Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk walks up to Drew before saying "Wow Drew, you got a really good price on those weapons! Normally it could cost one a half times that to get the same thing. Also Drew, I am not a wizard I cannot learn spells from books, frankly I am content with what ive gotten today, though I will follow you around. I would however like to find an expert on these gems they have if you don't mind.". With that word, Drakk waits for Drew to finish up with the Smith.
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Realising that the shopkeep had indeed remained unswayed by his Charm Ohmen is rather indifferent. Besides, He would still get his way, Or try at least.

    “Ahh, Some good old fashioned flour! That's sure to do the trick. I'll take.. Hmm… three if that's okay with you sir? Ah and yes, I will take at least one of the strongest packets of flash powder.” Moving away from the neatly stacked boxes and goods the kobold has yet another handful of requests “On the same theme, I was wondering if you have any sort of Itching powder? And I guess Rusting powder would be really really great for some of my blacksmith friends.”

    Continuing to sort of glide around the shop his eyes darting from one item to the next with fast-paced excitement. Now Ohmen allows the keeper to answer, before filling his responses with all sorts of fascination and a sort of contagious joy. A kind that the shopkeeper can find rubbing off on him, especially when coming from a fellow kobold.

    “So, business is going well it looks like, This town really is popular, For good reason too. I mean have you seen the number of ships out there!? It's actually crazy Did you know TT-They can go to space!?

    *Diplomacy - Influence Attitude Target - Shopkeep *

    Engaging in conversation with the shopkeeper Ohmen sheds light onto his history, giving the other kobold more than enough time to interrupt and talk for himself “I I was to be raised as a kobold alchemist… taught… taught by one of the wisest kobolds in my small village... Now that I look at it this place reminds me of him… He was such a comforting presence, I guess you and the shop's atmosphere are the same in that way really…”

    “Being… Unable to financially manage down here in the canyons we were forced up onto the surface… Lack of money and well… Well, the others got the best of us… and that's how it all started going downhill, or rather… uphill, up to the surface...”

    Slightly shivering the kobold remembers those never-ending icy chills and barren wastelands up above…

    “It wasn't long after we had finally begun to, for lack of a better word, ‘settle’ in before more problems started… Our sheep were the first to go and t-then..."

    Soon however the young kobolds speech slowly droops off, becoming sorrow and quiet as if he were the sky now suffocated in a blanket of dark clouds. “Well… Well actually… Me M-Me and my family are being f-f-forced to m-move to another world soon”

    Taking a series’s of deep breaths he pushes onwards…

    “Our den, Our house, Our everything was b-burnt and destroyed by… by… by..”
    Struggling to talk the Kobolds voice slowly fades into a saddened wobble, his eyes gloomy and pointed down to the floor as he tries his best to continue. Though as the words continue they lapse into a sort of rhythmic blur, all spoken clearly in Draconic, they are however slightly foreign as if hailing from some other Draconic subtype... Slowed down they ring around the shop before coming to rest within the shopkeeper's ears.

    *Casts - Hypnotism
    Target - Shopkeep
    Request - That the shopkeep can sell him the strongest poisons normally not given to customes, And a small total discount’
    (Ohmen has the conceal spell feat)
    (Ohmen has the Overwhelming Beauty trait since we are both Kobolds. )*​

    Continuing to pour out his emotions into what could be a continuation of his background the strange words only now have more meaning. Humming within the shopkeeper's mind he now finds himself staring into the icy kobolds sorrowful, infinite eyes… Pupil’s as dark as space above. Black lakes surrounded by an iris so similar to the moon's cold, cracked surface.

    “It It doesn't even matter anyway.. It's done now… and all I can look to the future, a future I'm struggling to see light in… And that's why I must come to you now and…”

    “Ask… beg... For you to sell me, my family the strongest, generalist poisons you have… Even if you have to do something unpermitted, It really is the best way for us to have even a shred of security in these tough times. I promise nothing ill will come of them, you have to trust me…

    "It is Now more than ever we are having to rely on people like you, the kind that we can hope to give us a cheaper price for our lacking financial situation…I really can't thank you enough just for hearing me out… Whatever you may do, I swear to refer this shop, refer you, to all my friends and family”
    Last edited: May 11, 2020
  3. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Ohmen... you are in prison.

    Everything seemed to be going so well. The shopkeep was eating your story hook, line, and sinker. He smiled at you, and said "Wait here a moment, I need to get what you desire from my stockroom in back." When he returned, he held out something for you to take, but when you reached out a hand to accept it, he grabbed your hand and pressed an odd bracelet to your wrist! A flash of pain accompanied that touch, and the bracelet seemed to pass through your arm to encircle your right wrist! You stared at it in shock for a moment, barely registering the door behind you opening until a pair of half-dragon guards were taking your shoulders in their hands. Their much, much stronger hands. You looked at the shopkeep in confusion, and he glared daggers at you and spat on the floor.

    "I suspected something was wrong pretty early on, but didn't realize what it was until my wards went off! It is bad enough that you come into my shop and start spewing lies and falsehoods, but then you try to ensorcell me, not once, but twice? We have laws against this kind of swindling!"

    "Indeed we do," the left-hand guard states bluntly. "Imprisonment, followed by a trial to determine the level of falsehood. Would you lay out the exact information?"

    Nodding, the shopkeep explains, and you listen as realization sinks in. "Something seemed off from the beginning. He was going on and on about helping his friends, but he wanted rusting powder, and a blacksmith would want nothing to do with that! Even so, he was probably doing fine until he tried to pass himself off as a native!" the kobold shopkeep practically spits that last bit out. You think you may have touched a nerve. "Not only have I never seen a grey-scaled kobold who wasn't an outsider, but he has no knowledge of hand-sign! None! I tried a half-dozen common recognition signs, and not one reply! Then he tries to spin some yarn about being forced from one of the canyons to live on the surface! The nerve! Everybody knows there's no air up there!"

    "This is true," the other guard says bluntly. "Sounds like someone didn't do their homework."

    "And he was babbling on about the spelljammer ships, like we haven't been using them on Silgis for three centuries," the shopkeep continues, obviously in a fury, "and then he starts going on about being forced out of his home and a fire, and that's when I realized my anti-charm talisman has activated, at least twice in less than a half-hour!"

    "So we've got several counts of lying, at least one count of falsely passing himself off as a native, attempted charm-magic, and I'm guessing there's more?"

    "When he thought I was under his spell, he tried to get me to sell him, and I quote, 'the strongest poison I have,' and tried to get me to undercharge him on top of that!"

    "So attempted swindling and trying to purchase proscribed substances. Got it."

    Before you could say or do anything else, the two guards each grabbed an arm and frog-marched you out of the shop, down the street, and to the nearest jail cell. They unceremoniously locked you inside, and left another guard - a kobold this time - to watch over you.
  4. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Ohmen, you are in an eight-foot by eight-foot room. Three of the walls are stone, built into the side of the canyon's cliff wall. The fourth wall is the traditional wall of iron bars. The floor and ceiling are chiseled stone, identical to the three stone walls. There is a fold-down cot attached to one wall, and a chamberpot.

    Outside your cell is the guard's desk. There are three other cells in this jail. As far as you can tell, they are empty. The desk is a heavy piece of furniture, kind of crude and looking like a wood slab. Your guard is, as mentioned, a kobold. He is a smallish creature, with shimmery rust-colored scales, currently sitting with his feet up and reading a book.
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Which brings up something interesting. Drakk and Drew, you are making your way towards a shop one of the guards suggested when you see a sight that stuns you for a moment. Two half-dragon guards taking a captive away. You've never seen the grey kobold before, but the robes it is wearing do look uncomfortably familiar...
  6. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk nudges Drew to take a look before approaching the guards. Seeing the Kobold look at him in recognition, Drakk motions for Drew to follow him. Unfortunately, the Half-Dragons are alot faster than Drakk so he is unable to catch up as the crowd parts for them. Eventually though, he makes his way to the prison before approaching a prison guard to ask "Excuse me sir, I saw you bring in a grey Kobold a few moments ago. I think he is a friend of mine, may I speak with him?".
  7. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Sitting up in his chair, the jailer looks you over and frowns. "Hmm. I suppose so, but be warned he is to be tried tomorrow morning in court. Big pile of charges against him. Nothing major, but there does have to be a consequence for his actions. We kobolds might be kind of, well, evil-ish as a general rule, but we are Lawful evil..." You think he might be making a joke, but you're not sure what...
  8. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk laughs a but confused. The guard notices his confusion and chuckles before leading Drakk to Ohmen's cell. Drakk peers through the bars before saying "Ohmen is that you?". Seeing the changeling nod, Drakk continues "WHAT THE HECK KIND OF CRAZY STUNT DID YOU PULL THIS TIME! NOW I HAVE TO BAIL YOU OUT AND BE KNOW TO THE DENIZENS OF SILGIS AS 'THAT STRANGE KOBOLD WITH THE CRIMINAL FRIEND'!". Ohmen is quite shocked by the sudden outburst but Drakk quickly regains his composure. Taking a minute to catch his breath, he exclaims "What did you do? I'm short on money so I may have to fetch Tarkaz or Izema to pay for it. And no lies either, I can always ask the guard about the charges but I would like to hear it from you.".
  9. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew stares pretty much dumbfounded at Drakk talking to another Kobold that says it is Ohmen. In Drew's mind he can't believe that the creepy grim reaper dude is now a small Kobold. Even though Drew is pretty shocked, he does stay to hear what Ohmen has to say for himself.
  10. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Foolish. Ohmen was shoved into the cell and sent sprawling to the floor. Foolish. Ohmen crawled to the corner of the room. Foolish. Its two walls however would not shelter him from the brewing storm. FOOLISH. Ohmens cold eyes fixed on oblivion. FOOLISH. Ohmen’s limbs froze, colder than ice.

    The voices in his mind screamed. Danced. More and more gathering, attracted by the scent of madness. Cackling around a beaten corpse like a pack of hyenas. Each one unable to wait their turn before lunging in and ripping off a hunk of flesh.

    Fool. Fool. Fool.

    Whilst some manically roared, others chanted singular words or phrases in an almost religious fashion. Those that tried to calm the rest or approach the situation were drowned, dragged down and pushed under a sea of shouts. Thier words turning into little more to fragmented whispers.

    Sitting tucked into the corner of the room motionless a war waged within.

    He would try over and over again to blame his actions upon the voices. Upon something.. ANYTHING!? He however inescapably knew that he was the one who had dragged himself into these circumstances. Overeager, overzealous to throw out spells at a whim. Having little regard for any sort of consequence. This was inevitable.

    The tree of reason standing tall laid low and suffocated in a coil of strangling vines. Vines which now birthed fruit - Consequence. Consequence of my own foolishness… My own. Own Naivety. Arrogance personified into flames which besieged the tree in violent outbursts of flicking and hissing.


    Clasping his hands together the changeling desperately clawed at any chance of escape, an excuse… Nothing. Crushing realisation that the whole scene was a reflection of himself. The vines, The flames were not some other entity, but rather an extension of himself… and thus passing the blame toward them was utterly pointless. He was to blame for this result. This was his doing and he could allude his own mind no longer.

    Ohmen’s supposed gift of Wisdom and Knowledge was clearly yet another one of his own illusions. Tricking not only those around him but also himself even more so. His understanding was hollow. Held up on rotten scaffolds of deceit. And it was these scaffolds that came tumbling down in moments such as these, allowing the statue that was his understanding to crumble. Any form of trickery placed upon it having faded all was made bare… It looked as if he would once again have to rebuild the statue, chucking random rocks together and hoping they would hold firm. Weaving the illusion of expertise and grandeur upon it. Allow the statue to bask in its own lies, manipulated into believing its own falsehoods.

    Not. This. Time.

    He could not continue like this. Acceptance that his knowledge was flawed crushed down upon him… He would… No. He must rid himself of hollow understanding, Rebuilding the statues in permanence and stability.

    Bringing scaled hands toward his face and clasping tighter to the point of Pain Ohmen silently prayers. Swearing forgiveness for his own mistakes to himself. Promising change to his own mind. He prays not to a god, Deity or some other divine being ill or good… but rather, to himself.

    Despite this, however, he knows that he cannot accept his own silent cries. For it was him who worked within lies, falsehoods and deception. Idea’s he looked to barely understand himself.

    His plea’s for forgiveness would go unanswered, disregarded and cast aside. For all he knew they could be another even more desperate and trivial attempt to gain some feeling of twisted achievement upon its acceptance.

    No more.

    I deserve whatever punishment or trial may come. It is not my mind that will refuse to learn, will not see reason. It is me. These so-called voices, emotions placed upon me by an external force are false. They are my own, They are me. I. Will. Change.

    Pathetic. Another false promise of change soon to be broken.

    Prove them. Prove yourself. Prove all WRONG.

    Hide within his mind no longer. Drakk shouting, Drowned out by owned voices within. Familiar faces, Suffocated in a tide of lost identities.

    ‘I am a fool Drakk. A guilty fool.’

    The words barely escape out his mouth, His whole body struggling to stop him.

    Ripping away the lies Ohmens voice is cold and void, sounding almost as if it were struggling to stay afloat. Words attempting to trip and attack each other on the way out, their echoes fighting for dominance within the ear, within the mind.

    “I am bound by the lies I wove. I am foolish to have used enchantments. My knowledge is a facade, hollow as are my excuses. There can be none. I own my actions..."

    “Though time and excuse may seek to separate them, Consequence and action will inevitably have their dreadful reunion, and it is that reunion I am blind too and will continue to be so for as long Arrogance, Misperception and foolishness persist within.
    Last edited: May 12, 2020
  11. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk froze for a moment, he certainly has not expected Ohmen to admit he had done wrong. In the past, Ohmen had usually just stayed quiet when someone had to bail him out, but this time felt different. Drakk nodded to Ohmen before asking the Jailor "Is there a bailout price? Trial? What is to be his punishment for what he did."
  12. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "Bail?" the jailer asks then shakes his head. "No, no bail. His trial will be in the morning, and punishment will follow swiftly. Once punished, he will be free to go. We will insist on it, in fact. Given that he is an outsider, he will be ordered onto whatever ship he arrived aboard and not permitted to set foot in town again."
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Regaining his breath as if speaking out was an extremely hard exertion, one that had taken a toll on his body Ohmen merges back into the shade. Silent, unmoving he sits crossed legged, leaning against the grimy cell wall. The worst type of lie. Cheap, thrown out phrases without previous knowledge, the kind worse than debris tossed to the wind would warrant whatever punishment would come. He didn't deserve to sit anywhere else.

    Fake Wisdom would be no more. Children’s Tricks and listless lies would be no more. Knowledge, experience and foresight prevail. Having been easily and effortlessly tricked, by both himself and the shopkeep Ohmens clear lack of such was revealed.

    There was no fear for Ohemn to make a fool out of himself for he had already done that. Action had quickly and silently revealed how very flawed his own knowledge is. Tearing down the walls of illusion which presented him as wise and understanding for all too see was a punishment in itself, one born of arrogance he must first rid himself of.

    When one needs punishment to learn and change they can only portray false knowledge and never truly hold it.

    I will change.

    A portrayal made evident just like his attempts to spell cast within this situation. Ohmen would preach of ‘regret’ but none can truly feel it without progress. The meaning and integrity of Ohmens word had left them long ago. They would not do, They would never do and never have been. Only action. He would tare down this arrogance until his hands were bloody and raw…

    Raising his head and crossing his arms Ohmen attempts to stare into nothingness and zone out repeating a single phrase within his head. This was no attempt to escape for there could be none within his own mind. Not now, Never unless he would learn.

    ‘Anger will bring no good. NEVERMORE.’

    An attempt to calm furious breathing felt as a result of anger at himself above all others, at his own petty ignorance.
    TheCrazyKhorneGuy and Tk'ya'pyk like this.
  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Completely unaware what is going on with Ohmen, Tarkaz is just amazed and delighted by the cute and strange Animals infront of him. Perhaps it is because of his own nature of being part animal himself, perhaps it is because they are exotic...perhaps.

    Looking at both the Mimmoth and the Gryph he asks how much BOTH of them would be and for the two largest Mimmoths the Kobold had. He was excited, nay, OVERJOYED at having such companions by his side.

    "Oh", he thought to himself, "how wonderful this will be! These little Mimmoths will be so helpful around the ship, chasing mice and such away from the kitchen for sandy and keeping vermin at bay around the cargo...and the gryph! I could train it to send messages while on whatever crazy missions the captain will have us on! Such uses surely will not go unnoticed, me, a minotaur will have the thanks of the ship and not be hated for once...." a huge smile is all the shop keeper can see as Tarkaz day dreams of these realities... even if they were just that, a day dream.

    Coming back to reality Tarkaz can hear the kobold telling him the price but did not hear it due to his fantasies playing out

    "I'm terribly sorry, I got a little loopy brained, how much did you say for all three?" Tarkaz asked again
  15. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Nodding to the Jailer, Drakk looks to Ohmen to say "Uhhhh see you tomorrow at court Ohmen.". Turning back to the Jailer, Drakk whispers "What do you think his punishment will be? And what exactly are his charges?".
  16. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Tarkaz: Shaking his head, the shopkeep repeats what he said. "I can sell you the two mimmoths, but you don't want a mimmoth in the same ship as a pidgeygriff. That's a recipe for one or the other getting a bad case of sick or dead. I keep the mimmoths in cages for a reason."

    Drew and Drakk: The jailer shakes his head and sighs. "Honestly, I cannot tell you how sentencing will go. It depends on what he," the jailer adds, gesturing towards Ohmen, "does and says during the trial. At the moment, the charges include multiple counts of falsehood, attempting to impersonate a native - badly, I might add. Two counts of trying to use charm magic on a shopkeeper, um," turning around, he pulls a scroll out of a cubby in the wall behind him and unrolls it. "Huh. Attempting to purchase proscribed toxins, several counts of swindling, the list goes on." Rolling the scroll back up, he slides it back into the cubby and shrugs. "I'll be honest, given the list of crimes, he'll likely lose a hand at the least."

    For some reason, part of your mind thinks that wouldn't be too bad for Ohmen. As a shapechanger, he actually might be able to just reshape himself a new hand? Maybe? You're not really sure.

    Izema and Garutis: Thumb wars are apparently a spectator sport around here. You've drawn a surprisingly large crowd!

    Ohmen, you're still in the jail cell. Not a lot has changed. Kind of boring in here, really.
    TheCrazyKhorneGuy, Nazqua and Lizerd like this.
  17. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Nodding to the Jailer again, Drakk and Drew leave the jail before searching out a place for Drakk to research the crystals he had discovered.
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Nodding at the Kobold shopkeeper Tarkaz looks over both of the animals one last time, "I would like to buy the Pidgeygriff, I however only have 150gp on me at the moment, may I give it to you as a down payment so I may return to my ship and get however more I will need to finish the transaction? I would need feed and treats also. Is there anything you would recommend for it?" Tarkaz tries to hold in his excitement
  19. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Tarkaz: I am sorry, I cannot take down payments like that. We have had... issues... in the past with that kind of thing. If you wish to bring the money later, I will see what I can do to hold it for you. You will need a perch of some kind, and there are special tools you need to care for its talons and pinions. I can make up a price list for some of it, but I don't have extras of some of those tools on claw.

    Drakk and Drew: Finding a place to explain about the crystals is fairly simple. A few doors from the prison is a market stall where an old kobold is selling various sizes of those crystals! It turns out the crystals are an odd phosphorescent gem of some kind that grows naturally in certain caverns on Silgis. The seller has no idea what would happen if you were to socket one in your staff, but is willing to sell you one that you could carve to fit for 50 gp.
  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    "I understand, some cannot be trusted, I would not want to put you in a position of losing money. I will return with the gold I have and return, if you could a price list for such needed equipment qould be very helpful! If I do not return today I will return in the morning. I understand if you find a biyer sooner, but I will return. Have a good day, blessings of the great winds be with you." Bowing Tarkaz slowly leaves the shop, looming around and taking in all the animals around him.

    Leaving the shop all Tarkaz can smell is...well...animal waste and other undesirable smells. Walking around he passes butchery shops and other what he assumed were eateries, "Is the griff the right choice with its cost?" He thought to himself, "it being able to fly is clearly an advantage to the mimmoth..." lost in his thoughts he nearly runs into a kobold, "So sorry!" He calls out, his giant form catching itself before falling over as he dodged certain embarrassment.

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