or Or OR. We could have an ability that allows a player to pay 4CP to let them pick which unit gets removed
it could be an ability common to every hero. Heroes are so expert and able with their weapons that can pick a precise target they aim at.
I mean sure, but then you either end up with every hero having a ranged attack so they can shoot the 5th rank to break up unit coherency, which conflicts with aformentiond playstyles/themes, or say a sunblood can somehow magically bite the guy 4 ranks deep into a formation which is just plain weird.
9th edition 40k fixes this with their new unit cohesion rules, units with more than 5 models (or is it 10... still new haven't memorized it yet) (so the break point would be 6.. or 11 like blast weapons) have to be within cohesion limits of two models instead of one. makes for some seriously careful placement, prevents hordes conga lining out, and makes model removal for wounds a strategic decision as well, put the wrong model and half your unit dies
Imho, adding stricter unit cohesion would probably be a great idea. I never quite understood why we have such lax unit cohesion rules, a chain of 40+ models can cover an absolutly ridiculous amount of ground without strict rules for unit cohesion and in hindsight it seems kind of obvious that some limits need to be put in place for that.
Possibly. It looks slightly more canine to me. With it standing on the architecture, I wonder if it's a future Lumineth model.
I agree with the canine feel, but Lumineth would be more Lion or Ox I think. I guess some sort of werewolf to acompany the vampiers? Grrr, Imrahil
it has the same sort of feel as the FEC, standing on a ruined fallen pillar, naked leg, clawed feet, looks a bit darker towards the bottom. quite similar I've seen werewolves being suggested on facebook as well. Maybe werewolves as an undead faction to finally oppose Nagash?
Werewolves vs vampires is not the most original thing ever , but i would welcome it nonetheless. ...even i wouldn't call werewolves a "undead" race. Staying on the pirate vampires hypothesis... if GW insists on the "Nagash rules them all" route, would they prey on idoneth? Thus filling another niche to hunt down the ones that try to escape Him?
Maybe it should become the gothic grand allegiance then instead of undead Or maybe they're some weird vampire werewolve hybrid. We used to have have direwolves, so I guess that route can work. honestly, that'd just be dissaponting, nagash can't just keep out churning custom undead to hunt down his rivals.
Tactical stone = probably character or single-model unit. Really thin and elongated = too whimpy to be a Werewolf? Some other form of undead "monster", or obligatory Chaos curveball.
Granted they do look "similar" but not the same. So, I don't think it's a vampire foot. I lean towards this being the leg of some kind of mount/sidekick and not an undead or werewolf. Although Lumineth is a bit of a stretch, I mentioned it b/c it was teased that there are more factions coming. The leg does look long and lithe like some of the new elf models. There theme could be connected to this (some of these rumors have a long shelf life). However, these days I expect all of the rumors to be a 40K, or Blackstone, surprise; just like the blasted Zoat (should have been new cold-one knights). But, it's just as much a guess as anyone's.
It wouldn't be very original though, but definitly possible meh, given the similarities, and the fact that werewolves & vampires tend to be used as rivals, I wouldn't be surprised if this is supposed to be the counterpart of a FEC abhorrent archregent, but now as a werewolf. but maybe we're all wrong and its just some random mutated chaos creature. as for it being 40K, the stone doesn't look future-y enough, usually there's more aquila's, skulls & futuristic bits like pipes on 40K terrain, even when it's broken.
Another possibility is it's part of Malekith's shadow aelves faction. There could be a werewolf theme to them or even just a separate set of creatures to be part their forces similar to how the lumineth have theirs. Could also something like the skin wolves which were chaos allegiance that forge world used to make and we see them as part of something like warcry.
https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/09/24/legendary-battalions-update/ This is a pretty cool change imo. The White Dwarf batallions were at times somewhat interesting and thematic, but knowing that they would be oudated sooner or later was offputting for sure. My only issue is that we are back to having Slaanesh with double DP generation again.
If they're going to do that I hope they'l start adding them to the actual GHB just as a way to collect them all in one place. Plus the GHB at this point is starting to get a bit empty anyway now that everyone has proper dedicated tomes again and the GHB no longer needs to bring massive updates for multiple factions as well as the small list of point updates and 1-2 novel things.