Ive already changed my bases back to square to play fantasy with a few friends... Seraphon seem to be the SOB of AOS
The fact that we didn't get an update with the last wave of FAQ's leaves me some hope that the Battletome will drop soon. The question is before or after the Hysh Aelves. Spring 2020 can be that the preorder will go up on the last weekend of the first quarter.
two? Which is the other? We could go against nurgle. They're also relativly old at this point & works as a sensible fight. The horn looks wrong, the horns in this shadow aren't split like the one in the rumour engine. Though yeah 10 to 1 it's some pointy aelve.
Ok, i can seethe need of some real update for pointy elves, but our situation is frankly ridiculous. I still hope in a february release .
@Canas Totally-not-Woodelves-but-Woodelves (Kurnothi or whatever they are going to end up getting called)
Looks, it obvious, they saved the best till last. Obviously Seraphon update will be huge revamp, with crisp new Saurus, soulful Slann, impressionable Salamanders, Care free Kroigors and lusty Dino's. They will have fantastic broken rules, that will rival Slaneesh. Everything is going to be ok, don' worry.
You know, I also remember that the rumor engine from last year, that shows a reptile tail, mentioned something about Hysh in the tagline. That's very small, so it may mean nothing, but it might mean that it's actually a model for these eventual Hysh elves and NOT Seraphon.
High aelves makes a lot of sense for their teaser for AoS. They have been hinting at them a lot in the lore that was released in 2019. No big surprise there. Maybe a high aelves vs Deepkin set. Elf vs elf action. There was a rumor engine that looked like a sunken boat. Seraphon will hopefully get something either Spring or March. What that will bring who knows. At least we know we will get a battletome. Different clan/tribe rules and saurus will be real and also maybe stardust
@Just A Skink If they mentioned Hysh in association with the tail in the rumor engine, it's probably a dragon or drake to go along with the new High(ysh) Elves being released. Honestly, while it would be nice to see some updated models and new ones come out, I'd be happy with just an update of the warscrolls we have now, as long as they put our units on par with everyone else's and retain our summoning and teleporting capability.
Yeah, yeah, keep complaining. I play Renegades and Heretics as my core 40K army. Too many non-usable things to use the IG book, and while they kept bringing out Forge World lists during 6th and 7th editions, I'm still trying to make the Forge World Index rules work...
so GW has a unaversal problem with updating armies and every one should be mad that they are being ignored?
Hey looks like the start collecting Tzeench has been removed from the GW site. So new Start collecting for them inbound.
mwha the old one made perfect sense. The SC gave you various daemons and if you got 3-4 of them you'd have most of your daemon needs covered. Then just get a couple blue horror boxes seperatly and you're golden. Plus, this way the SC box actually contained something interesting. If they make the SC be 10 pink, 20 blue, 10 brimstone + a herald it'd be a terrible SC box, as it's basicly 3 times the exact same unit. At least in the current one you get some infantry, some flyers & some shooters so you actually have something resembling a decent army composition (maybe not competitive, but at least interesting to play around with)