Placed an online order! I had a gift card too so it worked out perfectly. Thanks for all the info guys! A couple of weeks and I'll have my TW Warhammer code card!
There are interesting hints on Warcry Tome of Champions (Seraphon background tables) about the future of the lore for our beloved lizards... Apparently not memories anymore and more of space aliens! With spawnings pools. And even some isolated abandoned groups roaming around the Realms. I like it. Has more potential, and suits better the old Lizardmen background.
That’s a bit of a shame that they didn’t even give an option for your warband to be conjured memories, it feels like it’d be fun/thematic to play an elite warband of a slann’s most favored warriors of old, conjured back from their memories.
By the way, has there been any indication in which week the tzeentch vs KO box will be released or just "january"?
scratch that it's 11th of January. aperently and those tzeench spells look amazing
I get that KO don't get Endless spells, but no faction terrain for either faction? What kind of BS is that? GW being GW I guess (consistently inconsistent).
Doesn't that just state that the new warscrolls will be out the 11th? Not necesarly the aetherwar box? meh, they didn't say anything about terrain, so it might still be coming I guess.
Another plus... those are some endless spells with no rumour engine behind them. I’ll take that as a good sign!
Sadly most of the things I would have picked are already done by other armies so now they would be a tad lame: - huge comet crashing down (Stormcast have it) - Jungle Swarms (Skaven and Gitz have something similar) - some force field slowing enemies and/or ranged attacks down (Palisade, Shackles, and the FEC Barricade already do that).
By GW's standards that would be indeed original. But then I have to give them credit: most of the Endless spells and their models are fairly original at least, and many look kinda cool, even the slightly repetitive ones. There are a lot of endless spells now, and coming up with original ideas isn't that easy. The ones I dislike most are those that look like creatures, mostly because I would sent them to be units, not models for spells (like the huge worm the Sylvaneth have) and then the ones that are just the head of an existing creature with some magic swirls on them, which looks lazy to me.
Shame that most of the cool ideas are taken, but hopefully they will think up something for us. What ever it is it should probably be pretty interesting, such as an avatar of Sotek As for terrain a pyramid or space ship would be awesome
I think they’ve been pretty ‘out there’ with their spell designs, focussing on little theme/design-language things rather than the spells in the lore. We probably have a reasonable chance of guessing one and the rest will be bizarre but thematic! They have plenty of inspirations to pick from. Manipulating old one tech, like the chrono cogs; summoning something spectral (please be Nakai...); a comet or shield as above; quango/feather-themed; snake themed; claw themed... I wouldn’t mind if the terrain piece was orrery-based and helped manipulate the constellations in more interesting ways.