Guys wack theory; what of the seraphon are tricking archaon and Nagash to beat each other up before they swoop in and clean up what’s left?
Would be hilarious and "Just as Planned" of us. But I doubt it. Just hope we get some really good lore about what we've been doing all this time. Little nods here and there in the other times have made sure we're present, but it's just not enough.
I do think it’s quite possible, as in one of the soulwars books there was a Slann manipulating a chaos battle for millennia. This seems like the kind of thing seraphon would do, and we never know what GW is planning or maybe it’s just wishful thinking
Yeah my biggest gripe with AoS is the Seraphon lore or lack thereof. All the official stories I've read so far make the Seraphon into a LotR eagles type plot device that shows up to save the day but gets no actual character of it's own.
I kinda agree with you! The more they inspire me with the lore, the more I'll like the faction. Right now, I'm struggling with coming up with a backstory for my army, since all we know is that they appear out of nowhere to fight Chaos, and then disappear. Rules will be strong, weak, or in between, based on the meta. Lore is permanent.
Rather hope for both being good, not to give them an easy out ... Also, this isn't true. They have changed our backstory and retconned plenty of things. WHFB 5-7th had many things that were either retconned or changed into something else in 8th. Lore isn't permanent, and honestly isn't going to affect the health of the game itself, except for those who only play an army for the lore. Again, If rather the package be good, rather than give them an easy out on something they've been shady on, and putting off, for nearly 4 years. That goes for rules too.
But you always can forge your own narrative. We even sometimes imagine that the Old World survived the EoT and fight over the ruined Lustria to reclaim it, while summoned Seraphon are just teleported from Temple Spaceships on orbit. And when I entered AoS, I instantrly decided that my seraphon will be meterialized ones in the forests of Ghur fighiting Orruks (and I bet, I wasn't the the only one who went that way). And, lol, GW decides to do the same thing in 1.5 years. Not so permament in the end, huh? Such things are way harder to pull off with rules. You may homerule with your buddies as much as you want, but even then you may not be sure if you haven't gone too far with buffs. But when you want to have a game with random person or to participate in a tournament, you are stuck. And no matter, how much we can state that winning is not important, starting the game, knowing that you will most likely lose, is frustrating. You pack your modles in the morining, go for 40 minutes trip to reach your club quarters, unpack everything, getting wrecked in an one hour game and have to pack again. Also, dropping from being top tier army is way more likely than getting brought up from the bottom. Top tier armies tend to frustrate people and get patched with a quick FAQ (yes, half of a year FAQ is a relatively quick FAQ). New battletome can become a hard counter to a new battletome or just be a new level of broken. That's not the case with a bottom tier army. They tend to be quickly forgotten because they bother no one and no one talk about them. New battletomes cannot make them better all of a sudden - only make situation worse. So I'd better get stuck with bad lore that I can easily fix myself than with bad rules which lead to bad game experience.
Fortunately GW has been recognizing how people like to go their own ways and are introducing rules for making your own chapters, or tau septs or KO pirate chapters etc. Hopefully with the new rules we can do the same now and make our own starhosts.
Not a common thing for AoS, unfortunately, and they only start to implement it in 40k. But let's see, what we can get.
Ah, reminds me of the good old days with the different generations of Slann you could pick in WHFB. Always sounded so much cooler than "X-level wizard." Even something as simple as that in the new book would be nice.
Loving the cover artwork: Let's hope they give the Saurus some love as they feature on the new cover!
They just showed a bit more of 'The Old World' and said something about new models down the line. Maybe that's where we'll get some updated models.
I was just thinking this the other day! I'm pretty certain the popularity of the TWWH games, especially 2 (teehee ), is one of the biggest (if not the only) reasons that the OldHammer is being resurrected. I've heard so many people online say that these games brought them into Warhammer, but were disappointed to find the world is gone in the mini/tabletop game and that only a handful of the playable races survived (and severely hampered at that). ...which all leads me to believe that if we don't get new sculpts for saurus now (or any of our other outdated models which now have significantly better designs in TWWH2), we will most certainly get new models once OldHammer comes back based on said designs. At least, I really hope so. It's a bit of a shame that that the kickass, vicious saurus in the video game is actually a scrawny, malnourished version on the tabletop. (Don't get me wrong, I really like the current saurus sculpt, it's just that the TW design is soo muchhh betterrrr! especially the Kroxigors!). /rant lol