I thought the final chapters had concluded the story. Some new Primaris base Diorama That would be awesome Grrr, Imrahil
Nah, I think they’re Ambull larvae. As Blackstone Fortress is drawing to a close, I’d say it’s something for Necromunda. Gods I hope not, Fyreslayers are much more in need of some extra units than Sylvaneth. The Sons of Grimnir get priority!
Meh, the fyreslayers have such a boring concept though, what else are they going to add that continues their theme? Another halfnaked dwarf?
Fyreslayers could be given something like Lava elementals or Dwarf statues empowered by their runes, young Magmadroths, e.t.c. Use your imagination! Besides, the same could be said of Sylvaneth - do we really need more of those horrible Revenant models?
For sylvaneth anything vaguely plant-based will due. And some fae based stuff would also work. There's more than revenants, and most of it isn't terribly difficult to come up with. Hell a literal plant would work (unlike dryads and whatnot which are at least vaguely humanoid) For fyreslayers it's either naked dwarfs or magmadroths Lava elementals could've worked, but they kinda wasted that idea on their endless spell. Dwarf statues/golemns/automatons imho feels more like something that should go to KO, automatons seem much more fitting for their steampunk nonsense. It also doesn't help that I haven't seen a whole lot of fyreslayer architecture, which makes this feel even less fitting.
Well all those rumour engines indicating vampires seem to be getting their release soon based on this hammerhal herald
When I saw this I felt a deep wave of dread. Gods I hope this isn’t true, we’ve already got enough Vampire scum in Legions of Nagash.
You obviously haven’t seen much Fyreslayers artwork: Fyreslayers architecture is prevalent in their artwork,Mind as you can see there are stone statues aplenty. Stone statues fit Fyreslayers because they are more archaic and can be painted to fit the black volcanic rocks that would exist all around their mountain lodges, and given they have already worked out how to use Ur-Gold runes to amplify one’s strength and endurance, it would simply require an extension of this magic to awaken something inanimate that has the Rune inserted into an appropriate carved hole. What’s more they would fit well with Fyreslayers’ playstyle of being slow but extremely durable and good in combat. I’ve also thought of the idea of bringing back some of the more archaic Dwarf war machines reworked into Fyreslayers style, like the Flame Cannon (which would fit especially well with their lava theme), Grudge Thrower and Bolt Thrower, especially as GW have got rid of most of the Dispossessed artillery now to fit their horrible vision of Cities of Sigmar, as Fyreslayers are a slow army and static artillery would fit their style of play better than Kharadron who prefer guns mounted on their fast-moving airships. In conclusion are plenty of other ideas that can be implemented for Fyreslayers if GW are imaginative enough and give them a chance, which they should because they’re awesome.
yeah, the artwork outside of their tome seems to be pretty much completly limited to depicting halfnaked dwarf berserkers, it's very weird. I don't think there's a single other faction where its so difficult to find varied artwork outside of their own tome. As for using golemns, from a game-play point of view thematicly ur-gold powered golemns would work. And lore-wise it's not too terrible either. But visually, imho, it doesn't fit well since the rest of the army has 0 visual links to stone gollemns/automatons/statues, even if the tome does. Which only leaves the ur-gold runes as a visual link which is rather a weak link. Also, I do not like the idea of essentially just scaling up a fyreslayer to be "statue"-sized and pay that in a stone-colour, like in the the picture you've shown with the hallway with statues on either side. That just seems like kind of a cop-out. It'd need to be visually distinct from the dwarfs themselves, while still looking like it'd fit in with them (e.g. give it armour or something, except fyreslayers wear no armour so that doesn't work either without introducing something to tie in the armour with fyreslayers as a whole....) Imho, if you'd want to extend the line you'd first need to introduce some relativly basic fyreslayers that have more details than just 1) Being dwarfs 2) Being naked 3) Wearing a helmet that looks like a dragon with a mowhawk poking through 4) Occasionally has something that resembles (or is) a key As long as those 4 are the only shared visual queues shared by the fyreslayers it'l be hard to introduce something new that fits in visually but isn't just more of the same. Warmachines are actually a relativly good fit cuz you could put different visual queues on the engineers or on the machines themselves, while still tying them together by for example ensuring all warmachines have a dragons face (like real life dragon cannons). Though they might be problematic to balance seeing as its a nearly pure melee army currently. Hadn't really considered those because there's again, nothing really tying them together, seeing as the fyreslayers are pure melee, with barely any technology. God fyreslayers are such a one-note faction currently, at least as far as the models visually are concerned. It's such a waste. Meh, as long as its vampires that oppose Nagash I'd be fine with it. If it's yet more followers of Nagash though then they're utterly unintersting.