The kroxi's are awesome! It's always cool to see new ways to avoid the naff looking GW ones. Only thing I'd say is the eyes are a bit off... Might look better if the pupils were forward more so they seem to be looking to the front
All work and no play makes 'Tink a dull boy....Just wanted to say that I'm about to get back into working on my custom Steg and Sallie. Miss you guys. Stay tuned for some photos
The concept, such as it is, is to enlarge the howdah on the baby steg (the 5th edition metal one) to fit five 7th edition skinks, or at least a mixture of old and new, which is basically the theme of my army. Here is a photo of the conversion work I did on the Giant Bow, with one very strong skink in charge of pulling back the bowstring: Next I had to figure out was how to enlarge the howdah without making it look too big for the baby steg's back. I ended up making some wooden platforms out of toothpicks and craft sticks - just big enough for a skink to stand on but smaller than a 20mm base: And here's how they were attached: Mixing old and new figures - I really love the long pole that this old metal skink is using and want to incorporate it somehow: Testing out different crew configurations: I like this one best when the Skink Chief is riding along with his War Spear: Some more work on this has been done on the howdah since these photos were taken and I will post new photos before the end of the week. Comments?
Work proceeds apace, albeit slowly. I've decided that both giant bow crew will be permanently attached, as their poses make precise placement rather important. The howdah is also going to get walls, and I've begun placing posts all around the perimeter. There are holes where the other crew can be pinned in place, and removed as casualties as necessary (perish the thought!) I would have used rare earth magnets, but magnets small enough for a skink's foot are rare indeed, and i'm not sure it would be worth the trouble.
Man, I hope that skink has eaten his wheatbix; it does not look easy to pull that back! Looking good.
LOL, yeah I know it's not very realistic, but I decided to go with something that would likely get a little chuckle from my opponents when they get up close to see what the skinks in the howdah are doing
Yep, that's the idea. And of course the second he lets go he is going to flop backwards on his ass! This explains why my giant bow never hits anything!
Decided to go with a lizard skin texture on the howdah walls. Ready for painting - Dammit - I see a mold line that I missed on that bowstring! thinking about a color scheme for the lizard skin stretched between the howdah poles. Thinking I need to do something dramatic Believe it or not, I dropped this on a concrete floor when I was priming this and had to glue 5 bits of it back together at the last minute! Fumble fingers! I hope the damage doesn't show...
I still have those models, but I lost my giant bow somehow. Chalk up another project for me! Did you use screws for the posts of the howdah? Looks good.
No, not screws, toothpicks. Come to think of it, the threading does kinda look like screws. I'd better be careful how I paint that.
How'd you make the lizard skins? Is it just green stuff flattened, cut-up, and then... i don't know, prodded with a pen lid?
It's putty sculpted over a sheet of styrene. The threading is wire, and I suppose I should have been less even about it so it would look more handmade and less like a screw (?). Perhaps I can still do something about that, beyond painting. I'll think about it some.
I don't think it looks too much like a screw. One thing you could do, though, would be to make the holes in the skins more prominent, and possibly make some uneven gaps between pole and skin. But seriously, I think it's great the way it is.