O.k., so I've taken the step of adding some scale detail texture to these on some of the smooth areas of the faces and shoulders. Do you folks think I've made a horrible mistake, or should I keep going with this?
I think it looks way better with the texture, but i'm a texture lover. Do you think the texture would show up after being cast?
Oh, yes, it will definitely show up. And if you run some wash over the model it will settle into these lines and the texture will appear in high relief. Going to work on this some more tonight...I think this is worthwhile...
Thanks guys! Burning the midnight oil tonight, although I wish I could say it was because I was sculpting I'm actually trying to get a jump on next week's work load at the office so that I can take a vacation with my son for Easter. Since I'll be away (Tortola in the British Virgin Islands! ) I probably won't finish these now until the end of April. Getting my sculpting tools past Homeland Security is not something I want to deal with...I'm likely to have my favorite wax carver confiscated! Expect to see refinements to the texture and more texture added to the forearms, feet and tail. At that point I will be shipping these off for casting - woo hoo!
just wondering... as awesome as the detailed texture looks, is it going to be picked up in the casting? i dont know how fine details can be and still be visible in the cast...
Just back from a vacation in the Caribbean. I'll be finishing up the sculpting and shipping these guys for production this coming week, give or take a few days. Thanks for asking
Hey, sorry for the long absence! Partly it was due to work, partly to a new computer and partly because I've been really busy in my personal life lately - in good ways mind you...including planning a wedding, taking a vacation, learning some new art techniques and playing warhammer! Anyway, as concerns the last bit, I brought my camera along just to take some shots of my army and some of the many WIP projects that are going on in lizard-land. Pardon if this post is a little long on pictures and a little short on fluff, but hopefully it will generate some interest and then you good folks can ask some questions and that in turn will spur me to be my usual verbose self! These are not re-sized, as my re-sizing software apparently does not work with my new Windows OS...(see "new computer" above). I'm hoping that Lustria auto-resizes photos as many lists seem to do these days. If nothing else, maybe you'll be able to see more detail this way. Without further adeu - this is a "group shot" of my army, about to go into battle against the High Elves: Here is a view of just the infantry blocks: If you look closely you can see the Kroxigor in the Skrox unit, still in green putty and uncast because I am in the process of adding scales to the shoulders. I'll post some close-ups of them later, once I am back on top of things. Two other obvious "green-stuff" sculpting projects in the works - my Old Blood on his Horned one, riding behind the Scar Vet, and a third Salamander, which is going to be a completely original piece (possibly cast later for you folks!) A better look at the Horned One, who still doesn't have his horn...this was started a while ago but I only just got to the point where I am fighting battles large enough to use him, so now I am finally working on the conversion. Still to come, a massive head-dress on the Old Blood. As you can see I haven't finished the baby Steg either, but as he was instrumental in wiping out a big unit of Swordmasters, he's now earned his paint, so expect to see that project moving forward in the next couple months (I'll be away on my honeymoon in July, so don't look for many posts!) Cold One Cavalry: I don't think I've ever posted a photo of these guys all painted up and finished before, so I though you might enjoy seeing this. Took forever to get them looking good, each one a conversion with a custom base. Currently in the process of painting the tiger stripes on each figure in the larger spear Saurus block...and developing carpel tunnel syndrome...but I really liked the result on the smaller Saurus block, so I am committed to sticking with this pattern/color scheme: Last but not least, a shot of that Salamander a bit more "up close and personal", rearing up to spit a giant gout of flame So that's what I've been up to! I'd love to hear your comments and feedback. Oh, and btw, I was victorious over the Elves P.S., I just found out that you can right-click on the images and open them in a new tab (in Chrome anyway) and see them full size! Enjoy!
You can also middle click a link and it will open it on a new tab. Also, Ctrl + mouse wheel to zoom in and out
Phenomenal! Digging all your old school models! I'm in the same boat for the most part, just un-modded and painted like a 10 year old did them Back to lurking the thread for me!