? I was just saying that it’s Forbidden Power that is up for pre-order because @zubrin wasn’t so clear about it.
It seems Forbidden Power will bring a whole new level of possibilities to overpower your games… "Legion of Grief – a new Legion of Nagash led by Lady Olinder herself who allow you to combine the terrifying might of the Nighthaunt’s full roster with Bravery-manipulating game mechanics, gravesites and more" "And if two new armies wasn’t enough, Forbidden Power features a new system that allows armies of any Grand Alliance to take Mercenary allies from the Fyreslayers or Flesh Eater Courts"
Not in matched play though, at least not the latter. As far as I understood the Warhammer Community article.
Loving that other list you failed to mention though - finally a way to combine my 3 favourite AoS factions (Fyreslayers, Kharadron and Idoneth) as I'm guessing you don't have to add any Sigmarines to it if you don't want to like in the Free City lists.
Really? "The developments in Forbidden Power will shape the future of the Age of Sigmar forever " I don't think they are going to limit such a thing to mere narrative play
I didn't mentioned it because that is a thing you can already do. This one will merely give different abilities / artefacts rather then simply use the generic "Order allegiance"
It said: "For narrative players, you’ll be able to get stuck in with an in-depth set of rules for fighting in the cities and ruins of the Mortal Realms in Streets of Death. New mercenary companies allow you to add a selection of narrative-led, thematic units to your army. Perhaps you’ll employ the Maneaters of the Gutstuffers, or a Gargant from the notorious Grugg Brothers. Meanwhile, characterful name generators for loads of factions mean you’ll never be with our an appropriately epic moniker for your favourite Hero!" Open and matched play have their own sections. Source: https://www.warhammer-community.com...ive-bloggw-homepage-post-3fw-homepage-post-1/
But then you can also already have Olynder and co alongside Nagash in an army with a Death allegiance as far as I can see.
Sure, but a mix Kharadron / Fyreslayers / Idoneth, will bring unknown results, as it will largely depends on the abilities they will give to it. The mix Nighthaunt / LoN, on the other side… we already know it's one of the most powerful combo in AoS, since GW let us use the units from Soul Wars into LoN allegiance. This only seems to increase a mechanic already overpowered. Of course, I could be wrong...
If I get it right, Legion of Grief is an addition to Legions of Nagash book and allwos to use Nighthaunt as a part of LoN without making it allies or taking as a part of GA-Death. It will be another allegience for LoN like Sacrament, Blood or Night now. As for mercenaries, I see no problem with them even in matched play, if they are taken with the same rules as current allies. Only 400 pts and no allegience won't be breaking the game, IMO.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is said in regards to the GHB2019. The things I've quoted are about Forbidden Power.
Just hoping that they release the book on it's own. Dont want the new spells or core rules again but would love the background stuff.
Apparently, the ways of the Old Ones (i.e. GW) are inscrutable. No signs of lizards in the stars at this time. This skink will return to the remaining golden tablets in attempts to decipher them. However, it's encouraging to have seen Seraphon is virtually every Contrast paint video. It leads me to believe that GW will continue to support the army. Poor Empire, Bretonnians, Dwarves, Tomb Kings, and probably Aelves (to name a few armies I don't think will be supported).
Bretonnians and Tomb Kings are definitely gone as you say, but why would they have kept Dwarfs, the remnants of High Elves, Dark Elves and Wood Elves and Empire if they had intended for them to remain unsupported? I have high hopes that GW will at some point reboot these factions in the way they did Gloomspite (but they’d better do Dwarfs first or else I will be livid)
Right .......... I have just emailed Games Workshop and asked for a Seraphon update. Expecting an update between 48 and 72 hours, as explained on their website. Problem solved........