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Pathfinder-ish Campaign, Act II

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, May 1, 2021.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Following cautiously from Behind Ohmen holds high his staff, letting its light spill over the corridor and following room before answering Shiro's question. "He knows not what awaits us in these shifting shadows. But whatever it is... or rather, whatever they are... they are things of dread. Daemons I suspect. Hidden from the naked eye such is their foulness."

    Turning to the whole group now Ohmen continues "Ready your spells and swords and keep your wits about you. The darkness of such places as this is as unforgiving as it is forgotten."

    "Let us press on, let us lead the light and fury we bare in equal measure. Lead the way Izema and Shiro."
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro nods, turns to Izema and an unspoken communication passes between them. While Izema cracked his neck and unlimbered, the others see Shiro smoothly draw his sword and whisper to it, too quiet for them to hear.

    Looking into his reflection in the blade, Shiro whispers, "Azaphor? We begin." For a brief moment, a flaming eye stares back at him and then it is gone.

    Shiro and Izema meet eyes, nod and rush through the door...
  3. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Charging into the room, you are met with... nothing. No visible creatures, and only silence.

    The room is octagonal, each of the 8 corners denoted by a tall, squared support pillar covered in ancient, worn runes. Looks like dwarven script. Four of the walls between the pillars are also covered in graven runes and artwork. The other four (behind you, left, right, foward-right) have large arched doorframes, again with runes carved into the keystone at the top of the arch. Some of the runes are unreadable. It almost looks like someone took a mining pick to them, or perhaps large claws?

    Clockwise around the room, the scenes on the door-less walls depict: Dwarves mining under the earth. Dwarves meeting elves on the surface. Dwarves meeting... something in the depths - you're not sure what it is, something has defaced that panel with jagged claw- or pick-marks. The last panel shows a figure in archaic, elven armor, holding a greatsword, standing guard over a stairway leading into the depths. Again, this one has been defaced to some degree.
  4. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As you prep yourselves for defense, someone tosses a glitterdust spell out into the room, looking for invisible critters. But the only thing the dust reveals is a hidden doorway in the panel with the imagery of the figure in armor, and some unusual footprints on the floor...
  5. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk readies his staff and prepares for a fight, casting detect magic to check for magical traps or spells.

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