O.K., Terradons it is, but perhaps a few side projects will creep in from time to time along the journey, as I really want to get the stuff that's already finished (sculpting-wise) painted and into the display cabinet so I can enjoy it for a while before I have to pack up and move! As I promised myself, I finished my remaining Krox, which may now be used as stand-alone monsterous infantry, as Skrox units just don't seem to work well with all their special rules taken away (damn you GW!) So here are my Krox units: The new-old ones first: Mixing and matching: And a massed unit in 3x6 formation: Thoughts on these?
They look great! The color scheme ties the various sculpts together very well. Which reminds me, I need to take some mixed shots of my Krox.
Thanks, they look better in real life - the lighting on these photos isn't great but my camera stuff isn't as accessible as it usually is these days as we are staging the house for sale. Anyway, you ge the idea. I went a little crazy with the basing, but on bases this big I think you almost have to. I'll probably be using these as flanking/fast attack units under the new rules, retiring my Skrox units unless I load up one with ranks, characters and the Egg. Worth a try at least. On the bright side, I have about 50 skinks that were in Skrox cohorts who can now be used as speed bumps and redirectors. New book, new tactics... Just painted up some swarms - I'll have to post photos soon. My terradons are still on the workbench trying to figure out what colors to use...
Well look what arrived in my local toy shop today! Taking him home tonight to the sculpting/conversion table...
"Bastidosaur" with a home-brewed photovoltaic engine, pew, pew pew! But I've also been struck by the inspiration bug on painting my terradons that I started oh-so-long-ago, and I may need to get to those first. Also have my chameleon conversions on my painting table patiently waiting...and there are swarms that I need to photograph... Luckily FavoredoftheOldOnes may be dropping by tomorrow night for a sculpting class - that should kick my ass into gear!
Ah yes I can say stopping over and envying your studio with all your painted models, WIPs, etc I can say that it's definitely got my creative juices flowing. Definitely will be around again in the near future for that sculpting lesson. Had a great time either way!
You're welcome Favored! Trying to keep my projects small right now - wife insists (correctly) that we keep the house tidy (including the man cave) as potential buys are coming through fairly regularly and we need to sell my place in the woods and rebuild on her land in town. Life happens! So I may be holding off on some of the bigger projects and spending what little hobby time I have available with painting projects. There are always at least 30 skinks who need to be finished and based at any given time...now may be the time for that!
Haha ah yes the joys of moving! Be sure the realtors know that the Warhammer models are not for sale! Eye candy only lol.
I can only imagine what most people think when they walk into my game room/studio and man cave. I really should have a nanny-cam hidden in there...
Hi, I have played on and of since 4th edition, and have (maybe) painted to models in my life, ever. This thread has been inspirational, and I aim to actually complete and paint my lizard army. Keep it running /Jacob - of to buy paint, brushes and whatever else you need to start painting
Sorry if i bring up an old post, i saw you removed the quivers on the old skink archers. Planning to do the same (christmas finally opened up some free days at work), could you give any advice on a best way to do it? Cutting them away with a hobby knife or taking them off with files? Btw what happened to the ankylosaurus?