They look awesome, really great work! What colour did you use for the lightest highlight on the skink scales?
now to start something else dont want a full day of painting ski9nks again if i can help it, i will move onto my saurus any suggestions on a colour scheme on them that ties them into the skinks. i could use exactly the same colours but not sure how my army would look all in same colour. I might be better using a different skin colour but keeping the same colour scales or something. Any advice would be great.
One common techinique is to use the same collor palate but reverse the order. so instead of purple bodies with yellow scales (skinks), have yellow bodies with purple scales (saurus). Or rotate all 3 colors yellow, orange, and purple, and have orange Saurus with yellow scales and purple shields, or something like that...
ok here is my first attempt, what do you think to him and how he matches the skink. as always any feedback would be most welcome
Incredible work on the body and scales. I like the match with the shield but the spear needs a little something at the moment. It looks a little flat. The rest is incredible though!
I'd say he just lacks a little bit of color compared to the skinks. He looks good though And I would have to agree, the weapon looks a little flat
ok thanks for the advice, i am trying with the spear but cant get it right, i have tried adding a little more colour to the model to see how that looks what do you think and do you prefer it now or before?
When i saw the first pics of the saurus i thought 'those scales need something' and i must say the yellowish spots worked brilliantly! Well done!
Yeah! I really like the difference! And to change/add color to the spear try using something other than black for the shaft
here's my first salamander i got done last night any ideas on how to improve him would be great, just need to base him now and he will be done what do you guys think?