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New plastic Models?!

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by bgm200, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. Mage Priest Phoenix

    Mage Priest Phoenix New Member

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    Coatl anyone?

    If we could put a skink on a COatl I would laugh my arse off!

    Thunder lizard please?
  2. Scizorsfury
    Jungle Swarm

    Scizorsfury New Member

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    How about a Sea Creature since the 8th edition rule book has a rule for them.
    Monster: Coatyl, Thunder Lizard, and/or Arcadon.
    Kroxigor is plastic, maybe even a hero like Nakai?
    Terradons, Salamanders, and Razordons in plastic.
    I agree with needing Saurus leaders with more options like a 2 handed weapon.

    New units: How about Terradons with Chameleon Skink riders...maybe even a multi-part plastic kit where you can pick the riders you want and have the Terradons ridden by Chamo skinks have bits to make them look hidden: Having a Vanguard flying unit with scout would be fun. A unit of 3 box set would be great.

    Quango as a new Monster perhaps as a new mount choice for Lords like Mazdamundi.
    Great Coiled One as a mount for Skink heroes and/or Tehenhauin. This could be a multi-part plastic kit to make the Coiled One or a Coatyl.

    Just my thoughts.
  3. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Those are some good ideas. I particularly like the chameleon on a terradon idea. Nakai would be awesome too.
  4. Omar
    Cold One

    Omar New Member

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    We will definetly get a big monster or two. It seems to be the trend with every army so far. I was thinking it'll be a Thunderlizard or a Coatl. I like all of the other cool ideas posted, I wish GW would read this thread and adopted some of them. :/
  5. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    Chamo on terradon totally defeats the idea of being sneaky fluffwise... Coatl would be sweet. Been tempted to pick up a cockatrice and using it as one.
  6. Scizorsfury
    Jungle Swarm

    Scizorsfury New Member

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    What I imagined for Camo Terradon riders was a Terradon model that was crouched in the tree tops with jungle colors and a reverse saddle which the Came skink sits on riding hands free to use his blowpipe, the saddle part that the rope usually ties to would be facing the other way and the Skinks prehensile tail would wrap around this to stay secure.

    Maybe even because of the ease the Camo skink has at riding the terradon, the model may make an out of phase shooting attack after fleeing and give up the drop rocks special for balance and to represent them being more agile and stealth-like.

    As for Thunder Lizards I remember seeing rules for them in the 2004 Chronicle book for using them in an all lizardmen creature army and in Dino Joust.

    Coatyls had rules in that book too and te Amazon codex.
    As for Coiled Ones (perhaps an ability to swallow an enemy model whole and -1 to hit the Coiled One and poisoned attacks, maybe scaly skin.)and the Quango ( I don't even know what this looks like sadly), I have only seen them mention in the Lizardmen book.
    Sea Creatures could be Giant Turtles ( I saw the Lizardmen riding on one in a book once) or even a Lock Ness Monster type creature.
    If they made the Arcadon into a bigger type of Carnosaur that could be fun with or without the engine of the gods as an upgrade.
  7. Omar
    Cold One

    Omar New Member

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    I liked your fluff on the chamo skinks on terradons. Makes me think of Avatar when they hunted on the flying creatures (forgot what they are called).
  8. Brontozaurus
    Jungle Swarm

    Brontozaurus New Member

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    If new plastic Lizardmen models get released, a couple of them will probably be kits that can be made into two different things, because that seems to be all the rage right now. A Saurus Warrior/Temple Guard two-in-one kit would be an obvious thing to do. A new Big Thing is almost certain, possibly a Thunder Lizard kit that could also be made into something else. Some old metal models will probably be redone in plastic, or released in finecast.
  9. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    I can see Krox getting redone in resin.

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