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AoS NEW *rumor*

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Logan8054, Jan 28, 2019.

  1. Boshea

    Boshea Active Member

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    I've worked with enough resin to know finecast is the lower end of quality. Would still take it over assembling and protecting pewter. Biggest thing that lills my interest in Infinity. Warmahordes is bad for it too, but bigger models and decent amount of plastiresin. Most stuff that was designed for finecast is alright. Its all the early metal models that got changed that suffered the worst.
    Dr.Doom likes this.
  2. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Meh, AoS adventures can work. You can write fairly standard fantasy stories in an AoS setting. Just don't have the heroes go up against Nagash or Archeon. A group of kids defeating a handfull of skeletons and a necromancer using some traps, or convincing an orruk warboss with some clever scheme that they're gorkamorka and he should listen to them wouldn't exactly be out of the ordinary for childeren books. And it'd fit with the lore fairly well.

    Hell, Lord of the Rings & especially The hobbit are books for childeren... So yeah, AoS should work fine.

    40K is a bit of a different beast though, given that a "small" threat in 40K is still a planetary wide catastrophe. Still doable to write childeren books about that, but especially the happy-go-lucky adventury high-fantasy (or well high-sci-fi) feel they seem to go for in these books seems rather out of place.

    Seriously, a comic series? I'm not expecting much from that...

    In general GW should definitly try a bit less of a scatter gun approach with their forrays into other markets. Some of the games and such are quite good. But they license so much drivel it's ridiculous.

    Also, to be honest those funko-pop ones are the weirdest. You're already making some of the highest quality miniatures so you decide to make a fat disproportionate cartoony version of said miniatures that's a bit bigger? Who exactly is that even aimed at?
    Dr.Doom and Erta Wanderer like this.
  3. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    As a minor sidenote, does anyone know if the cities of sigmar are gonna get any of their old models back (or some new models) I kinda wanted to use the blacksmoke battery mercenary company but since they've removed cannons and organ guns it is no longer possible which is well, lame. And I can't believe GW is stupid enough to introduce something in the GHB only to completly invalidate it within like 2 months...
    Dr.Doom likes this.
  4. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    the warscroll is un updated so probably not but im getting the book this sunday ill let you know. also they invalidated the iron jaw sruff so it wouldent be the only one
    Dr.Doom likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Spoken like a bias wargamer and not a businessman. Understand that in business, failure equals losing money. So with that in mind, let's update and re-examine your statement...

    Better to have tried and lost money than not to have lost money at all.

    Doesn't seem to be so reasonable all of a sudden does it?

    So by your own admission they are willing to take risks when it is justified to them. As such, your issue is that they are not willing to take risks when it is justified by you personally.

    Let's take a look at the pros and cons of releasing Empire into AoS

    • capitalize on a pre-existing fan base
    • utilize a large number of pre-existing models
    • appease a large number of people that have been clamoring for the release
    • benefit from pre-existing lore that can be adapted and spun to serve AoS
    • relatively little risk as compared to a scratch built new faction
    • creating a nice balance of new things (as you mentioned above) with something a little bit more familiar

    How is that a waste of money? The investment of resources is almost exclusively (if not entirely) on the end of Funko. Funko pays GW for the rights to use their IP. Funko then has to design, produce, box and transport all of the figures.

    Exactly what money is GW risking (or in your words, "wasting")? Sure there is some legal work to be done and maybe have a few staff members provide a little bit of feedback/oversight, but that is nothing. It is virtually free money for GW.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2019
    Slikus Vaw, Seraphandy, Canas and 4 others like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That's what bothered me the most. GW tired to pass off an inferior product as a premium product (at a premium price point). Forge World already utilized superior resin years earlier.
    Dr.Doom and GuaDan like this.
  7. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    I know this is a typo, but the idea of every faction in AoS getting their own brand of space marine dreadnought is amusing.
  8. Seraphandy

    Seraphandy Well-Known Member

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    Also, to be honest those funko-pop ones are the weirdest. You're already making some of the highest quality miniatures so you decide to make a fat disproportionate cartoony version of said miniatures that's a bit bigger? Who exactly is that even aimed at?[/QUOTE]

    Me; love them........:)
    Dr.Doom likes this.
  9. A_Reptile_Dysfunction
    Cold One

    A_Reptile_Dysfunction Well-Known Member

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    This actually made me laugh out loud, if I could like it twice I would! :D
  10. Boshea

    Boshea Active Member

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    People like me who want dumb stuff to put on their desk at work. Still debating grabbing the Ultramarine one to repaint in to a chapter I like. Passed on the unpainted one when they were available

    Like I said earlier, the comparison between Contrast and Finecast is interesting. Each was hyped to hell, but Contrast came out as a great product for someone who just wants to get their army painted.
  11. Skained
    Chameleon Skink

    Skained Well-Known Member

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    the main problem is that this is not the empire, so this has nothing to do with it, this is a kingdom where several races coexist with nothing from magic schools or anything (even if they used the same minis and others) and that's how I understand it me, let's go a multiverse
    Dr.Doom and Erta Wanderer like this.
  12. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    yup i see it like the lizard men we have several speases of dino that are very different but we are 1 civilization. it's the same for cities but with filthy monkeys instead of majestic Seraphon.
    ChapterAquila92 and Dr.Doom like this.
  13. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Well, it is true I am not a businessman, and value creating something new and interesting far more than losing a bit of money. I’d rather have a reputation for making lots of new and interesting-looking stuff than a reputation only for pursuing strategies that serve the company first. I don’t care if that leads to failure, because if it does, people will still look back and say ‘those chaps were great, made loads of really different and new races’, as opposed to ‘gods those chaps were sods, keeping on releasing the same old nonsense just because they and a few other people like it’. If any Wargames company can afford to take such risks, it would have to be GW because they have heaps of cash already.

    Besides, given that all the other AoS races GW have released so far have been moderately to highly successful and are continuing to generate profits for them all the time, a replacement for Empire would really have to bomb worse than anything ever previously released in GW’s history to make a significant dent in such profits, and if they developed this new faction cleverly enough to appeal to an already existing fanbase that was not satisfied with anything currently on the market, a loss could be quite easily avoided. It wouldn’t be hard for someone to investigate what other historical civilisation fanbases are kicking around online and find out which are the most popular, before designing this new faction to appeal primarily to one of those fanbases.

    A very similar Pro-Con ratio existed when they chucked out Bretonnia and Tomb Kings, yet that didn’t stop them from doing those dirty deeds and upsetting a good lot of people into the bargain, you included. It would simply be a case of ‘another one biting the dust’ in favour of progress.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2019
    Lium and Dr.Doom like this.
  14. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    I mean sure, but why not just release a scaled up version of the regular models to fill that niche? There's plenty of companies like GW who make both miniatures for wargaming and scaled up versions for decorating desks and such. And those look considerably better than the funk-pop ones.

    I just find it a particularly weird cooperation.

    I think the empire might simply be more appealing, easier to market, and with considerably less legal problems. Bretonnia barely has a distinct feel to it and is basicly just a arthurian legend rip-off. And tomb kings are just another variant on mummies & walking egyptian statues. At least the empire has steam tanks & artillery galore and occasionally a more interesting mount or order of knights to distinguish them from generic medieval armies. Simply put, it's far easier to tell an artwork of a generic knight is depicting a warhammer empire knight, than it is to distinguish art of a bretonnia knight from a picture of King Arthur or one of his round table knights. Idem with the more generic tomb king units (of course say Nagash or Settra are fairly distinct...)
    Dr.Doom likes this.
  15. popsghostly

    popsghostly Member

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    Any thoughts on using the new Blood Bowl lizzies as rank and file skinks and guard? A few arm swaps here and there?
  16. ILKAIN
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    maybe as an Alpha or something, in order to get enough to make it uniform across the unit (which I prefer) id have to buy too many BB kits lol
  17. popsghostly

    popsghostly Member

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    I'm super pumped about it and have thought of getting multiple boxes..

    Well three boxes would give you a chameleon unit, a TG unit and almost a skink unit... Not too bad. Think the chameleons are finecast so pricey?
  18. ILKAIN
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    I actually don't mind the finecast chamelons. honestly when finecast is a single mold and has no parts to it (like the skink priest) I don't hve an issue with it. yeah id prefer plastic over it, but no issues.

    im not into BB enough to justify three boxes lol

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That sounds really nice, but to be fair, it isn't your money on the line. If you were feeding your family from the profits that GW generates, you might be singing a different tune. GW is a business and a business is there to make money. People's jobs and livelihoods are at stake.

    If you create a business that makes "loads of different and new races", but they don't sell well, very few people will look back fondly on your company. Longevity is the key ingredient in creating such a sentiment. If you make consistent profit, then you are likely fulfilling the needs of your consumer base. As such, your company continues to produce products and you are able to bring in generations of consumers. GW has provided generations of fans with a great hobby because they were able to generate profit. If they had gone bankrupt 30 years ago, you probably wouldn't care to much about them today.

    Unfortunately, upon dissection, your argument ultimately breaks down to "I don't like Empire, I like new stuff. GW shouldn't focus on Cities of Sigmar and make the new stuff I desire".

    GW has far more information about the financial success of the individual races than we do. From that, they made a judgement call and now have to hope for the best. Whether or not this Cities of Sigmar army is successful, it was a choice based on the facts and figures they had available to them. We don't have any of this specific data available to us, so we really aren't in the position to make an informed decision.

    What you are proposing is a choice based subjectively on your biased feelings against the Empire. What if it had been the Seraphon that were scrapped? To some people, the Empire is their "Seraphon". Frankly, with all the people clamoring for the Empire's inclusion, I'm surprised it has taken them this long.

    Obviously Bretonnia and Tomb Kings did not have the supporting metrics as Empire did. The fact that I like Tomb Kings infinitely more than Empire is irrelevant because the masses feel otherwise. Rest assured, if Tomb Kings had been an amazing seller for them, they would have stuck around. Consequently, the pros vs. cons list would look completely different from the one I provided earlier.

    The trick is to separate our subjective feelings regarding the subject from the objective truth as much as we can. We all carry bias, but sometimes we have to push that aside and look at things from a more objective lens. I hate SCE, but they must be selling very well for GW and as such they should continue pumping them out. As much as I like to rag on GW, I can't really blame them for meeting consumer demand (though I might question the good taste, or lack thereof, of the consumers :p). As I always like to say, we all get to vote, and we cast that vote with our wallets. Let everyone cast their votes and GW will respond accordingly. If most of the people end up feeling as you do, then eventually the Empire / Cities of Sigmar will fade away in the future. However, if it turns out that people like that army and want to purchase them, then your (or my) subjective feelings towards the army are largely meaningless.

    You can't include me in that group, as I couldn't be happier that Tomb Kings are not part of AoS! It brings me immense joy to joke around and state that Tomb Kings are not part of AoS because Settra refuses to bend the knee... Settra does not serve... and so on. I am happy that my beloved Tomb Kings have not been adapted and updated to serve the needs of a game that I despise. I don't want to see them twisted and altered to conform to AoS; I like them as they are.

    Aside from some potential nifty terrain, I personally don't stand to benefit from TK in AoS. Their range in 8th edition is already largely complete (I have a Heirotitan conversion in the works). Any potential new models that might be released would not actually contribute to my WFB army in any significant way.

    To be perfectly honest, the newfound rarity of the army only increases my love of my TK collection. If every single person on the planet owned a Ferrari, a Ferrari wouldn't be that special anymore.

    Mind you, that these are my subjective feelings on the army, and has no bearing on my argumentation of GW's decisions from a business standpoint. If it made financial sense for GW to bring back TK, then I'd have to acknowledge as much, even if it flew in direct opposition to my personal feelings. However, if it was 100% up to me, TK would NEVER be brought back into AoS! Settra does not serve! (see how fun that is! :D)
  20. Dracorex
    Cold One

    Dracorex Well-Known Member

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    I sense a new boxed game incoming...that Seraphon will probably be left out of, instead of having an awesome giant dinosaur bone construct.

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