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Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Eventually Ohmen forces his mind into quiet consciousness once again, He stands. Stretching aching, cold legs he paces, or rather steps (Considering the cabins small size) toward a cluttered desk. With one motion the changeling shifts all the items to one side before uncloaking.

    Smothered in the clinging, almost shifting cloak the desk becomes a blackened sky soon to be covered with all manor of bead bauble, jar, trinket and ingredient taken from its pockets. Having organised the items into small piles and rows Ohmen reaches for a small, subtle bag, its dyed leather worn and frayed. Placing it on the desk Ohmens hand slowly reaches into its shadowy interior. Withdrawing it surfaces with a palm-full of glimmering gold, some coins slipping through fingers and falling back into the lightless void below where they would make no noise.

    Carefully Ohmen shovels the coins into a small pile, a sharp, satisfying metallic ring emanating throughout the room until the coins became still. Taking a deep breath Ohmen reaches into the pile, picking out a singular golden coin before neatly placing it to the side with a singular word ‘One.’


    Meanwhile, Wisdom strangely did not return to the ship with the rest of the group, for the raven had split off upon their arrival, instead looping towards the bustle of the market.

    Gliding above stalls and a streets smaller birds scattered in Wisdoms wake, their wings beating as fast as their heart in a scramble. Wisdom however had no interest in them, She instead hungered for something else.

    Slowly the bird lands onto an all too familiar rooftop, a grimey moss-covered surface waiting to cushion its landing.

    Having tucked in their wings Wisdom looks around before jabbing downwards, a black beak disappearing into the sludge and filth of the gutter and gaps between tiles.

    As it returns time and time again small objects are held tightly within. The fruit of Wisdoms previous curiosity and scavenging before such a ring had grasped the ravens attention… Every name. Every item, being or object held value. Even dust.

    Wisdom hops over toward the small mound of rubble, placing the previously found spherical green stone within. its coarse surface etched with enough scratches and marks to tell a history of times past.

    Without Stone no kingdom would stand. Stone is patience. Stone has endured for millenia uncountable. Stone is strength. This pebble, however scratched and worn held value.

    Next the raven retrieves a rusted keychain and a grimy copper coin, neatly placing it at the stones side.

    Without metal no weapon of war would sting. Metal is cold, confident and accountable. Metal is unwavering. This key chain, however rusted, held value.

    And within metals children are coins, Glimmering gold, copper and silver, The blood of trade, exchange and all that is commerce. This coin, however grimey and forgotten, held value.

    Once again Wisdoms shadow, one which made the most of an evening sun, glided through the market, this time returning with full talon n' claw.
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    “One hundred and eighty-seven.” The sound of another coin gently being placed upon another rings out. “One hundred and eighty-eight” again. “One hundred an-” Ohmens chain of speech is suddenly interrupted with the harsh ruffling of feathers as a dark bird glides into the room, its feathered body landing perfectly as to perch onto the back of his chair.

    Slowly Ohmen’s tiered eyes turn to face the raven who was now in the midst of hoping between the trinkets laid out on the table. Adding to those piles with those items which they had just recovered, inquisitively analysing each trinket and jar whilst doing so. Moving on the bird drops their single rusted copper coin atop the pile of gold ones, it's ringing more purposely pronounced.

    “Gratefulness Ohmen, Claim it. Cherish the golden glimmer. Respect the smell of metal on your fingers. Many souls lack what is before you. And many more lack what you have within you. Life.”

    “But do not let your comfort lie in your life too much, Or else death will come all the sooner and sharper. Cherish not the gold too much, behind such gleam is avarice. Greed. I see it Ohmen, I see it...”

    Wisdom pauses for a moment… It is clear to those that know as to what object the Raven’s mind is placed unto. The bird however moves on for now. Perhaps for the better.

    “Take what is owed to your captain, Lest another bound bind you.”

    The way in which the Raven speaks is somewhat foreign to those others on the ship's deck. It lacks a distinct stutter. The words come out slow. Giving one time to fully absorb them before the next one drifts in. Both as clear and as cold as ice… In fact, the room's temperature seems to have somewhat dropped a little as the bird had entered. yet a sense of alleviation and calmness came with it. The walls respected this bird. And it respected them.

    Slowly standing up Ohmen allows the last few handfuls of coins to fill his pocket. “I know Wisdom”

    You cannot learn a thing You think you know. You cannot see a thing You think you see.”

    “Come Ohmen”

    The Raven signals for the changeling to follow.


    Seconds later Ohmen is standing upon the deck, a soft wind attempts to embrace his cloak, but is instead met with sharp, foreboding fabric and colour, it was almost as if it were fighting back.

    Pausing for a second the changeling looks out towards the infinite stretch of ocean, towards a setting sun with wide eyes and heavy breath.

    "Make amends before nightfall. Lest those that dwell in the dark see your emotions and make it all the more difficult."

    Moving onward Ohmen slowly enters the captains quarters, his twitching hand setting down twenty five pieces onto the desk’s fabric.

    “Do you feel relieved?” A voice croaks into Ohmen’s ear.

    “No… I feel like I have lost.” He mumbles, taking a step back.

    “Good.” The voice replies.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
  3. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Clearly distraught from the second Wisdoms cold eyes met with their own the captain was fast to act. wanting to get both bird and changeling out of sight, and more importantly out of mind as quickly as they could.

    Ohmen was the kind of worker you would give a task at the start of the day, returning only at its end to see the task completed no matter its difficulty. The kind that best worked in silence and alone, he who would figure out various shortcuts and solutions to speed up the process, sometimes finishing a job hours before the shift’s end. He would sort out his own breaks and equipment, and needed no supervision or guidance. In many ways he was a valuable asset to have aboard the ship. Some times however it was painfully obvious that the captain wanted nothing to do with him and his ways. Now was one of those times.

    Having exchanged a few words the captain cuts the conversation short after having heard the raven whisper into Ohmen’s ear, the bird doing little to hide what it was saying.


    Turning around Ohmen walks back into the open air, glancing at the fleeting sunset before speaking out “I should have visited Kia… He has all that I needed from that Apothecary.”

    Fluttering ahead Wisdom sits upon the stair railing, following Ohmen down as he returns to the cabin. The Raven’s words were not sharp or abrupt, but rather slow, cool and unambiguous. shedding light unto both thoughts and feelings with a benevolent yet foreboding cold gaze.

    “He does not uphold arrogance... You sought approval Ohmen, Not goods. Either way, I suspect he has the components you desire.”

    Swallowing the truth the changeling heads back towards the chair, taking a seat after having placed down the deer antlers which Wisdom now perched upon to one side of the table. Ohmen now returns to counting his coins. With the total coming to be 183 he stashes away a majority before placing the rest into a smaller pouch and casting aside the rusted copper piece into the scrap pile.

    Almost immediately Wisdom leans out, catching the coin in their beak before placing it where the gold once stood and speaking.

    “This coin is worthy to be placed with that of the gold. I assure you that those destitute toil about how to put such a coin to use ten times over than those with gold in hand..."

    "Is it not the copper coin copper coin which forms the base upon which the gold is built, raised atop a tower of silver?"

    "Is it not the copper coin which you fall back upon once all others run dry?"

    "Is it not the copper coin which buys those desperate a bite of bread?"

    “Everything has value. You must first find it.

    Looking towards the bird once more Ohmen slowly drags the copper coin into his interior pocket before pushing back his chair and readying to leave the room, the smaller pouch of gold in hand. “Im going to see what I can exchange with Kia.”
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2020
  4. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk went to the Market again. The Crystal Merchant looked quite confused by Drakk's wound but Drakk claimed it was a training accident. Drakk took a few minutes to assess the size of the crystals. He found some cut to be light sources, apparently they needed to be cut in a certain way to truly shine. He also found a large one to looked like it could fit his staff with a few, minor, edits. Speaking to the shopkeeper, they negotiate some prices. The Merchant is quite impressed by Drakk's knowledge of stones and crystals and recommends a nearby gem merchant if he needed something to work on during his trip. After purchasing a large lamp crystal and staff crystal, Drakk buys a fairly large piece of Chrysoberyl and heads back to the ship.

    As he boards, he pauses to take another breath of the cool air on Silgis and looks over the city. Perhaps when this adventure was done, he may come back here. Start a family, and share the tales of his adventures with them. Nonetheless, Drakk went down to Sandy's kitchen to show her what he bought.
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Blinking in confusion, Captain Naresh casts the minotaur an odd look. "Mice. This tiny elephant, will chase mice. That I have to see to believe. I have always been taught that such beasts have fear for those tiny creatures!" Idly, she rubs her chin with one hand, and then shrugs. "Well, as long as you keep track of its, um, messes, and clean them up, I have no issue with such a pet." She frowns as the mimmoth makes a squeaky trumpeting sound. "As long as it does not do that while I sleep, anyway. As for Sandy, I suspect she might welcome such a thing had she not just refilled the chillbox. As an alternate suggestion, they do make mutton-ham. As it is smoked, it keeps for about a week, even when not chilled. Perhaps you could obtain a supply of that for the larder, so we can throw chunks at Garutis when he gets hungry? I dislike having raw fat and meat on my decking, and the crew doesn't want a repeat of his last meal. We cannot get some of the stains out of the planking."

    Before Tarkaz can say anything though, the Captain's attention is drawn away. "Ah," she says, looking past the minotaur to something behind him. "I see your cloaked and soaked friend has emerged from his slumber finally. Good evening, Ohmen," she add, scowling at the mage. "Feeling a little better after your ordeal?"

    Garutis, the sun has set, and you are on the prowl. However, you are rapidly finding that there isn't much to hunt here. Small lizards, something akin to a gigantic squirrel which looks to be mostly fur and no meat, and not much else...
  6. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis is dissapointed. he does realize that the squirrel would probably make a good scarf and attempts to fell it
  7. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Replying to the captain with a simple ‘And you?’, Ohmen had batted the question aside. Skipping over his answer before asking her much the same and returning to the cabin.

    Having spent a few minutes mulling over the coins and items, but also the ravens words Ohmen once again ventured back to the deck in search of Kia, leaving Wisdom, who was within her element, to sort through the remaining bits and ingredients.

    After looking for an unusually long amount of time Ohmen eventually finds the Kenku. Despite already knowing the bird was aware of Ohmen’s presence he steps forward, taking off his cloaks hood. “Greetings Kia.”

    Ohmen’s voice is somewhat soft, a slightly thankful tone hidden behind slowly spoken words. It is clear he is both tired and cold.

    “I do not wish to waste your last minutes of light with chatter..."

    The changeling takes a deep breath, looking at the setting sun whilst continuing to speak.

    "But if you have the time im curious as to what ingredients, mixtures and potions or other fruits of your alchemy if any you are willing to exchange and sell for some quick coins.."
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Laughing at both Ohmens non response and the little trumpet noise Tarkaz slaps the captains shoulder softly as if to say "that ones gonna be trouble" and leaves for the sleeping quarters. Along the way the Mimmoth can be heard happily trumpeting as more of the ship can be seen by it, upon reaching the cabin Tarkaz sets down the feed into his bed. Gently setting down the cage which has the mimmoth in it and opens up the treat bag, "I must go for a few moments, alone, Little one. Have this while I am gone" reaching out he has a few of the treats in his hand and a small trunk reaches through the cage door and happily takes them. Smiling wide, a bond is already forming, at least within Tarkaz.

    Heading down he walks towards Sandy's kitchen, he however hears Drakk, and although a rage stirs within him still, he remains his composure, completely ignoring the Kobold.

    "Sandy! I heard you filled up the chill chest...I hope it wasn't hard to get to when I rearranged the boxes around it to keep Gartus away from it." He laughs nervously, "I do have two surprises for you, however one of them I still have to go fetch. I do have a question though, but perhaps its better suited for the captain...do you happen to know if we have any extra rope I could use to...fashion something...?"
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2020
  9. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Nodding, the rust-colored kobold smiles at Tarkaz. "Oh, getting to the chill-chest wasn't an issue at all! I'm used to having to shift things around, and you did leave me a tunnel I could crawl through! I'm small enough that the narrow passage you left worked just fine for me!" Pausing for a moment, she thinks, then gestures towards the store-room across the hall. "Oh, rope is easy! There's some in the stores locker across the way! I'm surprised you have to ask, to be honest! You spent a lot of time in there just a week ago, organizing it and finding parts for the ballista!" She pauses again, then winces. "Oh, right, we'd run out, hadn't we? Well, I know for a fact that Captain Naresh bought some more and stocked several long coils of different weights of rope in that store-room. Help yourself! Just don't use it all up!" Glancing back at Drakk, she notices the look of worry and nervousness on the other kobold's face, then glances over at the minotaur. "Okay, wait, wait, wait. What did the two of you do? Drakk is as nervous as a newly-born lamb, and you're obviously trying to keep from saying something! Why don't you two get it out now, before we leave Silgis?"

    When Drakk gives a start, the cook nods. "Yes, we're leaving the moon a few days early. Captain Naresh took on an order that is urgently needed on another planet, and the sooner we get it there, the more we get paid. Now," she adds, picking up a ladle, "I want you two to talk it out here, now, or I'll have to have the Captain pitch both of you off of the ship to find a different berth. We can't have feuds among the crew!"
  10. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As the cloaked mage approaches, Kia's feathers ruffle a little. "Greetings-hello, shifty-mage! I see your bird-familiar is not with you. That is a strange-odd companion-servant-thing you have. But I suspect-sense you want something else..." As Ohmen speaks, the bird-man nods his head in quick, short jerks so like Wisdom's motions that Ohmen actually had to stifle an urge to laugh. "Ah, yes-true, I have potions, powders, herbs for sale! Some fruits, too, if you like berries!"
    TheCrazyKhorneGuy, Lizerd and Nazqua like this.
  11. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Tarkaz snorts loudly, angrily, eyes turning almost feral, "I do not like being compared to some wild beast and asked to be made a fool, I have had enough of that in my life at the hands of barbaric creatures" staring back at Drakk, "Magic users think they can just use anyone for their tricks and schemes...I will not be apart of it"

    Tarkaz tries to hide the true pain that is within himself
  12. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Deep in the forests outside of Port Admon, Garutis is hunting giant squirrels! They are crafty buggers, each the size of a large dog, yet somehow still capable of jumping from the highest branches of the trees! You make a couple of attempts on them with your axe, but all that does is light a tree on fire. You're not the brightest warrior in the world, but even you know that a forest fire is BAD, and you manage to put the flames out.

    Perhaps something faster to throw would make more sense? Looking around... you find a rock. A BIG rock.
  13. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Taken back by the minotaur's speech, Sandy frowns at Drakk. "What did you do?"
  14. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    But the rock... it is unsatisfying. As your gaze roams over it, a shadow falls over you. Looking up, you see another squirrel about to jump through the tree canopy over your head! Grinning, you take your axe in one hand and do an underhand swing, flinging the axe straight up into the air! You hit the squirrel JUST as it leaps from its perch! Taking a step back, you grin as squirrel and axe lands at your feet. You can already smell the squirrel meat beginning to cook from the heat of your blade!
  15. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis has made his kill, and carries the half cooked squirrel back to the ship for later consumption.

    Hopefully the crew wont mind him eating squirrel meat..
  16. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Drew, you're up on deck as Ohmen approaches the kenku. For some reason, you'd forgotten that the bird-man is also an alchemist. This worries you a little, but at the moment you're busy trying out your new punch-daggers on a training-pell you found in the hold. You did ask Captain Naresh if you could use it, and she replied that the ship carries it so the crew can practice with swords. As long as you don't destroy it, you can beat on it to your heart's content.
    TheCrazyKhorneGuy, Nazqua and Lizerd like this.
  17. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Somewhat slow to respond Ohmen brings a hand to where Wisdom would once sit. Thinking for a moment before talking, his voice crisp and cold like the cool evening air which he steadily breathed in.

    “Indeed, My shoulder does lack a certain bird…hm berries and fruits… I have already eaten but I suspect a hungry raven would appreciate that… How does a copper coin sound for a small handful?”

    Having reached into some pocket Ohmen rubs a small coin in his fingers, wiping away grime from its surface before gently placing it on the table. "Keep it either way. I wise voice once told me that even the copper coin has the potential to hold much value."

    “And yes.. Herbs sound good… Do you have any herbs or tea’s to help with my insomnia… all the harder to rest as of these latest days. I guess travelling unsettles the mind…”

    “Along those lines maybe one of your brew’s could help warm cold bones and a throaty cough? Spices and herbs.. Hm Cinnamon perhaps? Though my knowledge lies far from these things… In fact these practices are rather fascinating… I should look into them more… would you happen to have any simple books about herb lore and things of that nature for beginners?”

    Ohmen swallows, his voice trailing out, already worn from all the short amount of talking.

    “Sorry to keep you with all these requests, much plays on my mind.”
  18. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk shifts uncomfortably around the Large Minotaur, he knew Tarkaz could squash him with hardly any effort and he definitely didn't want to make him any angrier then he already was. Clearing his throat, Drakk exclaims "I'm really sorry Tarkaz, I have the tendency to speak before I think. And I really didn't know if your past and didn't think anything of my request, though comparing you to a bull definitely wasn't a good way of asking regardless. I really hope you can forgive me as I wouldn't want our chance of friendship to be squandered. So if you are willing, I would like to start over again and make things right.".
  19. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    As Drakk talks to Tarkaz, Garutis finds the spot where he ate the mystery meat and begins to skin the squirrel. As he does so he hums a tune, and from what can be gathered it is about mammoths, saber tooth tigers, and rocks. when several crew members ask him to move Garutis looks up and says
    "No, dis iz me spot. U dare challenge me for da spot?" he talks as he chews a squirrel bone
  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Clearing his throat, the rage in his eyes begins to fade, Tarkaz was touched by the humility and sincerity in Drakks voice.

    "Well I..." struggling to find the words he sinply nods at the Kobold as a small smile shows on his face, "Why don't you come with me to get a special gift for Sandy and tell me of your show which I missed, unless you have other things to attend to".

    Tarkaz smiles at Sandy.

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