I'm curious, what is the skinapalooze and skinathalon? They sound right down my alley since i mainly paint units including skinks but if we are gonna paint a box of skinks as fast as possible i might get worn out or see double. I feel like a newb asking this
I always like the idea of contests as they are helpful deadline to piant some models and sources of inspiration i'll throw in some silly names: jade lizard, paintsaur
While you are promoting, I've got an audience participation meme comp lined up ready to go. It can run parallel to the painting one. Much simpler than "History's Least Successful Skaven Incursions" http://www.lustria-online.com/threa...orys-least-successful-skaven-invasions.10935/ PM me if you want a free sample or two.
The theme for this one will be Skinks. And yes, conversions are more than welcome as long as they fit the theme. I'll get rules for this first one in a couple weeks.
If it helps, I'm happy to offer myself for judging if there's going to be a conversion element too? I do have a converted/painted skink I could enter as well.
I love this idea, give some motivation to try new things. Will it be just skinks in general or a certain unit(characters, or core)?
Skinks inclusive of chameleon skinks, either single or in unit, character or rank in file, NO mounts at this moment, so no stegadons or dactyls, you may attempt the characters, dioramas allowed! Enjoy!
Oh, oh, oh! Pick me! I am in! (so skinks only, huh? better get my butt into gear and do some painting! ) Hmmm....I like SoB's idea. Your friend of bob conversion/model.....
No worries. They're really just silly names for our mini-contests to help get the creative juices flowing for a larger contest full of prizes and crazy rules. The rules will be posted later this week, but you don't need to worry about painting an entire box of Skinks! That would be rather excessive. It's more focused on quality and skill than anything else.
I'd like to remind people just how many skinks we have, and possible skinks for conversions. Handler skinks. Jav / spear skinks. Skink patrol leaders. Skink chiefs, 3 types. Skink chief on mount (several combinations). (however at current i don't know if mounts are allowed or not!). Conversions of any skinks available to the army. Chameleon skinks. Blowpipe skinks. Basically, tons of skinks! i am a huge fan of the wee ones, and for my core "for fun" list, i want to paint 80 skinks, and run 2 hordes of 40 Poison skinks, with added skimishers!
You forget oxolotyl, tehenuain, and tetto'eko, then you can have combinations of any of the above on a diorama....