Thanks guys, I just love the old Saurus models so much, they are just so solid looking with expressions of stony resolve. Like they could just bite your arm or leg right off and swallow it for a snack without blinking an eye The "All Your Base" banner turned prophetic, as I rolled over both Elves and Dwarfs on my left and right in the current campaign league I'm playing in, taking back the Ziggurats that they raced to occupy at the start of the game. Now I am holding my position against the Dwarfs as I march ever closer to the Elf capital for a siege. As the points values have increased I've found it harder and harder to pull off massacres and solid victories, but I still manage to get at least marginal victories, which keeps my banners advancing. Soon I will have enough points for a Slann, and then I hope my victories will start being more fact one of my banners already has one, so a plannequin modelling project won't be too far off in the future (once I am back from my honeymoon that is!) In the meanwhile I have a bunch of partially completed projects that I want to wrap up. The Krox are done (photos will be forthcoming) and will be sent off for casting soon by Chapterhouse Studios (details will be posted when I have a release date, etc.) I really love the old Dimetreodon inspired Salamanders and so I had to stick with that "species" for my new one I'm making...I may make this castable in the fullness of time, if there is interest from you good folks. Here are two updated WIP photos, as I add more bulk to the sallie's frame: Next step on this will be to do the texture on the sail and then the facial details, Tally-ho!
I am so excited to see him done! I love the old sallies and i dont have any. My collection is made up of two unfinished/preowned/unstarted armies. Since the two sets were mostly 8th edition models, i got all new sallies. And i must say at no fault of the sellers that is my biggest disapointment. As well as no teradons, 2 camo skinks and fewer than 60 8th edition skinks. I started collecting the lizardmen because i love dinos. And even though Dimetrodon isn't exactly a dinosour i always thought of him as my favorite or at least top 3. So i was very disapointed to not get any in my sets. Although i did get 5 of new ones. I'd say i could use a few more just in case. Haha.
Hey Danbot, thanks for the kind encouragement! I'm getting back into a more regular hobby schedule, at least between now and the wedding, and going to make a concerted effort to see this model finished therefore by the first week of July. Here is a progress shot of the sail, following last night's session: I'll do the other side tonight before bed
Looking phenomenal T'ink! I too love the oldschool sallies, but your model is even more exciting! Its more animated, and offers a variant to my old favorite Don't forget the fireglands under his neck (or blueballs as I call them.. and have painted them )
Right! Anyway, here is a quick update showing the other side of the sail and the front feet. Back feet next and then I will really dig in and finish the limbs and torso proportions, smoothing everything out and preparing the surface for scales and all those little bumps and things that the original GW Sallies had. I guess I'm going to finish the face/head last.
Thanks, back feet are done now too, but no photos until I'm back next week (I'm currently on the road for the weekend). The sail is a mix of hard epoxy putty - - with a little green mixed in to make blending a little easier.
Some fantastic work here, im going to go back and read it right from the start. (20 pages through already) Heres my own old school lizzies:!
Awesome work new to lizzies my self and seeing what you can do has blown my mind, a few pages ago you mentioned that you were short on blowpipes if you would like i think i have another 30 around here that id be happy to mail to you
Great Momus, I think you'll find a few things of interest for sure. Going to check our yours as well today Elmoheadbutt - great username! I should have an updated photo posted tomorrow...look for it late in the day. I have some time to work tonight and the back feet are already done so maybe I'll get a little "face time" in tonight Wiggus - thank you so much for the kind offer. I've got a big ziplock of bits too if you ever need anything. As far as blowpipes go I think I'm good - I've got all the Chameleons I need for battles up to 2500 points, and beyond 3 units of 5 or 2 units of 7 (depending on the battle plan) I would take Terradons for roughly the same missions, and that's where I need to focus my army construction/conversion/sculpting as soon as these current projects are done. What current projects are those you ask?? Here's what's happening on my workbench: 1) Salamander (current photos) to be completed and skink handlers to be cast/converted (haven't started that bit yet) 2) Kroxigor cast (details on where you can buy these will be coming VERY SOON!!!) and then my Skrox unit needs to be painted (about 1/2 done now) 3) Saurus with Spear need to be painted (about 2/3rds done now) 3) Saurus command group (second group of conversions including the "saurinette" player and feathered headdress champion painted (about 1/2 done now) 4) Old Blood on Horned one to be sculpted and painted (about 1/4 done now) 5) Terradons to be converted (need riders and 2 more complete birds), based, and painted (almost 1/4 done) 6) Chameleons to be painted and based (these are the most recent conversions, including "crouching blowpipe" and "tree hugger") 7) Steggadon needs to be finally assembled and painted (3/4 done...this will be finished BEFORE MY NEXT GAME...sleep is for wimps!) 8) Sculpting a Slann on Plannequin and sculpting/converting/casting a complete unit of Temple Guard and painting it to completion (NOT YET EVEN STARTED!) Whheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew...(DEEP BREATH!) Somewhere in all that I am getting married in 2 weeks and going on a honeymoon too!
Please excuse the double post, but I really like keeping this plog up to date, so here goes: Hey guys! I just got off the phone with the President of Chapterhouse Studios and he said that the Croc-Ogres are on their way to casting tomorrow! Expect them to be available to the public for purchase in about 3 weeks (when I will be on my honeymoon!) I have no information about the pricing at this point, but right now he is planning on doing them in high quality plastic resin. Just so everyone knows what it is that we are talking about, here are the final shots of the miniatures, taken the day I mailed them off for casting: Each mini is in 3 parts, but are designed to be very easy to assemble with virtually invisible seams. Really looking forward to seeing how people interpret them! Please pass this along to the larger gaming community - the more that sell the more other miniatures I will make, and Chapterhouse is new to fantasy, so decent sales will convince them to expand their line as well. Cheers!
Woo! Definitely keen to get one. Interesting that you went with chapter house (as you say, they're 40k focused). There's talk of maybe doing a painting comp with these guys, in case you didn't see the other thread.
Wow, I haven't started collecting Lizzies yet, just came to this forum to get some ideas for a list & colour scheme, but I'm really interested in getting my hands on these Crox. More importantly, the Chameleon sculpts are incredible, I definitely can't wait to see these finished, & perhaps even painted one day
Yeah, I'm totally down for a painting competition! Can't wait to get some paint on these guys myself Chapterhouse is definitely interested in expanding into some fantasy figures and I may very well do some 100% original chameleons for them, and a Salamander as well (although it will not be the current sculpt, as that borrows too heavily from GW's old design, IMO, and is only suitable for my personal army). As for the chameleon conversions that I have sitting on the back burner of my workbench, I will be painting them after I get the Saurus and Skrox units done, since these are already started and I already have a unit of finished chameleons which serve me well enough for most games under 2,000 points. I am anxious to see how they turn out however, and thanks for going back and reading all of the older posts Tetengo! Just FYI, I will be away on my honeymoon from July 10th to July 25th, and will not be monitoring this forum while I'm away.
As mentioned in the "Lustria's Best thread, the CrocOgres sculpts have been cast and I just received a box of production samples from Chapterhouse Studios. I haven't taken them home yet but I'm looking forward to leaving the office tonight, going home and putting a couple of these together and painting them ASAP! Here's a quick photo I snapped at my desk as I opened the box: Pretty exciting stuff!
HOW many have you got in that box?! thats enough kroxigors to last a lifetime (at my rate). i really like your salamander; its much better than mine: can you give me any tips that will improve my sculpting or is it just practice, practice and more pratice? thanks and good work!