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Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk smiles before following Tarkaz. Drakk begins to explain the events of his show, he talked about the acrobatics, knife throwing. Unfortunately he also had to explain the Axe throwing....... Drakk explained that he still needed to have a little chat about the "incident" with Garutis, but explained he didn't know how.
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    "If you feel youd want. I could be present for that talk...in case he gets...angry" a soft chuckle comes from the Minotaur

    Walking through town Tarkaz listens about the show, "That must have been quite the spectacle, I am glad the axe did not hit your in a more severe fashion. Sometimes I feel he will only listen to force and dominance with such a primitive mind" Tarkaz thinks a moment on this in silence

    Getting closer to the shop, the smell of meat, Fish and other butcher like smells waft through the air, "we are close"

    Hesitantly Tarkaz adds, "I hope you know I never had real intentions to harm you, even if my anger said otherwise" he looks down at Drakk with a hint of sorrow in his face
  3. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    A raucous squak fills the air as Kia vents a laugh. "Yes-true, berries for bird-creature a treat would be!" He takes your coin, and hands you a small pouch full of aromatic berries. "Treat for raven-bird these are, and for bipeds as well! Not poison-sick these. Berries of blue and goose, grown by kobold-things! Do not let raven eat too fast or he may choke-sick on them." The kenku normally wears a broad, oversized coat of some kind. You have never seen it open. Now you have. Beneath, Kia wears normal-ish clothing, a long tunic, belted about his waist. Inside the coat are sewn dozens of small pockets, each stuffed to the gills with something! Taking one pouch, he hands it to you with a chirp. "Cinnamon we have, yes-yes. Very popular. I sell a lot to baker-pastry chef, oh yes! As for sleep-aid, teas and tisanes I have-sell. Wish you for a warm-hot tea or a cooler draught-drink?" He waits for your answer.
    Nazqua and Lizerd like this.
  4. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew sees Drakk walk off with Tarkaz. Drew decides to follow them in case things don't smooth over well between Drew's two friends. As he came up on them, he heard Tarkaz's last words, smiled, and went back to training.
    Nazqua, Lizerd and Tk'ya'pyk like this.
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Garutis, the crew are annoyed with you. You're making a mess. You obviously do not CARE. Wooden floor is stupid, should leave dirt underfoot. Just add more dirt, then mess does not matter. You hear the crew talking about something called a 'tarrrrrp?' They want to put it under you to keep you from making a mess...
    TheCrazyKhorneGuy, Nazqua and Lizerd like this.
  6. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk chuckles and says "Perhaps your presence would be good, however there is something I could try that might be a non violent solution to Garutis' bad behavior. Force and Dominance could work, but I think fear and awe might as well. If I were to... Let's just say read his mind.... Perhaps he might stop, after all, if the seemingly powerless Kobold can read his inner thoughts, he might not know what else I can do....". Drakk finished this statement with a chuckle.
  7. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Izema, while all of this is going on, you've been resting in town. Taking a small amount of the money before anyone could stop you - your just rights, given you were in the act - you found a quiet place in a tavern and got yourself a drink and a meal. Reflecting on the chaos of the show, you wonder if Drakk is going to try to get some kind of retaliation against Garutis? Should he? Or should he just let it go? You're not sure, but the beer is cool and tasty...
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Laughing Tarkaz nods, "that would be terrifying"

    Coming to the butcher shop Takraz walks in, the smell of meat and particularly fish makes his mouth water.
  9. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Turp? Taarrp? Garutis ahs no clue what it is. He allows the crew to bring it out. Still he has no clue what it is. Do you eat it? Do you sleep on it? Or maybe you just sit on it?

    garutis takes it and sits on it. Its not bad to sit on... and weirdly enough it holds the muck of skinning his catch. While not as nice as a soft layer of dirt, it will do, if only to make the crew stop whining
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Walking up to the counter the Minotaur greets the butcher behind it, "Hi there, I al looking for a good amount of Mutton- Ham and also smoked fish that will keep well without cold for up to a week"
  11. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Having allowed the pouch of the pouch of berries to land softly within his hand Ohmen swiftly tucks them away into the embrace of his cloak before turning back to Kia with interest.

    “To my knowledge Wisdom hasn't even eaten yet. She will appreciate these much..."

    Regarding the Kenku’s coat’s many pouches and pockets with interest, for it shared much with that of his cloak, the changeling continues. Gently pressing the small pack of cinnamon within his hand Ohmen finds a sweet, earthy scent wash over him. “I can imagine so, the cinnamon could probably go well with a few of the berries for myself, among other things.”

    Thinking for a minute Ohmen can feel the cold air nipping at his exposed, unhooded features and chilling his lungs.

    “With night in the air I reckon some warm tea would be best to both soothe the throat, help to heat cold bones and ease insomnia…”

    “On another note perhaps you have some strong mints and sweets, the kind so strong they burn and clear both throat and mind… I find it good to have them at hand, one of those ways to keep concentration and drive off the storms of thoughts which assail me.”

    The changeling's eyes are somewhat melancholy,their colour contrasting to his cloak's colour which helps to guide the navy darkness of night to drift downwards, whilst also shifting and imitating the soft cascades of oranges and red’s behind.

    “Oh and one last thing, Would you happen to have made any candle-rods or smokesticks? really anything that can be used to replace the torch… At any one moment much more of the world is in shadow rather than in light, Such is their usefulness.”
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
  12. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Whilst Ohmen sought out both herb and brew Wisdom was within her element. Surrounded by a desk of bracelets, beads and tassels. Each corner filled with even stranger trinkets, charms and talismans or Jars of ingredient, powder and fungus. Ohmen had certainly collected much throughout his travels, a high proportion of it coming into his hands due to Wisdoms curiosity and claws alone.

    To the left crude charms glimmer, their metal bent into strange symbols and runes, each of which seemed to hold a certain weight about them, the air surrounding them thick and heavy.

    To the right a small collection of crystalline beads and spires clasped in metal, such was the harsh unworked nature of their surface it reflected the light as to hurt the eyes if one were to look at them for too long.

    Ahead a collection of small jars, One in particular seeming to contain swirling shadows which clawed and raked at their glass prison. Whilst another looked to house a small mound of dissolving metal scrap, and another holding fine soot powder.

    Much gathered from all the forgotten corners each world and place lay here organised and drying out on the desk, each and every piece telling a story of its own.

    Despite that however, a handful of the more seemingly mundane items caught Wisdoms attention out of all others… A small collection of tattered scrolls and parchment, each piece empty, their stained surfaces touched only by dust begging to be filled…
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
  13. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Yes, Garutis, taaaaarpuh. It is named like that gooey black stuff you sometimes find, surrounded by bones, but not. Big flat piece of... cloth? Something, anyway. Sticky. Smells like wax and squirrel bits. Good, strong cloth. Good, half-burnt squirrel.

    Elsewhere on the ship, Ohmen finishes talking and the kenku nods emphatically. "Yes-true, tea better for sleep-rest is! One coin of gold will give-buy enough for a month if you use-drink-steep daily. Mint though, what is mint?" As you try to explain what mint is, the bird-kin shrugs. Kia does not understand that flavor. Apparently there are flavors the bird-kin cannot taste. The closest he can come is catnip, apparently? It is a kind of mint at least? Smokesticks (incense) he does have, but they do not throw off any light, just smoke and scent. Candles? No. He is an alchemist, not a candle-maker. "No-no, candles I have not. Travel well they do is lie-untruth. I sometimes make candles, yes-true, but have none at the moment."

    Tarkaz, Drakk, a haunch of smoked mutton-ham will cost you 15 gold. A wax bag full of dry-fish (dried, smoked salmon of some kind) will cost you 10 gp. The dry-fish will keep longer, but you taste both and the mutton-ham tastes much better. They also have something called mutton-chips? They smell all right and look like little dried sausage discs, but something about the name is ringing bells in your memories...

    Drew, your new punch-daggers have excellent balance and heft. You suspect you're going to enjoy using them in battle.

    Izema, the beer is still cold and tasty.
  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Smiling Tarkaz says he will take both the Mutton-Ham and the Bag of smoked fish, turning to Drakk, "The ham will be for Sandy to serve up to the crew, the fish is for myself" he licks his lips. Handing the gp's to the butcher he thanks him
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    “Truly. May this tea’s effects allow sleep to come to me all the sooner, and with hope shadows beset me no longer.”

    His pale hands slightly quivering Ohmen places the small leather pouch within his palm before taking out a singular gold piece, and as he does so its gold surface wink’s at the Kenku as if recently cleaned.

    Reaching out Ohmen passes the coin to Kia and as he does so the Kenku can't help but notice how cold the changeling's hand’s are. Now with Kia holding the weight of a golden coin in hand Ohmen continues, leaving the possibility of the crow possessing strong mints behind after having done his best to describe them.

    “Disregard the candle’s I am sure I can source them elsewhere, Smokesticks and incense, I do however have an interest in those that you have… They are the kind of scent or heavy smoke? Either way I will take depending on pric-.”

    Abruptly Ohmens words are cut short as a raven on wing flutters to his side with much to say.

    “You wish to prepare no? Spells and magic will no doubt be tools of great potential if you wish to be guided far, Spellbound scroll’s one would believe even more so?”

    His head flicking around Ohmen quickly addresses Wisdom having thought for a handful of seconds “Scrolls? What brings such to your mind? Perhaps Wisdom… Perhaps..”

    “Though, If your wings do not ache and talons do not strain it would be much appreciated if you could purchase both candle and torch from the market. Make haste if you do so for the ship leaves shorty.”

    Not needing a response Ohmen lifts up a palm housing three silver coins, which are almost immediately snatched up in talon and claw as the raven glides swiftly toward the market.

    Unfazed by the storm of feathers to his right the changeling quickly turns back to Kia, Apologizing for losing his train of thought and having the bird interrupt.


    With mission in mind, Wisdom soars above the market, the sound of heavy footfall and sweaty voices no quieter from above.

    The birds' eyes flicking between people and stalls the raven circles, searching for a candle dealer, or shop of that nature.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2020
  16. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    1: Candleshop is easy to find. The Chandler is kind of confused to be selling to a raven, but accepts 1 sp for 6 taper candles. They smell a little of sheep fat and lanolin.
    2: Incense comes in several scents. Sandalwood (1 gp/6 sticks), Cinnamon (3 gp/6 sticks), Sage (5 sp/6 sticks), "holy(?)" (20 gp/stick), "protection(?)" (50 gp/stick), "ghostbane(?)" (75 gp/stick) and "skeletonbane(?)" (65 gp/stick). The first four are pretty obvious, Kia has to explain the others. They are all enchanted. Holy incense grants a bless spell to good-aligned people within 5'. Protection is a Circle of Protection spell with a 10' radius, protecting those inside from magic spells. Ghostbane prevents etherial creatures from entering a 10' radius around the incense, and skeletonbane does the same for corporeal undead (skeletons, zombies, etc) like a Protection vs Undead spell.

    Drakk and Tarkaz, you suspect avoiding the mutton chips are a good plan.

    Izema, you have finished your beer. You suspect you should probably head back to the ship.
    Lizerd, TheCrazyKhorneGuy and Nazqua like this.
  17. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Avoiding the Chips Tarkaz smiles and takes the mutton-ham and the sac if smoked fish and turns to Drakk, "we should probably get back to the ship". Turning back to the butcher he gives him the money he is owed and then walks out of the shop and back into the street
  18. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    “From herb and extract to ensorcelled wards which provide both protection against those unhallowed and warm blessings to the unwary. There is much that interests me in these.”

    Ohmen thinks, his eyes cast skyward before returning back to meet with Kia’s.

    “I will take two of the holy incenses which provide favor from the divine, and a singular incense of protection, the one which works to shield those within from magic which means to harm and pester.”

    With candle’s still in talon Wisdom flutters down to land upon a nearby railing, adding to the conversation as if the raven was there all along… Strange..

    “A-All to common is such Magic. Much that is wise and wary to source protection from it in preparation for when Fate decides for a situation where such Magic’s arise.”

    Nevertheless, Ohmen continues.

    “As for those mundane for solace and scent I will take a bundle of both Sage and Sandalwood. Sage to bring sharp alleviation to the mind and to soothe the breath, Sandalwood for both its warmth and comfort alike.”

    Having let another few seconds of silence emanate in the air Ohmen gently places his leather pouch onto the nearby table. having Wisdom; who had recently just returned with candles in claw, Watch over it whilst he paced back towards the cabins to collect the full amount of coins needed to make the purchase.

    (5 Sp/6 Sticks Sage, 1 Gp/6 SticksSandalwood, 40 Gp/2 Sticks Holy, 50 Gp/1 Stick Protection = 91 Gp, 5 Sp.)

    Returning a handful of moments later the changeling places down a heavy sum of gold onto the table before scooping up the mostly empty, or rather, fully empty leather pouch and placing it back onto his belt.

    "G-Gold and Glory has little use sitting there only to shine. best to prepare for all manner of situation one is bound to encounter, an investment into fate. coin put to use and given devout purpose."

    Wisdom adds before the Kenku responds.
  19. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    It doesn't take long for Tarkaz and Drakk to return to the ship. They run into Izema as they approach the docks. The brawler seems a little curious as to the waxed-parchment package (the mutton-ham) that the minotaur is carrying, and smells a hint of something fish-like from the dry-fish. For his part, Izema seems a little tipsy. Not drunk, just a little more relaxed than normal. Overhead, you can see the raven, Wisdom, wing his way towards the aftcastle where Kia and Ohmen seem to be talking.

    As the three board the ship, Captain Naresh is waiting. She smiles a little at the sight of that ham-scented bundle, wondering what it is for. A more stern look crosses her mouth, however, as she turns to Drakk. "Good, you're back. I want you on the helm and ready to take off in half an hour. I took on a rush-commission to transport some badly-needed supplies to an outpost beyond Vyapor. Apparently they got hit by some kind of brigands of pirates. Several citizens were taken and supplies they would need to last out the coming winter months were taken as well. Go helm-up!"
  20. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk nods to the captain before smiling at Tarkaz and heading to his quarters to prepare himself. Drakk changed into some more comfortable robes and then proceeded to the Helm. Taking a seat, Drakk let the power of the Helm wash over him. He was the ship yet wasn't the ship. His mind fused with the celestial database and he plotted them a course to Vyapor.

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