but unfortunately he wasn't working on seraphon at the time so he doesn't know what is coming out apart from the book and scenery
if you guys didn't know gw have different teams working on different models. Sometimes for big updates there are 2 or more teams working on the same thing e.g. ossiarch. Each team has a team leader which get given orders on what models the team to work on by the boss. Only the boss knows what all the teams are working on. At the time seraphon were made my source was working on tau so I dont know about any new models other than the scenery.
Are you sure you're allowed to tell us this? Now the hole Tau-team got sacked because of a leak... Gr, Imrahil
We already knew as a whole from interviews and the like, that GW breaks up the work load with teams. Its very easy to have one team work on the rules for a line, while another, specialized team, works on the models. Break that down even further to army specializations. What I don't believe is that he works at Warhammer Community, and gets to work on models. That's two completely different subsets/departments of the company. They have painters and community oriented people on the Website half, while the majority that don't get the spotlight are background workers. Occasionally they'll pull a sculptor or editor into the ---cast interviews, or to be the subject of an article about there hobby, but they do not cross-pollinate workloads. Also, the Tau rules would have been intertwined with thw PA:5 rules. So they wouldn't have been Workin on just Tau, but GSC and AM as well. While another team, maybe one sculptor, worked on Shadowsun.
sry I dont know y I said he works at Warhammer community he does definitely work on models. You don't have to believe me if you don't want 2. @Imrahil It was only the new tau hero that was already teased today so don't worry.
Also this was the source who did tell me the seraphon update is coming in the end of feb or start of march which I created a thread about called "New Seraphon Battletome release date". It seems like he was right again about seraphon aswell looking at how things are looking.
It’s pretty common to keep info need to know to prevent leaks. Since gws whole marketing strategy seems to rely on the impulse buy, secrecy is important. I hope new tau models looks great.
Yeah, it is pretty hard for most of us to control the hype after the Battletome + Ziggurat reveal... Try to keep focused in your life as we have done for the past years and news will come eventually! Come on guys, IT IS SUPER CLOSE!!
Spues and Brews have a new article up talking about what they would like to see in the new Battletome. Might help pass the time while we all wait for it to arrive haha https://spruesandbrews.com/2020/02/...e-what-wed-like-to-see-in-the-new-battletome/
Just remember its all part of the great plan. And the Slann take time to contemplate, so just require patients...
haha yep. I've half tempted to start building and painting a Stegadon or two while we wait....I'm almost certain these will be battleline in a few weeks
If you start a 2k army list now you might be finished by the time our new battletome comes out....in 2 years
Well if we have any luck we should start seeing stuff soon and the preorders going up on Sunday, next Sunday worst case scenario. To pass the time we could learn about real dinosaurs!
Or do a bit of both and watch factual shows about dinosaurs, like Walking with Dinosaurs or Planet Dinosaur. In fact Prehistoric Park is pretty much Jurassic Park but with more facts and less fiction.
That would be a bit difficult given that we're talking to each other using aliases on an online forum and haven't a clue where everyone else lives