Hey! Good to see you around the forum! Yeah, for some reason I can’t bring myself to go through the rulebook... Haven’t touched 40K since I last played it in the 90’s....
The AoS pages aren't the only show in town! We also have some lovely Lizardmen vs. Chaos Dwarf discussions going on as well!
I'm definitely interested in seeing what they do with the Old World game, but so far everything points to it being a Forgeworld exclusive thing, kind of like the Horus Heresy. On the one hand, people who already have WFB armies shouldn't be too affected as long as their units remain supported in the new game. On the other hand, I have a feeling that it's going to be really hard for new players or AoS players to get into it due to the combination of square bases and new models probably being Forgeworld only. That said, they did say it was years away, and the current world situation has probably slowed that down even further.
it was their team who made the announcement and it was compared to 30k in the video. also https://ageofminiatures.com/warhammer-the-old-world-news/ quote "First of all, it’s being developed by the Warhammer Studio in cooperation with Forge World studio (it’s still a bit unclear how exactly this works), which does many of GW’s “side projects”, usually in resin rather than plastic. Secondly, GW have referred to Warhammer: The Old World as a parallel to Horus Heresy, another Forge World game that chronicles the ancient history of the Warhammer 40,000 universe with rules that resembles that games earlier editions rather than its current edition."
God, it better not be a “sideline project”.... Grrrrrr I’m getting a bad taste in my mouth about this already. I sincerely hope that they take it seriously and put some work in. Not even just from the viewpoint of a fan! Even financially if they really made an effort they would get not only he newbies, but generations of older players back in and (let’s face it) buying more models. I know for sure that I would be on that bandwagon of buying models, as long as they had done me right by way of developing the game properly.
I have been getting into it again a little bit with a friend who is inexperienced with wargames, i have around 3-4K points of space marines, and playing mirrors has been pretty fun. Fantasy does have an aesthetic that pleases me more however, and the 40K psychic phase has nothing on our magic phase. Fantasy is also a lot more movement based which i think is more fun, 40K is more about target priority and board control. Waiting for The Old World is the name of the game, 40K can be a nice distraction though. General chat sounds pretty fun... good suggestion NIGHTBRINGER. Very little is known for sure, but it does not seem unlikely that The Old World would be comparable to a 30K rollout. Mind you, 30K has been pretty successful, and loyal to its roots. If the Old World remains faithful to the 8th ruleset with good updates and it brings new players to the game, i would be totally happy.
Hear hear. I haven't been able to get back into 40K. Mainly for the reason that WFB is more strategic. 40K is, like you say, about controlling the board and shooting the mahrlect out of each other. I am still holding out hope for TOW. But, like @NIGHTBRINGER has been saying, if it's a degrade then I'll just continue with 8th. I've still got friends who play so I'm perfectly happy. Would be nice to have contemporary rules, new releases, etc. but is not a must-have for me.
Must say, the board control part is a lot of fun. I think the two main things 40K has over fantasy is its by simply better objective system. Holding points, choosing to commit to the first blood point or not, and really using your soldiers as a way to get objectives and not just in a meatgrinder is a lot of fun. It feels great to win a game with 3 models standing while your opponent still has dozens, simply because you were on top of the objective game. The other advantage is relatively new, i love the command point system and i would not hate something like that in The Old World. They are basically army specific activatable special rules. You have a set amount of command points in a game (in a 1K list you would have something like 8), which you get to use over the course of a game. You can always use a command point to reroll something (that is the baseline power level), but getting reroll to wound or getting a free reform or something per unit really increases the options you have in a game. There are dozens of strategems for each army, and knowing your opponent's tricks is also a great boon, which really makes for a slick, interactive game of chicken, because it is pretty hard to know when to blow your command points or when to save them. I am also still holding out hope for TOW, but the reality is that with no new players, 8th will slowly die out. I know people that could be into fantasy, but i can't really recommend someone to spend hundreds of euro's in a dying game (i don't see AoS as a viable alternative to 8th). Let's hope they don't balz it up, and that we can get a community again, also so i don't have to drive 2 hours anymore for a game of fantasy .
I certainly hope that we'll get to see more interaction with the lizardmen characters and will be told by their stories.