

    Spiney Norman New Member

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    A skink High priest or Priest elder or some such would be great because it would allow LM to remain competitive without taking a Slann because we wouldnt be totally throwing the magic phase. Even if a skink priest elder was L3 with no L4 upgrade (but could achieve defacto L4 status from an Engine).

    Other things: for gods sake fix the special characters, they are all terrible, only possibly excepting Kroq Gar (who only really suffers because of his synergy with the worst unit in the list: Cold one cavalry). Please, please, please make Lord Maz better than a regular, unupgraded Slann, not worse as he is now (and giving him an EotG on Zlaaq would be a nice touch too).

    Also reduce chak to a manageable price point. Quite apart from the fact that that he costs almost twice the points he is worth, they need to bear in mind that to work well he needs to be fielded in a 400pt unit alongside a 500pt character. The model is frickin awesome, but currently his profile is made of fail.

    Unridden Carnosaurs as a rare choice is something else I really hope they introduce (pretty much a given if there is a new plastic carnosaur on the horizon), but we'll really have to see. My fondest hope is that whatever new thing they introduce it is ridden/crewed by saurus not skinks, I'm fed up with having to pretend that skinks are supposed to be in combat.
  3. Malebranche

    Malebranche Member

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    I definitely agree that Chakax needs to be fixed. For the price of almost 20 additional temple guard, he should be an absolute beast. Or at least cheaper (although I think the first option would better suit his fluff/model). He was the first Lizard I ever bought, and I hate him being useless. Hell, even make him an optional Slann upgrade that counts toward lord points to justify making him good enough.

    On another note, I wouldnt be surprised if we get a chariot of some description. Maybe a Cold One chariot with skink priest and a lesser EOTG or something.

    And I hope to god they fix skrox
  4. newscales

    newscales New Member

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    I want the heroes revisited and repointed. Named characters are just soooo bad right now :(
  5. Skubzilla

    Skubzilla New Member

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    I'd like to see a Thunder Lizard that has a new piece of Ancient Tech on it's back that perhaps turns the EOTG into a magical cannon of some sorts, or atleast works in Tandem with the engine or Slann somehow. At the very least, I imagine Lightning will be involved in some way, which to me, suggests a ranged attack. That would be nice, and the entire model would follow suit with all the big models/monsters that have been released in various other armies recently.

    I know I've said this before, but there is dinosaur in the background of the artwork on page 5. This could be our new monster and this follows the pattern with Eldar having the Wraith Knight on the front cover of thier codex. It would be a similar idea of sorts, and I do believe Hastings said he's expecting a Monstrous Beast.

    Then again, I know this is simple wishlisting, however the dino is there. Oh, and of course, Coat'll would be badass, and Chakax being my favourite model and all, needs to get his act together, and stop costing me so many of my dam points!!

    I can't see salamanders remaining the power house they are right now, but I still think they'll play thier role. I'd like Razordons to become useful as well, on the grounds that, again, the model is sick!

    So ya, it's certainly going to be interesting to see what GW has in store for the lizards. For better or for worse, I can't wait! (assuming we are getting a new codex in August :p )
  6. jg0124

    jg0124 New Member

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    Would be cool to see a way to expand the ward save from shooting from eotg.
  7. Why

    Why New Member

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    Actually you are right I think it is my favourite effect of any buff altar, besides the screaming bell, it reminds me of those big monsters that made the forcefields in Phantom Menace. (I know , i know, don't judge me I thought those things were cool :) )
    Anyway a 4+ ward would be very nice to help out against all the artillery out their right now. Give some additional protection from spells, maybe 4+ ward an MR 1?

    Gosh, it is hard for me to stop wishlisting.
  8. Malebranche

    Malebranche Member

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    As far as the page 5 dino is concerned, I just can't see it working. Yes, I know it fits the theme, I know it fits the fluff but I just can't see how they'll make brachiosaurus type dino that looks good on the tabletop, even with the quality of miniatures they have been putting out lately. I admit it's possible, but I don't think it's likely. The closest I can imagine is something like the dino in the lustria campaign book.

    Sorry about my poor spelling and grammar, this touch screen is killing me.
  9. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    as someone corrected me some time ago: Chariots + jungle terrain is a bad idea :p

    You do realise it is named "Thunder lizard" because of the heavy sound it makes when it treads through
    the jungle right?
    The lightning cannon belongs to the Arcanodon :)

    Your not the only one :p
    Many call it "the gungan bubble" , as it is clearly the same thing :D

    ..... for f sake GW, I WANT ANSWERS!

    Will Saurus be viable again? ( Skrox units have officially taken their place in ETC)
    Willl we get MC?

    and....this option just occured to be:
    Will we get an Arcanodon / Dread Saurian multikit?
  10. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    I've been hoping that they get a rule similar to Eternal Guard Fighting Style, where they can use halberds and shields in close combat. A 3+ armour save in CC whilst still strength 5 would be a huge boost to what is, lets remember, a 16 point model.

    Personally, I hope whoever did the Warrior and High Elf book does ours. Significant points drops across the board, nerfs to the worst offenders that are still viable (Slann, Salamanders), some new toys and lots of synergy. Probably too much to hope for.

    Failing that, something WTFOP like the Daemon Prince.
  11. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    I'm pretty sure the Dread Saurian is firmly in the Forge World area, and the most recent news I heard was that they hadn't started on making the model yet :/

    I'm no so bothered about an Arcanodon, as we already have two 'heavy' monsters in the form of a Stegadon and Carnosaur. I'd much prefer a big Coatl, perhaps working something similar to the HE Phoenix, and working as a mount for the cheaper Skink High Priest. Whilst some of the LM images show them similar in size to a Terradon (p.5), I know that FW's Monstrous Arcanum depicts what look like Coatls at a much bigger scale (can be seen on the website: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer/Warhammer-Forge-Books/MONSTROUS_ARCANUM.html).

    Regarding the High Priest, I'm liking the idea of a Skink 'Prophet', being like a lord choice for a fighty mage. Basically Lv.3 with access to upgrades similar in style to the DoC 'Loci'. eg.

    Prophet of Quetzl gives the character and its unit a +1 Scaly Skin save.
    Prophet of Chotec gives the character and its unit Flaming Attacks and may re-roll failed Initiative tests.
    Prophet of Sotek gives the character and its unit Frenzy.

    I think a flying chariot would be best for the Lizardmen, considering a terrestrial one wouldn't suit the jungle fluff. If this were to happen I think a Terradon-pulled one would be a bit of a cop-out; I'm thinking more of an 'old-tech' chariot propelled by it's innate power. Something similar to the DoC burning chariot where it could be used by a Skink Priest or act as magical artillery.

    Temple Guard need to be made more useful. Plus, I really want a new elite infantry unit, just for variety's sake. I had an idea for Saurus Relic Hunters - saurus with arcane armour bred to hunt down treasure hunters who steal their sacred artifacts. I'm imagining them with elbow blades? Maybe with Magical Attacks and Forest Strider, to make them into more of a shock troop.
  12. Malebranche

    Malebranche Member

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    Yeah, I know the chariot idea doesn't make much sense, but I just can't shake it for some reason. I just want more dinosaurs lol. This thread has driven me into an aztec and dinosaur googling frenzy.

    I expect the Coatl to be pretty big, and the actual Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 45 feet. If it's Terradon sized I will probably have a severe bout of nerdrage. (Assuming we even get one )
  13. stormtruperTK41

    stormtruperTK41 New Member

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    When does the August White Dwarf get released. My local hobby guy said "next week" but after the fact I realized I am not sure if he meant this week coming up or the week after. I would assume the week after right? Do subscribers get it earlier?
  14. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Most likely advance orders will go up this Friday. White Dwarf is time to hit at the same time; however, you can usually count on one coming out early and getting leaked in the run up to the week before (ie, tomorrow or Tuesday at the earliest).

    Interestingly, this is probably the least we've known about any release this close to launch.
  15. Spiney Norman

    Spiney Norman New Member

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    The coatl should be big, the artwork in the current book it is standard large monster size (compared to the skink riding it), and the fluff description in the current AB also directly compares them to dragons so making them terradon-sized would require a significant (and rather non-sensical) retcon, or possibly calling the smaller versions "Coatl hatchlings" or some such if they want a Terradon dual kit.

    Are we looking at the same picture? The Coatl on p.5 of the current book looks like it is several times the size of a Terradon. The minuscule skink priest would fit inside the beasts head three or four times, and the body length is massive compared to the terradons in the same picture (top left).
  16. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    who... said... flying... chariot?!
  17. rychek

    rychek Active Member

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    "Just say NO to flying chariots!"
  18. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Please no flying chariots..... I'd rather we went back to 2 Skinks per Terradon.

    As far I know, the only solid rumors we've had are:

    1. Shiny new BIG monster. Supposed to put the Stegadon to shame.

    2. Carnosaur Cavalry. I've read they are supposed to be like Juvenile Carnosaurs, but that sounds like a Cold One to me. Guess we'll see.

    3. Terradons. Due to the head-in-a-box leak. Plastic flyers sound good to me.
  19. Niezck

    Niezck New Member

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    Carnosaur Cav was never actually a firm rumour. There was a bout of wishlisting and it got picked up. Other than that, I think Hastings on Warseer heard somebody else mention it, but never heard anything himself first hand.

    Personally I think with them redoing Terradons they won't give us Carno Cav/other MC as well. But that's just me.
  20. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Here is a complete shot in the dark:

    Saurus riding a Terradon! It fits the MC standard that has been set with each new release. It gives us something with more bite also. The kit could be skink/terradons or Saurus terradons. The choice, 2 or 3 per box.

    This probably will not happen though,

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