I love those! the models are very fun sculpts and with those black, cartoonish outlines they look amazing. Grrr, !mrahil
I had my idea for the theme of this team. Beach like lilo and stitch or Moana I already got names for all the players: Its'y Bits'y Te'eny We'eny Yel'low Pol'ka Dot Bik Iny Tha't sh'e wor'e for'the fyr'st tyme to'day
Greebo Games has a service right now. If you bought a team at them, you can make a logo on https://placeit.net/ ,send it to them and you get it back for free
I think it's more like No he is a 3d Print from Brutefun https://www.myminifactory.com/users/BruteFun Miniatures/collection/fantasy-football-lizardmen
Wow those look great! Nice how the bright purple/pink/blue basing colors work so well with the psychedelic hair colors too
Made a test mini for my human team yesterday. Blue print was a fire nation warrior from Avatar. Somehow I'm not happy with it. Didn't worked out as I wanted. I showed it to my wife and she said "it looks like a Power Ranger" . I started laughing! That's why I love her! That's the funny sh... I was looking for! So I changed my blue print and I'm looking for go power ranger blue prints
Changed my mind on how to paint my human team.since since I started my blog with withe scars I thought why not go on with them... in a way