Looking forward to it. I'm still tossing up whether I should get one. I have no need for another kroxigor, but ... they so good looking.
OK, OK! Sorry this took so long - work has been beyond crazy (let's hope that is a good sign for the economy as a whole!) So here's a photo of the first one, all painted up: And here's one with the skinks, so you have an idea how my color schemes all work together: Please give me your feedback so I have something to read whenever I can break free to check back here again
DAAAAM that's great. and the colour scheme seems to work very well. it makes it very easy to focus my eyes on details and makes the other colours stand out even more sticking around to see more! can't wait
Awesome work! Can't wait to get my hands on them. Although mine wont come out nearly as well. The stripes seem really fitting. I may have to try that as well. The eyes and the blending, are really really good. Worth the wait. Looks like your best paint job yet. Good model to go all out on too.
Thanks for the comments guys! Word came to me last night that these will be added to the Chapterhouse website NEXT WEEK as a new release! Here is the other Croc: This is the one that my son contributed to, especially the sculpting of the feet and legs. He really liked the little berry bush I added to the base Please give me your feedback so I have something to read when I can break free to check back here again! Until then, remember: Never Smile at a Crocodile No you can't get friendly With a Crocodile Don't be taken in By his welcome grin He's imagining how well you'd fit Within his skin! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMaPTZdwjPE
Very well painted, and loving the base! (especialy the berry bush ) I LOVE the blending on the tail. Looking back, I think one of your best decisions for this model was adding scale details to the face. It really brings it together. I think I may have to find the money to get one for my mordheim warband.
really sweet paintjob (and sculpting ofc) on the body and skin! Lovely colors and well executed However, i do believe that the club on the first pic (and to a lesser extent the other weapon too) needs some more work. the gold is a bit bland and the black/silver(gray?) looks a bit rushed. The weapon is so huge that it draws attention, and i think it deserves something extra to come up to the standard of the rest of the model. also the bases are AMAZING!
Wow, just wow, I've just spent the last few days working my way through this log, and you are a very talented individual! What you've achieved is simply inspiring, especially since I'm soon going to start my own Lizardmen army (as soon as the models are delivered!). I just wish I could buy a few of your Croxigators, but unfortunately the GW I play all my games in wouldn't allow them , but they're amazing models (and I prefer them to the actual models by a pretty wide margin). Anyway, that's all I have to say , keep up the amazing work man!
Man! Those new Krox of yours look great! Amazing paint job for an amazing sculpt. Well done my friend.
Hey thanks everyone! I'm about to have another week of long days and late nights at the office (the life of a litigator!) so I thought I'd check in here and write back before things get too crazy. Always so nice to read all your comments and you all inspire me as much as I hopefully inspire you n810 - One good quote deserves another and I love Lewis Carroll! Touche' Old Mossy, thanks for the kind words. The blending was done by base-coating the miniatures in white and tan (raw umber) using an airbrush. I then went back over everything with a wet brush to fix any mistakes, and added successive washes with a mixture of burnt sienna and orange. The green lining worked out better than I'd hoped and I actually think I could have added more, but I was afraid to obscure the sculpting and facial expressions too much. Thanks to everyone who chimed in about adding the extra scale texture. I agree it was the right call, although at the time I was very nervous about it. Lord Tsunami, I agree about the large black areas on the weapons, especially the club. The Axe actually looks o.k. to me. Not sure how I can fix this. I tried a grey drybrush but it didn't look right. The only thing that I think would make me happy is to do a marbleized look, or add layering, like obsidian. Not sure I am a good enough painter to pull this off, but if I work up the nerve I'll post some new photos. Chunk, welcome to the list and thanks for reading all that! I know it's a lot to go over, but sometimes when I think about all the work I have ahead on this army and feel a bit discouraged, I browse through this plog and realize how far I've already come, and it pushes me to keep going. Pity about your local GW policies. I think that really stinks. Favored, thanks man! Hope all is well with you and we get to actually play a game real soon!
Yeah definitely. Send me a message on facebook sometime and we can arrange something. I work during the week but I have weekends off.
how about making the whole club in black marble? even the golden edges and the spikes. i can just imagine the skink artisans carefully crafting a marble pillar into a club and giving it to their dim relatives to wield in battle plus, it would probably look cool, and it would be easier to do a marble effect on a larger area.
I might try this on another casting, just in case. Or perhaps I'll let you tackle that in the upcoming "Lustria's Best" painting competition
Here is a photo that I took on the run this morning with my Droid camera-phone (not the best camera, sorry!) I wanted you guys to see my Crocs in a Skrox unit with one of GW's figures, for comparison. Personally, and YMMV, the more I look at this unit the more I want to sculpt a Croc champion of my own in place of the GW "Ancient", a figure that I never really liked at all and which led me to do my own sculpting in the first place. Nevertheless, in terms of scale and overall feel, I think the Crocs work pretty seamlessly together with the Krox, and since all of these are painted in the same color scheme, I think it makes comparison easier. Please excuse the over-sized Skink Chief obscuring part of the GW figure - I should have swapped that figure out before taking this picture - it's a lovely figure, but stands more than a head taller than the tallest skink...nice going GW! Again, opinions can differ, and tolerance is what makes the world go 'round. To me, the more variation, the better