NEW KROAK!!!!, and new warscroll
not as enthused about a warscroll change but DANG for the first new model in7 years that's a nice one
im hoping he gets ruination of cities back. oooooh LRL just got a new magic school for one model, is it too much to hope for that kroak gets the same?
Holy crap, hes gorgeous! Reminds me of the old 5th artwork from the armybook. Such a relief that we are actually getting new models, was worried the long term plan for Seraphon was the squat pile. I like a warscroll change, he is pretty busted as is in a very oppressive way, but I'd be lying if I didnt say I'm fearing some GW style heavy handed nerfs. It would be devastating if they nerf him to the ground just as he gets a new beautiful model.
Such an awesome model. I literally just finished painting my old metal one last night but I don't even care because that model is amazing! I'm hoping it's a dual kit for a slann as well, and that Kroak gets the "god" scroll treatment he deserves
reading the article, they make it clear that kroak is one of the most powerful wizards in the realm,, so I don't think we get any nerf
Maybe boosting his point cost. Still, Kroak can now return to calling Nagash a little tadpole. Edit: I know of a TTGL-based meme that would work well with this too.
It might not be a nerf in the sense that he becomes weaker, but rather that he becomes less viable from a competitive point of view via point increases. Im guessing he's going to be costed similarly to other god-characters like Morathi, Teclis or Alarielle, hopefully the new rules matches the new cost.
I am a little sad that I finally broke down and bought the finecast Kroak less than a year ago. On the other hand, this model is freaking GORGEOUS and I could not be more excited to paint it up. Let's hope the cold ones get some new casts next!
And that’s almost certainly Kroak moving out of budget as an ally. One problem solved! I don’t see him losing out on rules, just points.
Maybe they'll bake his support items in. If he costa between 500-600 points, I would hope he's on par with how impactful Morathi/Archeon/Teclis is.
I also don't see that little lizard rumor engine anywhere on the model, so we may have more new things on the way!!!