Yep Strewart, me too...could take another month (or likely two) before all those guys are painted and based. Next up, Trakka Green wash for everyone! I really should just dip them...but GW doesn't sell Thrakka Green in a dip can (I wonder how long until they do?) and I'm not sure if the stuff Army Painter sells is identical in color and consistency. It would be worth buying it if it were. Perhaps I will search the internet for info on this if no one here knows? Tsunami, that's a good question. I avoided black primer because I want my skinks to be bright and striking, as befits their poisonous nature. White would have been ok I suppose, but I didn't want to go too far, especially as my base boat is Moss Green (Reaper paint color) which is pretty bright itself. Painted on white undercoat I was afraid my minis would come out looking almost neon Here's a picture of some of the finished skirmishers: I'm going to continue with this paint scheme for the cohort skinks. These guys really take some time to do, with the blue and orange spots and the 3 colored eyes - which you can only see if you use a magnifying glass.... My previous experience with doing masses of little guys is painting Skaven slaves, but that was mostly drybrushing and done fairly quickly, and a sloppy slave is actually a good thing in my book. If I don't develop carpal tunnel syndrome from this army it will be a miracle! Looking for ideas on how to do the Krox to match the cohorts. Thinking of using the blue that I used on the crests of the skinks as the dominant color for the Krox. Anyone have any other ideas?
well. the obvious answer would be to do them in the same colors maybe fo them "backwards" with mainly blue, and a splash of green? or go crazy and do them orange... its all good
You know, painting the Krox orange may not be such a crazy idea after all...I might give it a try just for fun and see how it looks.
A quick campaign update, I massacred the elves yesterday and took their Ziggarut city away from them! Silly Elves, what were they thinking? Ziggaruts are for Lizards, everyone knows that. The victory was due in part to my Sallie panicing his White Lions off the table and partly to my opponent making quite a few of what I would consider 'tactical blunders' that I was able to exploit. Anyway, my battle plan called for a level 1 dispel scroll caddy in addition to my lvl 2 with the Daidem of Power (to offset what I expected would be a lot of powerful Elven Shadow and Death magic, due to certain special rules in effect that benefited them at this particular Ziggarut). At 11PM the night before, as I was packing up my minis I realized I only had one painted skink Priest! The other one was still in his blister pack! I could have taken him as a bare metal figure and suffered a 25 point VP penalty and a -1 to his first Ld test (the penalty for not having any paint on a figure at all). Fat chance! Instead, I painted him from about 11:30 until 2:30, and I must say he came out looking sweet. I'll be posting a photo of him here soon. Unfortunately I left my camera at my friend's place in Vt where we often play our campaign games, so I'll have to use my camera phone for the photo...we shall see how good that comes out... In the game, not only did he prevent the death of my general by dispelling Pit of Shades with his scroll, but he also managed to cast Comet of Casandora and wipe out 6 Lothern Sea Guard (following 4 more being killed by the Sallie). Id' say he more than earned the painting attention he got! In other news, I managed to chop a hunk of my finger off (including part of the nail bed) while cutting bok choy on Friday night, so there may be a gap before I can update my sculpting blog here. Maybe not. It was the left index finger and luckily I don't use that finger much when I sculpt. Really freaking bled like a mutha'hucker tho...ouch! So, testing out the macro feature on my Droid: The lesson is, I suppose, eat more meat and fewer veggies
So here is my new Skink Priest, Celestial wizard extraordinaire, "Gek'illaeo" - Not a bad photo for a camera phone, eh? In this extreme close up I can see some errors, but remember I painted him with my throbbing left index finger in a massive bloody bandage, from 11:45 until 2:30 in the morning Kept my mind off my wasn't as if I was going to be able to sleep anyway... So now the question is, would I ever actually use the cloak of feathers in a game? When I bought this blister pack, many years ago, I thought at the time that there were some nasty combos you could do with it, but IIRC, that was with a former edition of our book, or at least before 8th edition.
Nice! I'd give it another round of highlights when your hand gets healed, I dig the bright and colorful lizards. /opinion
very cool as usual. the eyes are brilliant, and the colors are nice. the only thing i would like to change is the color on the orb on the staff. i think it would be cooler if that contrasted better to the rest of the staff. personally i think i would go with a black, with just a dot of extreme highlight, and possibly a gloss varnish. i wouldnt use the cloak in game either, but hey, nothing says a feathered cloak HAS to be able to make the wearer fly eh? it could be just stylish looking forward to seeing more as usual
O.k., so I am t`hinking now that maybe I should repaint that orb in the staff to look like the warhammer world, with blue seas and white swirling clouds. He is a celestial/heavens priest after all... Thanks for inspiring me! P.S., is it a problem that this whole thread is in the painting and converting section and not the army blog sub folder?
The army blog subfolder is confusing. What you would post in one thread you could easily post in the other, so it seems one invalidates the others existence. Add to that it's harder for new visitors to even find the painters blog subfolder, I think it's a waste to have it.
it took me months of lurking on this forum before i even found the army blog section. id hate for ppl to mis out on this stuff ps. painting it like the world is super super awesome... but can you really manage it?
I don't know if painting it like the world would sell visually from tabletop distance. Maybe, since it shoots lightning I think, painting it like a space marine power weapon with the lightning crackles would work well. You could also give it a glow effect, something rare in fantasy painting. Kind of like this, but good.
Cool, well I gave it a shot and I think it looks good - I'll post a photo tonight. I'm a little slow with the photos on account of having left my camera at my friend's house after our last game - doh!
Sweet looking skink priest. Definitely on of the better ones I've seen. And you did it all with an injured finger as well, even better!
Thanks for all the input guys! So hopefully this will show up on the same page as the previous photos for easy comparison. I added more highlights in various places, including the sun rays on the staff, yellow on the feathers at the edge of the cloak, some bright greens and some black ink to orange feathers. And, as discussed, I changed the orb in the staff to be a little heavenly body to go along with his celestial/heavens magic theme. It pretty much looks like a blue and white ball on the table top, but in close-ups I think you can tell that it's supposed to be a planet. So what do you think?