This statement describes it so well. Also, from the games i've played, my opponents always scream broken whenever i use our tp or summon (while playing idoneth eel spam or triple terrorgheist). I'm sad to say it but my lizards are shelved for the time being.
Ah, Mortek Guard is actually 25mm. This makes them way more killy with all the buffs. All previous battletomes got their battalions transformed into sub-factions, so it is safe to say that we'll get Fangs of Sotek and Dracothion's tail constellation. Symbol on the pic is similar to Azyr's one, but not exactly that.
thats what i thought to but it also seems that it's just the swirls meeting in the middle. honestly i could see both.
it could be elven SCE or seraphon i don't think any one else is dou for new models that fits the flowing style
Well it could be Seraphon, it’s us or stormcast if the symbol is azyr as we are the only guys up there
yup its not a perfect mach as Nart brought up but it's close \. the only thing that worries me is SCE haven't got new stuff in a few months so GW is probably johnsin for a fix.
Sadly, I rather doubt anything Seraphon will be coming out in the next 4 months, and the way things have been going with older factions, it's unlikely we'll be getting any new models - maybe a hero like the Ogors, since it's less expensive to sculpt and cast a single-pose model, much as we need updated battleline models. And being honest with my self, I'm leaning towards a pessimistic view of our update whenever it comes so I don't get high hopes and see them dashed like I did with Cities of Sigmar. It would be amazing if we got the Gloomspite Gitz treatment, but it seems unlikely given their penchant for leaving lizardmen in the background since long before AoS came out.
The terrain piece looks more like Kurnothi. I think, for Seraphon they either go for some complicated alien structure or for spawning pool, not just some herdstone-like thing. Same is true for the stormcasts.
Lizardmen are wildly popular though. To many people like Dinosaurs. I actually think the reason they are holding back on Lizardmen, is that Lizardmen might be the main faction in a new core box set, when they replace Soulwars. I predict right now, Its going to be a Lizardman Vs Tzeech starter set. With all new sculpts. I think if not like that, then it will be the new high elf faction vs someone. I mean they won't release yet another core box with stormcast again. Not 3 in a row. Everyone has a stormcast army now.
ya despite being the 4th worst army now we are 10th out of 27 for tournament representation thats crazy popular. if GW is watching they should know how well new models would sell espeshaly if our rules where good. im of the mind that we should hope for the best but expect nothing
wut? what happened to the rule of 1? looks like an elven waystone. yeah, but even worse as at least versus other armies bringing something besides skinks is usefull