Such grand plans for april, such potential. I got paintblocked pretty much every weekend, so I've done 25% of a stegadon, 90% of a salamander, and 5% of 26 temple guard. But I didn't buy anything! (almost bought 115 models in a set, but hey, I was outbid )
With my 11 ChSkinks down I'm only -39. Normally it would have been -40, but when I saw the Skaven Warlord I just had to buy it . I like the finecast a lot. Nice detail, the only thing is that you need a good glue (not the plastic glue). But as I was always strugling with the metal ones, only needing to hold the pieces together for 10 seconds instead of 4-5 minutes, helps a lot. I hope I can get my 32 SW finished in May.
Well, I have 60 sw, a slann, an eotg, 20 TG, a scar vet, 2 Krox, about 70 skinks, a sallie, a baby steg, a skink chief, a skink priest, and loads of chaos space marines to paint, fml
Well, I failed completely to finish my SW. They were blue and now some shields have there first brown undercoat, for the rest had almost no time to paint them further. Good news is that I did not buy a thing, so I'm still at -39 ;-).
Big ole goosegg on painting for May. Am planning on painting one of my tervigons though now they've finally arrived, so we'll see how that goes. Only bought an Ork Big Mek, so that leaves me at -17 to date. Got to try and get back into the positives before half year end (maybe some Termagants to go with the Tervigon?).
With the new rulebook for 40K out this week, I've a feeling (ie I'm hoping) there will be a new starter game brought out which will dig me a huge hole. Don't think i'll get anything done again this month, severely lacking motivation and I picked up Planetary & Mighty Empires from a clearance sale the other week so i may be painting tiles instead of minis for awhile. EDIT: i've read rumours of a Dark Angels V Chaos Marines starter kit being released in September with 51 models in it, so better get painting!
Well I advanced a bit on my SW. Started on my CoR also. The CO en Riders are painted. It's the fine work that needs to be done on my 32 SW en 16 CoR. I hope they will be finished this month I received my birthday present of my friends and it was scenery (almost finished painting ) and 20 clanrats and 1 Deathmaster Snikch. So I really need to finish those SW and CoR.
Nothing done again for July, which still leaves me at -17 YTD. Picked up my Chaos Marine Battleforce and started clipping last weekend though, i'm planning on getting the Khorne Berzerkers done first as a colour scheme test unit, so should have at least 8 done my the end of this month. Picked up a Chaos Marine Unit w/Rhino yesterday so that's another 11 models in the hole. -28 YTD as of today
Yeah. I have the Island of Blood (mother, not me). Its good, but i've only painted about 10-20 high elves and Ratchitt. I want to do this to all of my skaven models:
Ended up spending most of the month trying to put together my two Chaos Rhinos and then after I'd basecoated them, decided that the paint scheme I was planning to use looked a bit sucky and tried to think of a way to change colours without painting the exteriors again. Still in that phase right now actually. In the meantime though, new Plaguebearers and Dark Vengeance have landed, so I'm another -59 models down. Total -87 for the year. On the plus side, I have a clean to-get list, and a crapload of basecoated minis screaming at me for paint.
Is this thread going to be repeated for next year? I would be interested if so. I just feel kind of akward joining a painting and modeling thread this late in the program. Particualry since I won't be getting to my Lizardmen until I have my 1500 point Blood Angles finished (due to a promise to my sons that I would get finished). At the rate I'm building/painting now, I probably won't get to my Lizardmen stuff until December at the earliest. Thanks. (I too succumbed to the "ooh shiny" of the Dark Vengence set. But, "she who must be obeyed" told me I couldn't have it until Christmas.)
Yeah we will probably repeat the thread next year. I must say I have completely and utterly failed. Hardly painted anything in ages and have bought probably a couple hundred models, and got the Reaper KS so next year I already have ~260 models bought as well.
Thanks. I"ll be watching for the thread update. It'll help me stay focused on getting my Lizardmen done.
I failed too, but only by a slim margin. You know how bargains are on e-bay and I needed a cannon for my DOW list. And I wanted to piggyback off my friends Reaper Kickstarter. But mostly it's the 12 Kroxigors I bought this year. I got store credit after placing in a tournament and bought some skinks and later a Corpse Cart (for my LM undead project). I finished about 12 Chamo Skinks, a couple characters, some Saurus and 4 zombie skinks. It just happens to be the case that the things I finished are quite small (mostly Skinks) and the models I bought are quite large. By TRYING to keep this resolution in mind I have probably cut my purchases in half though.
Yeah i have utterly failed I bough some more dark elves a blood angels army and some other stuff and barely painted any
Finished off 5 Ork Boyz, and nearly got 4 Bloodletters done. Should have them finished in the next few days, then I can concentrate on the old metal Plaguebearers I had. Going fairly simple with those so fingers crossed I'll get the whole squad done and have 14 painted this month. -82 so far for the year. Want to get down to -49 if I can, that way I'll have erased everything except Dark Vengeance. That gives me a target of 11 models a month.
Finally made it back to painting ;-). SW and COR still waiting to get finished, but got 12 Giant Rats done. You see, I started small to get finally some stuff done. Like that I could tell my wife that I have painted more models than I received/bought this year. Until now I'm +30. If I can finish my Plague rats, SW and COR I will be +98 for this year. PS. Now putting + in stead of -, because its clearer that it represents a positive saldo. The - i used, was to indicate that it was 30 models less to paint, but since my friens (and myself) can't stop bying me some cool guys it loses its meaning. And 77snare, uses the - to indicate that he is down so much models, so now my post is more uniform with his posts
This year I bought or bartered for 12 Kroxigor, 24 new style Skinks, 32 Skink archers, 1 Corpse Cart, 10 spider riders, Oxoatyl, Inxi Huinchi, Tiqtakto, a Beastmen character inexplicably packaged with Oxoatyl, 1 cannon crew, and assorted bits, 3 Pathfinder characters, and I piggy backed 15 models ala carte on my friend’s Reaper Kickstarter pack (and more bits). 100 (I don’t remember if I bought my Truthsayer this year or last year, we’ll call it last year so I can have an even 100) This year I finished 4 zombie skinks, 1 priest, 1 skink champion, 1 skink standard bearer, 12 Skink archers, 8 Chameleon Skinks, 8 Salamander handlers. I bartered away five cold one riders, a beastmen character (since it caused my unpainted models to shrink I’m counting units I got rid of), 41 That puts me 61 in the hole. I have 31 models (Saurus, Chamo Skink, plus some command models) that I am really close to done that intend to finishing this very week. I plan to have 38 more done by Thanksgiving (Skinks and more Saurus). That will pull me out of the red. That leaves me two jungle swarms, 17 Skinks, a Stegadon, howdah, 6 Horned One Cavalry, and 4 Terradon riders that have paint on them that I ought to finish this year. I feel like I can actually scrape by and meet the pledge this year! I really ought to make a more severe pledge because my collection of unpainted and unassembled stuff is quite large.
I believe at last count in april-ish, I was at +4. I'm back now in October, bought a AoW orc brute, and 5 goblin netters, so back down to -2, at the moment. I've got some night goblins 50% done, so that should bring the tally right back up.